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Brunswick County, Virginia
Deed Book 3 (1744-1749)

     Indenture 27 July 1744 between James Johnston of Brunswick
and John Mead of same, Carpenter, œ40, North side Otter River,
130a.  Signed James Johnson (bhm) and Catharine Johnson (bhm). 
Witnesses: John Phelps, Christopher Irvine, Robert Baber, Junr.,
& Benjamin Mead.  Court March 7, 1744, Indenture, Memorandum and
Receipt proved by oaths of John Phelps, Robert Baber, Junr. and
Benjamin Mead. Deed Book 3, Page 3.

     Indenture 28 July 1744 between Abigail Mayo of Brunswick,
St. Andrews Parish, and Michael Wall of same, œ5, South side of
falling Run, 100a, granted by Pattent to James Mayo 18 Feb 1722. 
Signed Abigail Mayo (bhm).  Witnesses:  Nathaniel Edwards,
George Hicks, Rebecca Chapman, Thomas Rose.  Court February 7,
1744, Indenture and Memorandum proved by Oath of George Hicks,
Gent, and Rebecca Chapman, widow. Court March 7 1744, further
proved by oath of Thomas Rose. Deed Book 3, Page 3.

     Indenture 7 April 1745 between John Ezell of Brunswick and
Richard Russell of same, œ25, 330a, South side of Bryerry Creek and bounded as
by Letters pattent granted to the said John Ezell
dated 25 July 1741.  Signed John Ezell.  Court April 4, 1745,
Indenture acknowledged by John Ezell and Hanah, wife of the said
John Relinquished Right of Dower. Deed Book 3, Page 4.

     Indenture 4 April 1745 between Bird Thomas Lanier of
Brunswick and Richard Russell of same, œ45, 283a, being part of a
Larger tract which was Granted to John Spell by Letters Pattent
dated 28 December 1736.  Signed by Bird Thomas Lanier. 
Witnesses:  John Ward, John Ezell, Thomas Twitty.  Court April 4,
1748, Indenture acknowledged by Bird Thomas Lanier; Mary the wife
of the said Bird Thomas Lanier relinquished Right of Dower.  Deed
Book 3, Page 6.

     Indenture 4 April 1745 between Thomas Sissons of Brunswick,
Planter and Hanah his wife and Nathaniel Raines of Prince George
County, Planter,  œ7, South side of the three Creeks, 350a
granted by Letters Patent dated 18 February 1722 unto John Raines
decd.   Signed Thomas Sisson, & Hannah Sisson.  Witnesses:  John
Maclin, Edward Goodrich.  Court April 4, 1745, Indenture and
Memorandum acknowledged by Thomas Sisson Planter and Hannah his
wife. Deed Book 3, Page 8.

     Indenture 12 March 1744 between William Batt of Prince
George County and William Adams of Brunswick, œ20, 290a, South
side of Maherrin River.  Signed William Batt.  Witnesses:  Thomas
Lanier, John Maclin, James Cook.  Court April 4, 1745, Indenture
and memorandum proved by the oaths of Thomas Lanier, John Maclin
and James Cooke. Deed Book 3, Page 102.

     Thomas Denton of Brunswick County, stands indebted to
William Williams of Isle of Wight County, for œ30, dated 23
December 1738.  Condition if Thomas Denton do acknowledge and
make a firm right and title to William Williams to a Certain
tract or parcel of Land Containing 134a, on East side of Shining
Creek or Isen-Glass Creek, being part of a tract Pattented by
Thomas Sisson decd. by 15 May next ensuing.  Signed by Thomas
Denton (bhm).  Witnesses:  Thomas Lanier, James Cook, Sampson
Lanier, Junr.  Court April 4, 1745, Bond proved by oaths of Thos.
Lanier and James Cooke. Deed Book 3, Page 12.

     Indenture made 6 March 1744/5, between William Munford of
Prince George County and David Douglass of Brunswick, œ25, 290a,
part of a 390a tract, Upper side of Cocks's Creek which was
granted to the said William Munford by Letters Patent 28
September 1730.  Signed William Munford and Mary Munford. 
Witnesses:  Henry Dickson, Mark Harwell, and David Abernathy
(bhm).  Court April 4, 1745,  Indenture and Memorandum
acknowledged by William Munford. Deed Book 3, Page 13.

     Indenture 2 May 1745 between Henry Jones of St. Andrew
Parish, Brunswick Co., and William Jones of same, 20 Shillings,
288a.  Signed Henry Jones.  Witnesses:  William Averis, William
Rede.  Court May 2, 1745, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged
by Henry Jones. Deed Book 3, Page 15.

     Indenture 2 May 1745 between Henry Jones of St. Andrew
Parish, Brunswick County and Hix Jones of same, 20 Shillings,
116a.  Signed Henry Jones.  Witnesses:  William Rede, William
Averis.  Court May 2, 1745, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged
by Henry Jones. Deed Book 3, Page 16.

     Indenture 2 May 1745 between Hix Jones of St. Andrew Parish,
Brunswick County, and William Jones of same, 5 Shillings, 12a. 
Signed Hicks Jones.  Witnesses:  Moses Dunkly, William Edwards,
Morgan Mackenny.  Court May 2, 1745, Indenture and Memorandum
acknowledged by Hicks Jones. Deed Book 3, Page 18.

     Indenture made 2 May 1745 between James Wyche and Elizabeth
his wife of Surry County and Charles Collier of Brunswick, œ20,
South side of Maherrin River, 150a.  Signed James Wyche (bhm) and
Elizabeth Wyche (bhm).  Court May 2, 1745, Indenture and
Memorandum acknowledged by James Wyche and Elizabeth his wife,
previous to which the said Elizabeth was privily examined.  Deed
Book 3, Page 20.

     William Douglass of Brunswick County, œ35, paid by Robert
Landay of Notoway Parish in Isle of Wight County, tract Beginning
at a red Oak Near the Lower end of the Dutchman's Meadow thence
East by North one hundred fifty five pole to a Gum then South
east one hundred pole to a gum then South forty degrees west
Eighty pole to three Gum[?] then North fifty four Degrees west
Sixty two pole to a red oak then west by South Seventy Nine pole
to a white oak then North west by North fifty two pole to a Live
oak and North twenty two Degrees west thirty Eight pole to the
Beginning.  Signed William Duglas (bhm).  Witnesses:  Batt
Peterson, Burrell Brown, Timothy Rieves.  Court May 2, 1745, Deed
and Memorandum acknowledged by William Duglis. Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 2 May 1745 between Cornelius Cargill of
Brunswick and Henry Devenport of same, œ10, North side of Stanton
River, 100a.  Signed Cornelius Cargill.  Court May 2, 1745,
Indenture, memorandum and Receipt acknowledged by Cornelius
Cargill.  Deed Book 3, Page 24.

     Indenture made 17 May 1745 between William Smith of
Brunswick County, planter, and Batt Peterson of same, œ25, South
side Merring, 150a.  Signed William Smith (bhm).  Witnesses: 
Burrell Brown, Belean Posey, Sarah Denton (bhm).  Court June 6,
1745, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by William Smith,
Planter.  Deed Book 3, Page 26.

