Edmd. Mccarthy 960. New Land Homin? ye 27th page GEORGE the Second * to all * WHEREAS * WE HAVE given granted & confirmed and by these presents for us our house? and successors do give grant and conform unto Edmond Macarthy of Ile of Wight County one cerain tract or parcel of land containing two hundred and sixty acres lying and being on both sides of the North Fork of Jeneto Brook in the county of Brunswick aforesaid and bounded as followeth (to wit) Beginning at a corner red oak on the north side of the said creek thence west seventeen degrees south four hundred and eighty poles to a corner pine. Thence south seventeen degrees east three hundred and twenty poles crossing the creek to a corner hickory thence east seventeen degrees north four hundred and eighty poles to a corner in the midst of several trees choped inward. Thence north seventeen degrees west three hundred and twenty poles crossing the creek to the beginning. With all * to have hold * yielding and paying * provided * in witness * witness our trsty and well beloved William Gooch Esqr. our Lieut. Governor and Commander in Chief of our said colony and Dominion at Williamsburgh under the seal of our said colony the twenty eighth day of September one thousand seven hundred twenty eight in the second year of our reign. William Gooch ----- * unknown symbol Transcribed Aug 2014 by Travis Hardin. Source: (Brunswick County) Land Office Patents No. 14, 1728-1732 (pt. 1&2) p. 29 Reel 11. Viewed online at Library of Virginia, whose index spells it "Geneto Creek."