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Brunswick County, VA-Will Book-Vol I, pg 45


In the Name of God Amen  I Thomas Sadler Senr of the County of Brunswick
do make this my last Will & Testament in manner and form following (to
wit) I lend unto my wife Rebecca Sadler two Beds & furniture during her
life And at her death I give the said two Beds to my two grand Sons John
& Henry Sadler, to John I give the one I Sleep on & the other to Henry
to them & their Heirs forever~
I Give unto my Son Henry Sadler six Shillings to him and his Heirs
forever.  I Give unto my two Daughters Fanny Dugger & Elizabeth Bennett
one Bed & Bedstead to be equally Divided between them & their Heirs
I Give unto my Son Featherstone Sadler to him & his Heirs forever the
tract of Land whereon I now live by estimation two Hundred & Sixty one
acres more or Less.  Provided he pays my Son Charles Sadler thirty five
pounds.  And in case my Son Featherstone does not pay unto my Son
Charles the above thirty five pounds Then I Give unto my said Son
Charles Sadler one Hundred acres of Land to be taken off the South side
of the said tract of Land & Between the Gum branch & the Road to him &
his Heirs forever~
I Give unto my Son Featherstone Sadler the remainder of my Estate both
real & personal to him & his Heirs forever~
I desire that there be no appraisment of my Estate.  Lastly I nominate &
appoint my Son Featherstone Sadler and Thomas Moore Senr. Executors of
theis my last Will & Testament.  In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set
my Hand & affixed my Seal this fifth day of June in the Year of our Lord
one thousand Seven hundred & Ninety five.
Signed Sealed Published &
declared to be my last will &}                      Thomas Sadler [seal]

Testament and presents of
Jn Stith                                              Brunswick County
Court July 25 1796
Griffen Stith}                                     This last Will and
Testament of
Jarrad (his mark) Abernathy               Thomas Sadler decd. was proved
                                                          the oath of
John Stith & Jarrard
Abernathy Witnesses thereof & ordered to be recorded & on the motion of
Featherstone Sadler one of the Executors therein named he having made
affirmation thereto according to law, together with Buckner Stith his
Security entered into & acknowledged a Bond in the penalty of Two
thousand pounds Condition as the Law directs certificate is granted him
for obtaining a probate thereof in due form liberty being reserved for
the other Exor. to Join in the said probate when he thinks
fit.               Teste

B. Jones ClK.

Submitted by Linda Lewis Lepow


In the Name of God Amen I James Fletcher in the Parish of 
ST. Andrews in the County of Brunswick being weak in Body
but of a Sound & perfect & disposing mind & memory thanks 
be given to almight God for the Same & calling to mind the
Mortality of my Body & knowing that it is appointed for 
all persons [__] to dye do make ordain this my Last Will 
& testament by me heretofore mad First I recommend my 
Soul into the hands of God that gave it and for my body 
I recomend to the Earth to be buried a desent and Christian 
manner by my Executors hereafter named. As touching the 
diposition of all Such temporall Estate as it hath please 
Almight God to bestow upon me I d[__] devise & dispose 
as followeth IMPRIMIS I will that my [__] Funeral Expenses 
be duly paid and discharged. Item I give to my son Richard 
Fletcher one Writing Slate and [__] Item I give to my Daughter 
Mary Fletcher one [____] prayer book & choice of any one of 
my bed with Bolster Rug Blanket and Sheet & bed Steed which 
was left her by her Frandfather. Item I give to my Daughter 
Sarah Nichols five Shillings. Item I give to my Daugher 
Eliz. Fletcher ten Shillings. Item I will that my Estate 
Vizt. negros horses Mares Chattels Hogs & household Good 
and all my f[___] Cloaths as [____] wollen cotton [___] 
and all other apparrel be appraised & Sold by my Exors. 
to pay my creditors. Item I give to my Son John Fletcher 
the upper half of the Entry of Land lying upon
Moor Swamp. Item I give to my Son Mathew Fletcher the 
other part of the Sd. Entry. Item I will that the Sd. 
Entry of Land be paid for the Survey out of my Estate 
by my Exors. Item I will [__] Executors do Enter two 
hundred acres of Land and pay the Same out of my Estate 
for my Sons John Fletcher. Item I give to my wife Amy 
Fletcher one bed bolster Rug blanket & a par of Sheets 
to her till my Son Wm. Fletcher is Sixteen years of 
Age and then he Shall be free and receive the Sd. Bed
and beding or if his Mother Should dye then to Recive 
the same above mentioned Item I will that all the Remining 
part of my Estate after my debts is pay'd be Equally 
divided between my Wife and my four youngest Children 
Vizt James John Nathan and William Fletcher And I do 
hereby Nominate and appoint Joseph Harwood & Phillip 
Harrwood full & Sole Execus. of this my Last will & 
Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my 
hand & affixed my Seal this twenty first day of may 
in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven 
hundred and thirty three. Signed by James Fletcher. 