     Indenture made 5 June 1745 between William Smith of Surry
County and Cornelius Cargill of Brunswick, 43 Shillings, 50a,
North side of Stanton River opposite to the Plantation of the said Cargill and
the same whereon he now lives {granted to the said William Smith and the said
Cornelius Cargill by Letters Patent).  Signed William Smith (bhm).  Witnesses: 
Walter Campbell, David King, Robert Campbell.  Receipt witnessed by Clement
Read and Matthew Talbot.  Court 6 June 1745, Indenture, Memorandum and Receipt
acknowledged by Wm. Smith. Deed Book 3, Page 28.

     Indenture made 6 June 1745 between Richard Huckiby Late of
the County of Brunswick and John Roberson of Brunswick, œ50,
350a, 100a of the said Quantity purchased of William Gower being
part of a tract Granted to the said William Gower by Patent for
300a dated 18 February 1722, and 135a more part granted to Thomas
Huckiby by patent dated 17 July 1726, residue being part of a
tract granted to the said Thomas Huckiby by patent for 316a dated
28 September 1728.  Signed Richard Huckiby (bhm).  Witnesses: 
Micajah Perry, James Cook.  Court June 6, 1745, Indenture and
Memorandum acknowledged by Richard Huckabee and Mary the wife of
the said Richard relinquished her right of dower.  Deed Book 3,
Page 30.

     Indenture made 29 May 1745 between Francis Elledge of
Brunswick and St. Andrew parish and John Johnson of same, œ25, on
Rockey Branch, 182a.  Signed Francis Ealidge.  Witnesses:  Robert
Cook, Thomas Priestwood, William Johnson (bhm).  Court 6 June
1745, Indenture acknowledged by Francis Ealidge.  Deed Book 3,
Page 32.

     Indenture made 6 June 1745 between Benjamin Wyndsley of
Brunswick and Thomas McKinney of same, œ5, 32a, being part of a
tract containing 400a lying on both sides of Bears Element Creek
which was granted to the said Wyndsley by Letters patent dated 13
July 1742, which said 32a is all the Land belonging to the said
tract which lies on the east side of the said Creek.  Signed
Benjamin Winsly.  Witnesses:  Thomas Twitty, Jesse Brown.  Court
6 June 1745, Indenture acknowledged by Benja. Winsly.  Deed Book
3, Page 35.

     Indenture made 4 July 1745 between Absalom Atkinson of Isle
of Wight, School Master, and John Tooke of Brunswick, Black
Smith, œ50, South side of Fountains Creek, 286a, Patent granted
to John New dated 22 September 1739 and sold by him to William
Southerland and Robert Southerland and by them conveyed to the
forementioned Absalom Atkinson.  Signed Absalom Atkinson. 
Witnesses:  Theophilus Feild, William Embry, Thomas Embry.  Court
July 4, 1745, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by Absalom
Atkinson.  Deed Book 3, Page 37.

     Indenture made 4 July 1745 between John Tooke of Brunswick,
Black Smith, and Absalom Atkinson of Isle of Wight, School
Master, œ50, Beginning at a Live Oak on the North Side of
Fountain's Creek in the County of Brunswick aforesaid Thence
North East one hundred pole to a white Oak Thence North North
west Sixty four Pole to a Gum Thence along a Line of Markt Trees
to a Red Oak Standing above the head of a Branch Call'd Jerry's
Branch and so Down the said Branch to the said Fountains Creek
and Down the said Creek to the first Station it being part of a
Tract of Land granted to James Parham by Patent Bearing Date the
Twenty Second Day of february in the Year of Lord one thousand
Seven hundred and twenty four when Belonging to the Isle of Wight
County and so Granted to the said John Tooke by the said James
Parham by Deeds the whole Tract by patent Containing four hundred
and forty Acres and this part purchased by the said Absalom
Atkinson Containing by Estimation Two hundred Acres.  Signed John
Tooke.  Witnesses:  Theophilus Feild, William Embry, Thomas
Embry.  Court July 4, 1745, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged
by John Tooke.  Deed Book 3, Page 39.

     Indenture made 3 July 1744, between John Blackston of St.
Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, and William Hawkins of same, 5
Shillings, 87a.  Signed John Blackston (bhm).  Court July 4,
1745, Indenture, Memorandum and Receipt acknowledged by John
Blackstone, and Sarah the wife of the said John relinquished
right of dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 41.

     Indenture made 4 July 1745, between William Atkeyson of
Southwark Parish, Surry County, and John Parker of St. Andrew
Parish, Brunswick County, œ22, on both side of Stoney Creek, the
same being granted to William Atkeyson by Letters Patent dated 25
November 1733.  signed William Atkeison.  Witnesses:  John
Twitty, William Irby, Benjamin Lanier.  Court July 4, 1745,
Indenture, Memorandum and Receipt acknowledged by William
Atkeison.  Deed Book 3, Page 43.

     Indenture made 26 May 1745 between Abraham Michaux of
Brunswick County, and John Michaux of same, œ20, 400a, North side
of Maherrin River and on both sides of Couches Creek.  Signed
Abrahm Michaux.  Witnesses:  William Hawkins, John Blaxtone
(bhm), John Tomson (bhm).  Court July 4, 1745, Indenture and
Memorandum proved by the oaths of Wm. Hawkins and John
Blackstone.  Court August 1, 1745, further proved by the oath of
John Thompson.  Deed Book 3, Page 46.

     Indenture made 1 August 1745 between Cudbert Smith of
Brunswick County and John Langley of same, 5 Shillings, North
side of Roanoak River, 180a, for term of one year.  Signed
Curthbert Smith and Elizabeth Smith.  Witnesses:  John Burch and
Charles King.  Court August 1, 1745, Indenture acknowledged by
Curthbert Smith.  Deed Book 3, Page 48.  

     Indenture made 1 August 1745 between Cudbert Smith of
Brunswick County and John Langley of same, œ20, release tract on
North side of Roanoak River, 180a.  Signed  Curthbert Smith,
Elizabeth Smith.  Witnesses:  John Burch, Charles King.  Court
August 1, 1745, Indenture acknowledged by Curthbert Smith and
Elizabeth relinquished right of dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 50.

Indenture made 6 February 1744 between Francis Lett of St. Andrew
Parish, Brunswick county, and John Daniell of same, 20 Shillings,
180a.  Signed Francis Lett.  Witnesses:  Charles King and William
McKnight.  Court August 1, 1745, Indenture and Memorandum
acknowledged by Francis Lett and Amy the Wife of the said Francis
relinquished her right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 51.

Indenture made 29 June 1745 between John Robinson of Brunswick
County and William Brodnax of Prince George County, œ18, all that
Tract or Parcel of Land and Plantation Scituate Lying and Being
in brunswick County Bounded by the Different Persons here
mentioned (viz) on James Walkers Land he Bought of William King
John Collier Land Henry Wilkins Land William Gowers and Cage
Perry's Land Containing 350a, the Land here mentioned is the Land
Whereon the Church stands and the Land which the said John
Robinson Bought of Richard Hockebe now in the possession of the
said William Brodnax.  Condition that if the said John Robinson
shall pay to William Brodnax a Certain Bond bearing date with the
above Indenture for œ36 and all charges with lawful interest on
the 29 June ensuing the 29 June next ensuing the date of the
Indenture then Indenture void.  Signed John Robinson (bhm).
Witnesses:  Elizabeth Carlos (bhm), Ann Brodnax, Henry Brodnax. 
Court August 1, 1745, Indenture acknowledged by John Robinson. 
Deed Book 3, Page 54.

Indenture made 1 August 1745 between Runall Alling of Brunswick
County and Andrew Prisly of Amela [sic] County, œ1 10 Shillings,
100a, North side of Roanoake River on the upper Side of Mileses
Creek and is bounded by one Drury Stith Philip Morgan and Robert
Wisle Loynes, for term of one year.  Signed Runall Alling (bhm)
and Mary Alling (bhm).  Witnesses:  George Currie, John Taylor,
Thomas Duggins (bhm).  Court August 1, 1745, Indenture
acknowledged by Runal Alling.  Deed Book 3, Page 56.  

Indenture dated 1 August 1745, between Runall Alling of Brunswick
County and Andrew Presley of Amela County, 100a, œ25, Release. 
Signed Runall Alling (bhm), Mary Alling (bhm).  Witnesses:  John
Hearn, John Byas (bhm), Edward Matthis (bhm).  Court August 1,
1745, Indenture acknowledged by Runal Alling and Mary the wife of
the said Runal personally appeared and relinquished her Right of
Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 57.

Indenture made 31 August 1745 between Samuel Chamberlain of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, and John Ogburn of same, œ20,
North side of Maherrin and on North side of the Reedy Pond,100a. 
Signed Samuel Chamberlain.  Witnesses:  Michael Wall, George
Wallton, Edward Robinson (bhm), Thomas Powell Junr. (bhm).  Court
September 5, 1745,Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by Samuel
Chamberlain.  Deed Book 3, Page 59.

     Indenture made 21 August 1745 between Henry Reynolds of
Brunswick County and John Owen of Goochland County, œ100, 290a,
part of a tract of Land which was granted to the said Henry
Reynolds by Pattent for 300 dated 30 August 1743 (Stanton River). 
Signed Henry Reynolds (bhm).  Witnesses:  Thomas Potter, John
Owen, Thomas Clark (bhm).  Court September 5, 1745, Indenture,
Memorandum and Receipt proved by oaths of Thomas Potter John Owen
and Thomas Clarke and Elizabeth the wife of Henry Reynolds
personally appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed
Book 3, Page 61.

     Indenture made 5th September 1745 between edward Givings of
Brunswick County, Planter, and Abrahm Cocke of Amelia, Gent.,
œ20, 130a, South side of the Nap of Read's Creeks and bounded as
by Letters Pattent granted to William Irby and dated 16 September
1740.  Signed Edward Givings (bhm).  Witnesses:  Walter Campbell,
Benjamin Winsly, Robert Campbell.   Court September 5, 1745,
Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by Edward Gavein.  p, 63.

     Indenture made 5 September 1745 between George Smith of
Prince George County and Reverend Mr. Robert Ferguson of the same
Clerk, œ95, South side of Wagua Creek, 242a, being granted to
James Pittello of Prince George County by Patent dated 1 October
1726 and purchased by the said George Smith of the said James
Pitillo by Indenture of Lease and Release dated 11 May 1731; as
also another Tract on South side of Wagua Creek adjoining the
aforesaid Tract, containing 549a being granted to the said George
Smith by Patent dated 25 August 1731.  Signed George Smith. 
Witnesses:  Clement Read, George Currie, George Dearden.  Court 5
September 1745, Indenture, Memorandum and Receipt acknowledged by
George Smith and Elizabeth the wife of the said George appeared
and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 65.

     Indenture made 5 December 1744, between Andrew Moreman of
St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, and John Parker of same,
œ160, both side of Stoney Creek, same being granted to the said
Andrew Moreman by Letters patent dated 1 March 1743.  Signed
Andrew Moreman (bhm).  Witnesses:  William Poole, John Taylor
Duke, Andrew Hampton.  Court September 5, 1745, Indenture
acknowledged by Andrew Moreman.  Deed Book 3, Page 68.

     Indenture made 3 June 1745 between Henry Beddingfield and
Isabel his wife of Surry County and Moses Johnson of same, œ50,
South side of Fountains Creek, 870a.  Signed Henry Beddingfield
and Isabel Beddingfield (bhm).  Witnesses:  William Willie,
Robert Jones Junior, John Mason Junior, William Johnson, Moses
Johnson, Junr.  Court, October 3, 1745, Indenture, Memorandum and
Receipt proved by Oaths of Robert Jones Junr., William Johnson &
Moses Johnson, Junr.  Court January 2, 1745, Commission for
taking the acknowledgment and privy Examination of Isabel the
Wife of Henry Beddingfield to the Indenture was returned and
together with the Certificate of the execution thereof Order'd to
be Recorded.  Deed Book 3, Page 70.

     Commission to John Mason Thomas Avent and James Chappell,
Gentlemen, dated 12 July 1745, and Certificate of Execution
regarding acknowledgment and privy Examination of Isabel
Beddingfield of Albemarle Parish, Surry County, on the 17 July
1745, to Indenture for 870a, to Moses Johnson of Surry County. 
Signed John Mason and James Chappell.  Deed Book 3, Page 75.

     Indenture made 3 October 1745, between Abraham Cook and
Sarah his wife of Brunswick County, Planter, and James Hester of
Louisa County, Planter, œ20, 289a, being part of two tracts,
Beginning at the mouth of Little Creek Meanders up the same to a
Poplar on the Creek thence South twenty Seven Degrees West eighty
four poles on the said Line to William Davises Line thence along
his line east twenty two Degrees North Fifty Poles to Davises
corner white Oak Thence East twenty Degrees South eighty four
Poles on the said Line thence along Davises Line South thirty
Seven Degrees East one hundred and Ninety Eight Poles to a Beach
on the River thence to the Mouth of the Creek to the Beginning. 
Signed Abraham Cook.  Witnesses:  Christopher Hudson, Joseph
Perrin, Robert Hester.  Court October 3, 1745, Indenture,
Memorandum and Receipt acknowledged by Abraham Cook.  Deed Book
3, Page 76.

     Indenture made 21 March 1744/5, between John Davis of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, and Mathias Davis, Son to the
said John Davis of same, for Love and Affection and œ100, both
side the three Creeks, 880a, being the land granted to John Davis
by Patent dated 14 July 1718, 20 February 1717, 22 February 1724
and the Plantation on which the said John Davis now Lives,
provided that John Davis shall have and enjoy the full and
peaceable use and occupation of the land during his natural life
in the same manner as if this deed had never been made reserving
also the Quantity of 100 feet square in one part of the lands to
be apply'd to the use of a burying place.  Signed John Davis
(bhm) Welchman.  Witnesses:  Richard Ransone, John Edwards, David
Crawley, Charles Williams (bhm).  Court April 4, 1745, Indenture
and Memorandum proved by oaths of John Edwards and David Crawley. Court
October 3, 1745, further proved by oaths of Richard
Ransone.  Deed Book 3, Page 80.

     Indenture made 3 October 1745 between John Wilkins of
Brunswick County and William Taber of same, œ30, 200a, Beginning
at a hickory Standing in Robert Munfords Line upon little Creek
thence a Long his line to Roanoak River to a Sug tree thence down
the River to a Corner Sugar tree thence a Line Straight to
Little Creek to a Corner Sorrell Tree & Dogwood Chopt inwards
thence up the Creek to the Beginning Corner hickory the water
Course to be the Line Containing two hundred acres.  Signed John
Wilkins.  Witnesses:  Abraham Cook, Robert Hester, Christopher
Hudson.  Court October 1745, Indenture and Memorandum
acknowledged by John Wilkins, and Mary the Wife of the said John
Personally appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed
Book 3, Page 82.