Signed Seal'd and published by the named James Fletcher 
the Testator as his Last Will & Testament [torn]. 

At a Court held for Brunswick County the 5th day of October 
1733- -This Will was proved in Court by Joseph Harwood
and Philip Harwood [___] (they giving Security for the 
Same) made Oath thereto according to Law and the same 
being proved by Willm. [___] Eliz. Tapeley? and Lucy 
Duke witnesses thereto it is admitted to Record. 
Test. Drury Stith, CC. 

Wills & Deed Book 1, page 74, Brunswick County, Virginia 


In the name of the Father Son & Holy Gost (sic) Amen. I Samuel 
Hardon [Hardin] Sick of Body but of perfect memory do
first bequeath my Soul to the Almight God and my Body to be buried 
Christian like; I do will & bequeath unto my Wife
Elizabeth Hardon fifteen head of Cattle and what hogs belongst 
[___] to Each of my Sons I give & bequeath owne hefer
a[__] and the breeders that rowes from or of the to each the 
breed of his own heifer and what proceeeds from them of Steers
to my wife towards maintaining of her Children Item I give unto 
my three Eldest Sons Six hundred & fourty Acres of Land in
North Carolina to be Equally devided amongst them to them and 
their heirs for Ever my plantation I have to my Wife
Elizabeth Hardon her lifetime and after her decease to my Son 
William Hardin in case the child she goes with be a Girl
and if it should be a Son the Land to be Equally divided between 
them; Item I give & bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth
Hardon my house and all other [_]umberment that I have Item I 
desire if my Wife Should dye before my Children are of Age
that Edward MarCarthy Should be their Guardian to take care 
of them and what they have It being my last will & testament
Soe help me God. Signed Samuel Hardon. Signed in the presence 
of us: Thomas Powel and John Powel. 

At a Court held for Brunswick County the 4th day of October 
1732 This Will was proved in Court by Elizabet Hardon
Executrix (She given Security for the Same) made Oath thereto 
according to Law & the same being proved by Thomas
Powel & John Powel Witnesses thereto it is admitted to record. 

Wills & Deeds Book 1, page 85, Brunswick County, Virginia. 


In the Name of God Amen. I George Catour of the Isle of Wight
County being of perfect Sense and memory and considering the 
uncertainty of this transitory Life doe make this my last 
will & Testament in manner & form as followeth first I
bequeath my Soul into the hands of Almight God that Gave 
it hoping for Salvation through the merits of my Dear Saviour
Jesus Christ and my body to the Earth to be desently buried 
according to the desire of my Executrix herein named and as 
for my worldly goods which it hath pleased God [__]d to me 
with all I give and bestow as followeth ---- Item I give and
bequeath to my dear and Loving Wife all my personall Estate 
goods & Chattells in doors & out doors during her widowhood
and if She marries then to be Equally divided between my Wife 
and my children to them & their heirs for Ever -- - Item I do
hereby constitute & appoint my Lawfull Wife my hole and Sole 
Executrix of this my Las (sic) Will & testament In Witness
whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 29th of 
August 1732. Signed George Catour and witnessed by Batte
Peterson, Matthew Parham, and Mary Aldridge. At a Court held 
for Brunswick County the fourth day of Aprill 1734 This
Will was presented in Court by Mary Catour executrix therein 
named who made oath thereto according to law ans the same
being proved by Batte Peterson & Matt. Parham Witnesses 
thereto it is admited to Record. 

Will and Deed Book 1, page 109, Brunswick County, Virginia. 