     Indenture made 14 June 1745 between Thomas Roberson and Mary
his Wife of Edgcome [sic] County in the Province of Carolina and
Christopher Hudson of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, œ45,
150a, being in a bent on the North side of Roanoak River, being
part of a Tract heretofore granted by Letters Patent to John
Davis of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, and afterwards
acknowledged and sold by the said John Davis to William Toms
afterwards acknowledged and Sold by the said William Toms to
Thomas Roberson.  Signed Thomas Roberson and Mary Roberson (bhm). Witnesses: 
John Wilkins, Mary Wilkins (bhm), William Taber. 
Court October 3, 1745, Indenture and Memorandum proved by oaths
of John Wilkins, Mary Wilkins and William Tabor.   Deed Book 3,
Page 84.

     Indenture made 2 October 1745 between John Wyningham and
Mary his wife of Brunswick county and Daniel Malone of same, 5
Shillings, 138a, E side of Ledbetters creek and above the said
Daniel Melone's Spring Branch it being part of a Tract of 228a
granted to the said John Wyningham by Patent dated 22 September
1739.  Signed John Wyningham (bhm) and Mary Wyningham (bhm). 
Witnesses:  Hugh Williams, John Wilsher, Josias Burton.  Court
October 3, 1745, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by John
Wyningham and Mary his wife.  Deed Book 3, Page 87.

     Indenture made 3 october 1745, between William Hill of
Northampton County, North Carolina, and Thomas Person of
Brunswick County, œ12, North side of Fountain's Creek, 100a,
which is the Contents of a Patent granted to the aforesaid
William Hill dated 28 February 1733.  Signed William Hill.  Court
October 3, 1745, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by William
Hill, And Anne the wife of the said Wm. personally appeared and
relinquished her right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 89.

     Indenture made 2 November 1745 between John Vinson of
Brunswick County and Nathaniel Clarke of same, œ20, South side of
Fountain's Creek, 445a.  Signed John Vinson.  Witnesses:  Samuel
Clark, William Tomlinson, William Addams.  Court November 7,
1745, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by John Vinson.  Deed
Book 3, Page 91.

     Indenture made 2 November 1745 between Jacob Woolcy of
Brunswick County and George Willson of same, œ40, North side of
Maherrin River and on both sides of the Ready Creek, 120a.  
Signed Jacob Wollcy.  Witnesses:  Millington Blalack, John
Yarbrough, John Eaves (bhm).  Court November 7, 1745, Indenture
and memorandum acknowledged by Jacob Woolcy, and Alice the wife
of the said Jacob Personally appeared and relinquished her Right
of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 94.

     Indenture made 28 October 1745 between John Duke the Elder
of Brunswick County, Planter, and Sterling Clack of same,
Gentleman, œ100, North side of Maherrin River, 195a, said land
being formerly granted to the said John Duke by Letters Patent
dated 28 September 1728.  Signed John Duke (bhm).  Witnesses: 
John Edwards, James Carter, William Eldridge.  Court November 7,
1745, Indenture acknowledged by John Duke and Ruth the wife of
the said John personally appeared and relinquished her Right of
Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 96.

     Indenture made 7 November 1745, between William Davidson of
Brunswick County and William McKnight of same, œ15, 130a, on both
sides of Avants Creek and bounded as by Letters Pattent granted
to Benja. Williams and dated 1 June 1741, and by Indentures of
Sale from the said Williams to the said Davidson which are
recorded in the Clerks Office of the County of Brunswick.  Signed
William Davidson.  Court November 7, 1745, Indenture and
Memorandum acknowledged by William Davidson.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 5 November 1745 between William Hawkins of
St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County and Thomas Tunks of Bath
Parish, Prince George County, œ16, on both sides of Tofsykiah
Creek, 200a, and bounded as in certain Letters Patent dated 16
June 1744 granted to the said William.  Signed William Hawkins. 
Witnesses:  John Moor (bhm), Ann Whitehall, Robert Whitehall.  
Court December 5, 1745, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by
William Hawkins and Martha the wife of the said William
personally appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed
Book 3, Page 100.

     Indenture made 31 May 1745 between Timothy Johnson of
Brunswick County and Rice Price of same, œ40, 200a, North side of
Otter River above the mouth of Flat Creek.  Signed Timothy
Johnson (bhm) and Allen Johnson.  Witnesses:  Samuel Johnson,
John Price, Mark Hays, Rice Price.  Court December 5, 1745,
Indenture and Memorandum proved by the oaths of John Price, Mark
Hays & Rice Price, Junr.  Deed Book 3, Page 102.

     Indenture made 6 May 1745 between Christopher Irbine of
Brunswick County and Rice Price of same, œ16, 223a, on both sides
Flat Creek joyning James Johnsons upper Line.  Signed Christopher
Irbine and Mary Irbine.  Witnesses:  Matthew Talbot, John Price,
John Phelps, Rice Price, Mark Hays, Joseph Miller.  Court
December 5, 1745, Indenture and Memorandum proved by oaths of
John Price, Rice Price, Junr. and Mark Hayes.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 5 December 1745 between John King of
Brunswick County, Parish of St. Andrew, and Thomas Hardaway,
Junr. of Prince George County and Parish of Bath, œ50, 130a,
South side of Nottoway River, bounded by a line agreed on by the
said John King & David King Brother of the said John King which
line is mentioned in a deed from David King to the said Thomas
Hardaway Junr. dated 8 December 1744, the same being part of two
Patents formerly granted to John King Father of the said John and
David King, one of which sd. Patents is dated 31 October 1726,
and the other is dated 28 September 1728.  Signed John King. 
Court December 5, 1745, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by
John King.  Deed Book 3, Page 106.

     Indenture made 25 October 1745 between William Parker of
Brunswick County and George Tillman, Junr. of same, œ17, 168a,
North side of Maherrin River, being all that land granted to the
said William Parker by Letters Patent dated 13 August 1744. 
Signed William Parker (bhm).  Court December 5, 1745, Indenture
acknowledged by Wm. Parker and Rebecca the Wife of the said
William personally appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower. 
Deed Book 3, Page 108.

     Indenture made 3 December 1745 between Michael Wall Junr.
and Rebeccah his wife late Rebeccah Chapman Widow Executrix and
Residuary Legatee of John Chapman late of the said County of
Brunswick Deceased, and Benjamin Chapman, John Chapman, Mary
Chapman, and William Chapman the Children of the said Rebeccah
Chapman by the said John Chapman deceased her former husband, All
the Estate interest right Title part portion & share of the said
Michael Wall, Junr. & Rebeccah his Wife late Rebeccah Chapman to
the several Slaves & lands . . . to Benjamin Chapman two Negro
Slaves David & Judy when he shall arrive at the age of fourteen
years.  To John Chapman three Negroes Jimmy King & Hagar
immediately after "my Decease" and three other Negroes Charles
Betty & Sarah together with their Encrease when he shall arrive
at the Age of Fourteen Years Also the land and Plantation whereon
they the said Michael Wall Junr. and Rebeccah his Wife late
Rebeccah Chapman now live after her decease.  To Mary Chapman two
Negroes Namely Isaac & Pat & their Encrease when she shall arrive
to the Age of Twenty one Years or is Married Provided that she
make choice of the said Michael Wall Junr. for her Guardian And
to William Chapman three Negroes Jacob Lucy & their Encrease &
arther when he shall arrive at the Age of fourteen years provided
that at that age he shall also make Choice of the said Michael
Wall Junior for his Guardian But if he shall not make such choice
the said three Negroes are to Continue in the possession of the
said Michael Wall Junr. and Rebeccah his Wife as their own
Absolute estate & Property till the said William Shall arrive to
the Age of Twenty one years at which age the said William is to
be vested with an estate in fee in the said Slaves  And to each
of the said Wm. Benjamin & John six Cows & Calves & six Sows &
Piggs when they shall respectively arrive at the Age of Fourteen
Years.  But that if John Shall Die before he comes of full age
that the Lands by this Deed given him shall pass & go to his
Brother William after the Death of the said Rebeccah Wall late
Rebeccah Chapman and the negroes by this Deed given him if he
shall happen to Die under the age of Twenty one Years shall pass
and go to his Brother Benjamin upon Condition that he give his
Sister Mary the Negro Wench Aggee & her Encrease  and also upon
Condition that the said William shall give his said sister Mary
the three Negroes Jacob Lucy & Arther and their Encrease.  Signed
Michael Wall and Rebecca Wall.  Witnesses:  Henry Embry Junior,
Thomas Embry, Clement Read.  Court December 5, 1745, Indenture
acknowledged by Michael Wall Junior and Rebecca his wife previous
to which Rebecca was privily examined.  Deed Book 3, Page 111.

     Indenture made 1745 between Nathaniel Green of Surry County
and Lewis Parham of Brunswick, œ20, the upper half of a seat
Tract or parcel of Land to whom Pattent was granted for two
hundred & Eight two acres dated 28 September 1728, on South
side of the Reedy Creek.  Signed Nathaniel Green.  Witnesses: 
John Twitty, William Green, Junr. and George Tillman (bhm). 
Court December 5, 1745, Indenture acknowledged by Nathaniel
Green.  Deed Book 3, Page 113.

     Indenture made 10 December 1745 between Michael Dunalow of
Brunswick County and Isaac House, œ30, 288a, on both sides Stoney
Hill run, being all that tract of land and plantation whereon the
said Dunalow now lives to whom a Patent was granted dated 20
September 1745.  Signed Michael O'Donnely.  Witnesses:  Lewis
Parham, Henry Embry Junr., James Parham.  Court January 2, 1745,
Indenture acknowledged by Michael O'Donnely.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 2 January 1745 between Thomas Williams of
Prince George County and Rachel his wife and John Cox of
Brunswick County and Lucretia his Wife and John Evans of
Brunswick County, œ60, 252a, in the fork of Sturgeon Run, the
tract of land whereon the said John Cox now dwells, and being
formerly granted to James Pittillo by Letters Pattent dated 10
September 1735 and by the said James Pittillo sold and conveied
to the said John Cox and by the said John Cox for some especial
Cause Conveied to the said Thomas Williams as by deed recorded in
the County Court of Brunswick relation being thereunto had more
fully & at Large may appear.  Signed John Cox (bhm), Lucretia Cox
(bhm), Thomas Williams.  Court January 2, 1745, Indenture
acknowledged by John Cox and Lucretia his Wife previous to which
the said Lucreatia was privily examined.  Deed Book 3, Page 117.

Deed Book 3, Page 120 [Blank]

Indenture made 19 October 1745 between Daniel Hicks of Brunswick
County, Son and Devisee of John Hicks late of Surry County,
Deced. and Francis Stainback of Brunswick, Whereas the said John
Hicks in his Lifetime and at the time of his death was Seised in
Fee of and in four hundred acres of Land Situate lying and being
on Stevens's Branch in the sd. County of Brunswick and being so
Seised by his last Will and Testament in Writing did Devise the
same to his two Sons John and Daniel and to their Heirs forever
to be equally divided between them as by the said Will proved and
Recorded in the Court of the sd. county of Surry relation being
thereunto had more at large may appear Now this Indenture, œ15,
All that moiety or undivided half part of the said four hundred
Acres of Land so as aforesaid Devised to him by the said John
Hicks deced. his Father.  Signed Daniel Hicks (bhm).  Witnesses: 
Sterling Clack, Wm. Parker (bhm), James Carter.  Court February
6, 1745, Indenture acknowledged by Daniel Hicks.  Deed Book 3,
Page 121.

     Indenture made 6 February 1745 between Wm. Linsey of
Brunswick County and Lemuell Cocke of Southwark Parish, Surry
County, œ20, 174a, it being granted to the said Wm. Linsey by
Patent dated 20 August 1745.  Signed William Linsey (bhm). 
Witnesses:  Nicholas Edmunds, Thomas Cocke, Junr.  Court February
6, 1745, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by William Linsey. Deed Book 3,
Page 122.

     Indenture Tripartite made 1 January 1745, between Wm. Green
the Elder of Albermarle Parish, Surry County, Nathaniel Green of
same, and William Green the Younger Whereas the said William
Green the Elder stands seised for the Term of his Natural Life of
and in possession of one Hundred and Twenty five acres of Land
lying & being in the parish of St. Andrews, Brunswick County and
on the South side of a Creek called and known by the name of the
Reedy Creek, And the said Nathaniel Green is and stands seized of
the Reversion of the said Premises in Fee Simple expectant
immediately upon the Determination of the Life of the said
William Green the Elder, for 5 Shillings, to William Green the
Younger, all that his Interest Claim Demand Title and Estate for
& during the Natural Life of the said William green of and to the
said One Hundred and Twenty Five Acres of Land for the term and
time of the Natural Life of the said William Green the Elder. 
Signed William Green and Nathaniel Green.  Court February 6,
1745, Indenture acknowledged by William Green the Elder and
Nathaniel Green.  Deed Book 3, Page 124.

     Indenture made 11 November 1745 between Robert Clark of
Brunswick County and Henry Cook of same, œ80, South side of
Maherrin River, 425a; also another tract on S. side of the great
Swamp, 100a.   Signed Robert Clark.  Witnesses:  Jeremiah Brown,
Thomas Tatum, John Peebles, John Tomson.  Court February 6, 1745,
Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by Robert Clark and Jane
the Wife of the said Robert personally appeared and relinquished
her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 127.

     Indenture made 3 February 1745, between Amos Horton and
Sarah his wife of Brunswick County and James Dupree of same, 5
Shillings, 320a, by Patent, during term of one whole year. 
Signed Amos Horton.  Court February 6, 1745, Indenture
acknowledged by Amos Horton.  Deed Book 3, Page 130.