In the Name of God Amen the first day of August in the year of our 
Lord one thousand Seven hundred and thirty three I
Francis Steed of Brunswick County being Sick and Weak of bodyly 
health but in perfect mind and memory thanks be given
to Almight God for the same calling to mind the uncertainty 
of this transitory Life do make this my Last will & Testament for
the Settling my worldly affairs in manner and form following 
first and principally commending my Soul to Almight God who
Gave it and my body to the Earth to be buried in a Christian 
manner at the descresion of my Exrs. with a sure and Certain
hope through the meritts of a Blessed Saviour of a Resurrection 
to Eternal Life. Imprimis it is my will & desire that all my Just
Debts & funerall Charges be truly paid. Item I give to my Daughter 
Rachel Linehow Cow & Calf & one breeding mare to
her and her heirs or assignes for Ever. Item I give to my Loving 
Wife Rachel Steed the full & Sole use of one half of my
personal Estate be it of what nature or Quality Soever during 
the time She continues my widow but as Soon as she Shall ceas
(sic) to be So Either by Death or marriage then it is my will 
& desire that all that part of my Sd. Estate so Left for the 
use of my
wife aforesd. return to my Daughter Mary Steed all wch. I do 
give to her the Sd. Mary and to her heirs & assings (sic) for
Ever. Item I give and bequeath all the rest and residue of my 
personal Estate be it of what nature or Quality Soever to be
Equally divided between my Son Francis Steed and my daughter 
Mary Steed to whom I do give them each their Equall
moyety to them their heirs or assigns for Ever. Item I give 
and bequeath to my Son Francis Steed the plantation where I 
now live with all the tract of Land therunto belonging to him 
the Sd. Francis Steed Jur. his heirs or assigns for Ever but it is my
Will & desire and I do hereby order that my Loving Wife Rachel Steed 
have the liberty peaceably and Quietly to posses
occupie and Enjoy one half of the Sd. Land and plantation during 
the time She remains my widow and as soon as She Shall
ceas (sic) to be so Either by death or marriage her Right to leas 
and determine and the Right thereof to be immediately in my
Sd. Son Francis Steed Junr. in the same manner as if Such Liberty 
had never been given and I do hereby authorise
Constitute and appoint my Sd. Son Francis Steed whole & Sole Executor 
to this my Last Will & Testament hearby revoking
and making voind all other Wills by me heretofore made and allowing 
this duly to be in fource In Witness whreof I have
hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and Year above written. 
Signed Francis Steed and witnessed by Henry Fox,
Michael Wall, and John Elzey. 

At a Court held for Brunswick county the fourth day of Aprill 
1734 This Will was presented & proved in Court by Henry
Fox Michael Wall & John Elzey Witensses and it is admitted to 

Will & Deeds Book 1, page 109, Brunswick County, Virginia 


Deed Bk. 1 1732-1740
p. 165 Robert HIX ( Hicks  ?) sig. of St. Andrews Parish Brunswick Co. Va. for
love and affection to Samuel CLARK Jr.

p. 167 Robert HICKS to Thomas JACOBS and Tabitha his wife, daughter of Robert

p. 168 Daniel HICKS will
Dec. 1734
son Thomas Hicks, son Daniel Hicks,
beloved daughter Mary Hicks
son Benjamin Hicks
proved in court April 3, 1735

Submitted by Judy W right 



In the name of God Amen I Robert Hicks of the parish of St. Andrews 
in the County of Brunswick being [weak] in body but
of a sound and perfect disposing mind and memory [__________] for 
the same in calling to mind the mortality of men
[______] that it is appointed for all persons once to dye to make 
and ordain  this to be my last will and Testament in manner
and form following hereby revoking all other wills [and codicils] 
by me heretofore made. First, I commend my soul unto the
hands of God that [ ________ ] my body I commend to the earth to be 
buried in decent Christian manner by my executrix
hereinafter named and as touching the disposition of all such temporal 
estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon
me [ _______ ] I give devise and dispose thereof al follows. Impimis 
I will that my debts and funeral expenses be duly paid
and discharged by my wife my executrix. Item. I give unto my son 
Nathaniel the plantation whereon Richard Johnson now
lives and an entry of land on the Great Creek being approximately 
200 acres.  I give and bequeath unto my son Nathaniel 3
negroes Jules Holcey (?) and Jack. Item. I give and bequeath unto 
Elizabeth a negro boy named Sam. Item. I give to my
daughter Winyfred a negro girl named Dinah and the child dark now 
goes with. Item I give unto my daughter Martha my
negro girl Platt.  Item. I give unto my daughter Sarah my negro 
London. Item. I give unto my daughter Mary negro
Charles. Item. I give unto Capt. John Turner his heirs executors 
and assign all my lands at Great Swamp being 400 acres
bought of Arthur Kavanaugh one hundred fifty I bought of Capt. 
Brown one hundred and thirty five I bought of Col.
Allen. Item. I give unto my loving wife all my goods and chattels 
both real and personal which are not hereintofore given and
disposed of and I do hereby nominate and appoint my wife and son 
full and sole executors of this my last will and Testament.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal 
this twentieth day March in the year of our Lord Christ
1735. My estate to be inventoried but not appraised. Signed by 
Robert Hicks (Seal) Signed sealed and published by the sd.
Robert Hicks the Testator as his last Will and Testament in the 
presence of us the subscribers, viz. Benjamin Chapman
Donaldson, Simon Turner, Robert Clark. 

At a court held for Brunswick County on the 7th day of October 
Anno Domino 1737 this will was presented in Court by
Elizabeth Hicks the Executrix therein named who made oath thereto 
and the same being proved by Simon Turner and
Robert Clark witnesses thereto it is admitted to record. 

Deed and Will Book 1, page 285, Brunswick County, Virginia 


p. 412 James PARRISH of Brunswick Co. Va. to John Parrish Senr. of County of
Charles City
said James Parrish by letters bearing date at Williamsburgh the 28th day of
August 1731...559 acres... deed for land with livery
Nov. 5, 1738
witnessed by Drury SMITH

submitted by Judy W right