     Indenture made 4 February 1745/6, between Amos Horton and
Sarah his Wife of Brunswick County and James Dupree of same, œ30,
320a, by Patent. Beginning at a red Oak a Corner of Mr. John
Petersons Land thence South fifty five Degrees west forty Eight
pole to a red Oak then South twenty five Degrees east one hundred
& Twenty pole to three trees Chopt inwards in a line of Capt.
Robert hicks Junr. his land then by Hicks's line east by North
Fifteen pole to a white Oake and South Seventy Degrees east one
hundred and Forty Seven Poles to a Black Oak then North Seventy
Degrees east Sixty two pole to a Spanish Oak aline three [sic] of
Jonathan Carter's land then by Carters line North forty Degrees
east forty three pole to a Hiccory then North five Degrees West
one hundred and fourteen pole to a black Oak then North west one
hundred and forty pole to a Black Oak a line tree of Mr. John
Petersons land aforesaid then by Petersons lines South Seventy
five Degrees west Twenty one pole to a Black Oak and South fifty
five Degrees west one Hundred & forty two poles to the first
Station.  Signed Amos Horton.  Court February 6, 1745, Indenture
acknowledged by Amos Horton and Sarah the Wife of the sd. Amos
personally appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed
Book 3, Page 132.

     Indenture made 11 November 1745 between Robert Clark of
Brunswick County and Samuel Clark of same, œ16, 260a.  Signed
Robert Clark.  Witnesses:  Jeremiah Brown, Thomas Tatum, John
Peebles, John Thomson.  Court February 6, 1745, Indenture and
Memorandum acknowledged by Robert Clark and Jane the Wife of the
sd. Robert personally appeared and relinquished her Right of
Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 135.

     Indenture made 6 February 1745, between Samuel Harwell Senr.
of Prince George County and Samuel Harwell Junr., son to the said
Samuel Harwell, Senr. of Brunswick County, œ20, 180a, on S. side
of Nottoway River as by Patent whereby the said Land was granted
to the said Samuel Harwell Senr. dated 28 September 1728.  
Signed Samuel Harwell, Senr. (bhm).  Court 6 February 1745,
acknowledged by Samuel Harwell, Senr.  Deed Book 3, Page 137.

     Indenture made 21 November Between Benjamin Carrell of
Brunswick County and Millinton Blalack of same, œ20, on Cold
water run, 163a, it being the plantation whereon the said
Benjamin Carrell now lives.  Signed Benjamin Carrell (bhm). 
Witnesses:  George Sims, Charles Sims, John Carrell (bhm).  Court
February 6, 1745, Indenture and Memorandum proved by the Oaths of
George Sims, Charles Sims and John Carrell.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 25 January 1745, between Thomas Hicks of the
Province of North Carolina and Nathaniel Edwards of Brunswick
County, œ40, 250a, is the lower part of a Tract of Land
containing about 400a whereon Daniel Hicks late of Brunswick
County aforesd. at the time of his Death did Dwell & which said
250 acres of Land the said Daniel Hicks by his last will &
Testament dated 17 December 1734 did Devise to the said Thomas
Hicks as by the said last will & Testament of the said Daniel
Hicks duly proved and recorded in the County Court of Brunswick. 
Signed Thomas Hicks.  Witnesses:  John Wall, Junr., George Hicks,
James Hicks, Junr., John Irby, Junr. Henry Bedingfield, Francis
Price.  Court February 6, 1745, Indenture, Memorandum and Receipt
proved by the oaths of James Hicks Junr., Henry Bedingfield &
Francis Price.  Deed Book 3, Page 141.

     Indenture made 6 February 1745, between John Loyd of
Brunswick County, Planter, and Thomas Loyd the Younger of same,
Planter, œ40, 200a, which was given to the said John Loyd by his
Father Thomas Loyd the Elder by Deed of Gift dated 9 January 1744
and recorded in the Court of the said County and also all that
piece or parcel of Land which was given and Conveied by the said
Thomas Loyd the Younger to the said John Loyd by Deed of Gift
dated 20 May 1743 and recorded in the same court, on S. Side of
Daniel's Branch, 20a.  Signed John Loyd (bhm).  Court February 6,
1745, Indenture acknowledged by John Loyd.  Court February 5,
1746, Elizabeth the wife of the within named John Loyd personally
appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 4 January 1745 between Thomas Hix nephew &
heir at law to Charles Hix late of the County of Brunswick
deceased and James Hix & John David Junr. of Brunswick County,
œ10, 261a. on S. side of Hall's Branch. formerly granted to one
John Bishop by Pattent dated 15 March 1741 & by several mean
conveyances became the Estate of the said Charles Hix who died
without issue & intestate.  Signed Thomas Hix.  Witnesses: 
Walter Campbell, John Burch, Moses Dunkley, Robert Campbell. 
Court February 6, 1745, Indenture, Memorandum and Receipt proved
by the Oaths of Walter Campbell John Burch & Moses Dunkley.  Deed
Book 3, Page 146.

     Indenture made 6 January 1745 between William Hill of
Northampton County in the Province of North Carolina and Francis
Delotch of Brunswick County, œ3, Mouth of the Cypress Swamp on
the North side, 400a.  Signed William Hill (bhm).  Court February
6, 1745, Indenture  acknowledged by Wm. Hill.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 1 November 1740 between John Mead of
Brunswick County and Samuel Glover of Albermarle, œ101, 135a, on
Otter River; also Twenty head of Black Cattle to wit four Milk
Cows Four three Year Old Heffers one two Year Old Do two three
Year Old Steers one Do. two Years old one Butt two Years Old
three Young Bulls one Year Old each one Steer one Year Old two
Heffers Calves and two Horses & two Mares (vizt) one Sorrel Horse
Branded on the far Shoulder FB one white Mare branded on the Near
Buttock FE and one Young Bay Mare Branded on the Near Buttock TI
& a Nother Sorrel Horse Branded on Near Shoulder F and with a
Swifell Sturop Iron & also four Beds with their Furniture also
one Waggon with all the harness thereunto belonging for four
Horses and all my working tools Iron Wedges of what kind or
Nature soever.  Signed John Mead.  Witnesses: Robert Glover,
James Spencer (bhm), John Hunter.  Court March 6, 1745,
Indenture, Memorandum and Receipt proved by the Oaths of Robert
Glover, James Spencer and John Hunter.  Deed Book 3, Page 149.

     I, Mattox Mays of Brunswick County for œ40 paid by Richard
Davis of same county, convey tract on South side of Stanton
River, by estimation 290a, dated March, 1745.  Signed Mattox
Mayes.  Court March 6, 1745, Deed acknowledged by Mattox Mayes. 
Deed Book 3, Page 151.

     Indenture made 4 March 1745 between Richard York & Mary his
Wife of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, and Francis Bressie
of Prince George County, œ5, 204a, both sides of Butchers Creek. 
Signed Richard York (bhm) and Mary York (bhm).  Witnesses: 
Thomas Stevens.  Court March 6, 1745, Indenture and Memorandum
acknowledged by Richard York & Mary his Wife previous to which
the said Mary was privily examined.  Deed Book 3, Page 153.

     Indenture made 6 March 1745 between James Mitchell of
Brunswick County and Jacob Mitchell of same, œ20, 130a, North
side Roanoak River and is part of a Larger Tract of 610a which
was granted by Letters Patent to Thomas Mitchell which said 130a
is at the lower end of the said larger tract.  Signed James
Mitchell.  Court March 6, 1745, Indenture acknowledged by James
Mitchell.  Deed Book 3, Page 156.

     Indenture made 6 March 1745 between James Michell of
Brunswick County and Isaac Mitchell of same, œ20, 120a, North
side of Roanoak River and is part of a Larger Tract of 610a which
was granted by Letters Pattent to Thomas Mitchell which said 120a
lyeth on the upper side of Jacob Mitchells Land.  Signed James
Mitchell.  Court March 6, 1745, Indenture acknowledged by James
Mitchell.  Deed Book 3, Page 157.

     Indenture made 19 August 1745 between Charles Kimbal of
Edgecomb County, North Carolina, and Walter Campbell of Brunswick
County, œ5, 450a, South side of Roanoak River, it being part of
850a of Land formerly granted to James Matthis by Letters Pattent
dated 28 September 1728.  Signed Charles Kimball.  Witnesses: 
James Mitchell, John Gilliam (bhm), Josiah Mitchell.  Court March
6, 1745, Indenture proved by oaths of James Mitchell, John
Gilliam & Josiah Mitchell.  Deed Book 3, Page 159.

     Indenture made 3 March 1745 between John Carrell of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, and William Huff of same, œ6,
50a.  Signed John Carrell.  Memorandum dated 3 March 1745 ref:
delivery of peaceable possession & seisin.  Witnesses:  John
Wall, Junr. and John Steed.  Court March 6, 1745, Indenture and
Memorandum acknowledged by John Carrell.  Deed Book 3, Page 160.

     Indenture made 3 December 1745 between William Irby of
Brunswick County and Andrew Wade of Goochland County, œ60, 500a,
250a of the said Land being granted to William Gent by Patent
lying on North side of Dan River on both sides of the Horsford
Creek; other 242a being granted to Peter Mitchell by Patent. 
Signed William Irby.  Witnesses: Wm. Harris, Richard Brown. 
Court March 6, 1745, Indenture acknowledged by William Irby. 
Deed Book 3, Page 162.

     Indenture made 19 March 1745 between Thomas Cock Gent of
Surry County and Drury Stith Gent, Whereas by Indenture dated 13
August 1743 made between Drury Stith and Thomas Cocke, he the
said Drury Stith for œ39 8 Shillings 5 pence to be due and owing
from the sd. Drury Stith to the said Thomas Cock and for the
better securing of the paiment of the said Sum he the said Drury
Stith did bargain and sell unto the said Thomas Cocke two Negro
men Slaves to wit Jack a Black Smith by Trade & James a Black
smith also on condition that if the said Drury Stith did pay unto
the said Thomas Cocke within two years next after the date of the
said Indenture the said Sum of thirty Nine Pounds Eight Shillings
and five with lawful Interest thereon and the costs to the Clerk
of Brunswick Court for Recording the said Indenture that then the
said Indenture was to cease and become void and the premises
above mentioned to be reconveyed to the said Drury Stith by the
said Thomas Cocke and Whereas the costs of recording the aforesd
recited Indenture and all Interest of the said Sum of thirty Nine
pounds Eight Shillings and five pence is fully paid and Satisfied
to the Day of the Date of these Presents Thomas Cocke for thirty
nine pounds Eight Shillings and five pence paid by the said Drury
Stith doth assign and surrender to Drury Stith the aforesaid two
Negro Men Slaves.  Signed Thomas Cocke.  Witnesses:  John Scott,
Robert Jones, Junr.  Court April 3, 1746, Indenture proved by the
Oaths of John Scott and Robert Jones, Junr., Gentlemen.  Deed
Book 3, Page 164.

     Indenture made 3 April 1746 between Thomas Loyd the Younger
of Brunswick County, Planter, and Drury Stith of same, Gentleman,
œ20, 4024a, both sides of Butchers Creek, being all that tract of
land which was granted to the said Thomas Loyd the Younger by
Letters Pattent dated 1 August 1745.  Signed Thos. Loyd.  Court 3
April 1746, Indenture acknowledged by Thomas Loyd the Younger. 
Deed Book 3, Page 166.

     Indenture made 1 March 1746 between William Tucker, Senr. of
Bath Parish, Prince George County and George Booth Junr. of same,
œ65, 211a, on a Small branch of Cocks Creek on the North side of
Roanoak River, being part of 361a granted to the said Wm. by
Letters Pattent dated 7 July 1726.  Signed William Tucker (bhm). 
Witnesses:  Henry Jones, Robert Tucker, William Mackenny.  Court
April 3, 1746, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by William
Tucker and Elizabeth the wife of the sd. William appeared and
relinquished her right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 168.

     Indenture made 27 March 1746 between Charles King of
Brunswick County and George Williams Junior of Prince George
County and Theophilus Feild of Prince George County, Merchant,
œ50 6 Shillings, 150a, South side of Sturgeon Run.  Signed
Charles King and George Williams Junr.  Witnesses:  John Clack,
Cornelius Cargill, John Hannah.  Court April 3, 1746, Indenture
and Receipt acknowledged by Charles King & George Wms. Junr. 
Deed Book 3, Page 170.

     Indenture made 29 March 1746 between William Kannon of
Goochland County, Carpinter [sic], and Richard Ward of Goochland,
œ55, 492a, which was granted to John Martan by Patent dated 20
August 1741 and by the said Martin sold to the said William
Cannon.  Signed William Cannon.  Witnesses:  John Cox, Fredrick
Cox, and John Jones.  Court April 3, 1746, Indenture and
Memorandum acknowledged by William Cannon.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 3 March 1745/6 between William Tilman of
Brunswick County and George Tilman of same, 5 Shillings, South
side of Waqua Creek, 617a as in Certain Letters Patent dated 28
September 1732 whereby the said Land was granted to the said
William Tilman.  Signed William Tillman.  Witnesses:  Lewis
Parham, William Irby, M. Cadet Young.  Court April 3, 1746,
Indenture acknowledged by Wm. Tillman.  Deed Book 3, Page 174.

     Indenture made 3 April 1746 between George Tillman of
Brunswick County and William Tillman of same, for Love and
Affection and 5 Shillings, on Stoney Hill Run, 512a, it being
308a which was granted to Roger Tillman by Patent dated 7 July
1726 and then acknowledged to the said George Tillman at a court
held for Brunswick 6 December 1739 and rest of land was granted
to the said George Tillman by Pattent dated 22 September 1739,
and the said William Tillman doth agree that the said George
Tillman shall quietly & peaceably have hold use occupy possess
and enjoy the manner plantation with all the Lands & premises
thereto belonging during his Natural Life & if it shall so Happen
that Mary who is now Wife to the said George Tillman shall
survive her said Husband she is to have the same Land &
Plantation also agreed to by the said George Tillman & William
Tillman.  Signed George Tillman and William Tillman.  Witnesses: 
Lewis Parham, William Irby, M. Cadet Young.  Court April 3, 1746,
Indenture acknowledged by George Tillman.  Deed Book 3, Page 175.

     Indenture made 3 April 1746 between James Lanier of
Brunswick County and William Whittenton of same, œ15, South side
of the three Creeks, 175a.  Signed James Lanier.  Witnesses: 
Sampson Lanier, John Harwell (bhm).  Court April 3, 1746,
Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by James Lanier.  Deed Book
3, Page 177.

     Indenture made 29 April 1746, between David Lucos and Denes
Lark of Brunswick County, Whereas the said David by Indenture
bearing date the day before the date hereof for the Consideration
therein expresed did bargain and sell unto the said Deness a
Certain Tract or Parcel of Land with the appurtenances thereof
Scituate lying & being in the County of Brunswick Containing by
Estimation two hundred acres be the same more or less and is
bounded as in the said recited Indenture may appear Witnesseth
that the sd. David Lucoss for œ10, does release and confirm unto
the said Deness Larke into his actual possession.  Signed David
Lucoss (bhm).  Witnesses:  Wm. Poole, John Ezell, David Dodd. 
Court May 1, 1746, Indenture acknowledged by David Lucoss.  Deed
Book 3, Page 179.

     Indenture made 29 April 1746 between David Lucoss and Dennis
Larke of Brunswick County, 5 Shillings, 200a.  Signed David
Lucoss (bhm).  Witnesses:  Wm. Poole, John Ezell, David Dodd. 
Court May 5, 1746, Indenture acknowledged by David Lucas.  Deed
Book 3, Page 181.

     Drury Stith of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, for œ20,
paid by James Parish and William Macklin of same parish and
County, South side of Maherrin River, 224a, it being the same
tract of land formerly granted to Thomas Alister by Letters Patent dated 28
September 1728 and by the said Alister conveyed to William Talters & by him
conveyed to Drury Stith Senr, dated 1
May 1746.  Signed Drury Stith. Witnesses:  M. Cadet Young, Moses
Dunkley.  Court May 1, 1746, Deed acknowledged by Drury Stith. 
Deed Book 3, Page 182.

     Indenture made 3 June 1746 between William Smith of
Albermarle Parish, Surry County, and Richard Parker, Junr. of
same, œ50, 350a, South side of the Little Creek of the Three
Creeks.  Signed William Smith (bhm).  Witnesses: William Smith
and Isham Smith.  Court June 5, 1746, Indenture acknowledged by
William Smith and Anne the wife of the said Wm. Personally
appeared and relinquished her right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 5 June 1746, between Amos Timms of Brunswick
County and Walter Campbell of same, œ20, 113a, Near the
Courthouse which was granted to Theophilus Feild Gent. by Letters
Patent dated 6 July 1741 which said land was conveyd to the said
Timms by the said Feild by Indenture dated 7 July 1743 which is
recorded in the records of the said County of Brunswick.  Signed
Amos Timms (bhm).  Witnesses:  David Crawley, Robert Campbell,
James Rigbie (bhm).  Court June 5, 1746, Indenture acknowledged
by Amos Timms.  Deed Book 3, Page 186.

     Indenture made 5 June 1746 between Amos Timms of Brunswick
County and Thos. Proctor of same, œ1, 30a, on the Gum Bridge
Branch being part of a Larger Tract formerly granted by Letters
Patent to John Humphis.  Signed Amos Timms (bhm).  Witnesses: 
David Crawley, Walter Campbell, Robert Campbell, and James Rigbie
(bhm).  Court June 5, 1746, Indenture acknowledged by Amos Timms. Deed Book 3,
Page 188.

     Indenture made 5 June 1746 between Isaac House of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, and Richard Ransom of same,
œ35, North side of the three Creeks, 84a.  Signed Isaac house
(bhm).  Witnesses:  John Wall, Junr., James Maclin.  Court June
5, 1746, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by Isaac House. 
Court June 4, 1747, Mary the wife of the within named Isaac House
personally appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed
Book 3, Page 190.

     Indenture made 5 June 1746, between James Parrish of
Brunswick county and John Moutrey of same, œ20, 132a, South side
of Sturgeon Run and bounded as by Letters Patent granted to the
said James Parrish dated 20 July 1738.  Signed James Parrish. 
Witnesses:  Wm. Maclin, John Speed, John Williams.  Court June 5,
1746, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by James Parrish. 
Deed Book 3, Page 192.

     Indenture made 1746 between Henry Embry of St. Andrew
Parish, Brunswick County and Richard Burch of same, œ20, 200a,
being part of a Patent of 400a granted to the said Henry Embry by
patent dated 22 June 1722.  Signed Henry Embry.  Court July 3,
1746, Indenture acknowledged by Henry Embry.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 1746 between Richard Burch of St. Andrew
Parish, Brunswick County, and Henry Embry of same, œ20, 200a, it
being part of a Patent of 550a granted to the said Richard Burch
by a Patent dated 28 December 1736.  Signed Richard Burch.  Court
July 3, 1746, Indenture acknowledged by Richard Burch.  Deed Book
3, Page 196.

     Indenture made 24 June 1746 between Ralph Dunkley of
Brunswick County and George Clayton of same, œ30, 203a, South
side of Dardens Branch which was granted to the said Ralph
Dunkley by Letters Patent.  Signed Ralph Dunkley.  Witnesses: 
Richard Witton [Wilton?], Walter Campbell, Robert Campbell. 
Court July 3, 1746, Indenture acknowledged by Ralph Dunkley. 
Deed Book 3, Page 197.

     Indenture made 15 day of March 1745, between John Willingham
of Amelia County and Mary his wife, and John Coles of Richmond in
the Parish and County of Henrico, œ25, 100a, South side of
Stanton River being part of the tract of Land whereon John Ellis
now Lives and & below the Lines of William Mays and within the
bounds of a Patent dated 20 December 1742 granted to the said
John Willingham for 750a,  Signed John Willingham (bhm) and Mary
Willingham(bhm).  Witnesses:  G. Marr, Moses Dunkley, Clement
Read.  Court May 2, 1745, Indenture, Memorandum and Receipt
proved by the oath of Clement Read.  Court October 3, 1745,
proved by the oath of Moses Dunkley.  Court August 7, 1746,
proved by the oath of Gideon Marr.  Deed Book 3, Page 199.

     Indenture made 20 September 1745 between Edward Booker Gent.
of Amelia County and John Stoval of Brunswick County, œ18, 401a,
both Sides of Couches Creek the same being granted to the said
Edward Booker by Patent dated 30 August 1744.  Signed Edward
Booker.  Witnesses:  James Jordan (bhm), John Sturdivant, Clement
Read.  Memorandum and Receipt witnessed by John Sturdivant,
Samuel Jordan, Clement Read.  Court February 6, 1745, Indenture,
Memorandum and Receipt proved by the Oaths of John Sturdivant and
Clement Read.  Court August 7, 1746, proved by the Oath of Samuel
Jordan.  Deed Book 3, Page 202.

     Thomas Loyd the Elder of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick
County, for Love and Affection which I have and bear unto my Son
in law John Jackson the Younger of same & my Daughter Elizabeth
his Wife, 274a, on the Beverpond branch the same being the
residue of 574a granted to me the said Thomas Loyd by Letters
Patent dated 28 September 1728 and not by me heretofore given
granted or disposed of, dated 6 August 1746.  Signed Thomas Loyd. Witnesses: 
Sterling Clack, John Clack, John Thornton.  Court 7
August 1746, Deed of Gift acknowledged by Thomas Loyd the Elder. 
Deed Book 3, Page 205.

     Indenture made 20 July 1746 between Richard Swanson &
Rebecca his Wife of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, and
John Quarles of Louisie County, œ10, on W side of Little forks of
Rad Oak, 90a.   Signed Richard Swanson (bhm), Rebecca Swanson
(bhm).  Witnesses:  William Samford, Thomas Read, Hugh Williams. 
Court August 7, 1746, Indenture acknowledged by Richard Swanson
and Rebecca his wife, and Receipt acknowledged by Richard,
previous to which the sd. Rebecca was privily examined.  Deed
Book 3, Page 206.

     Indenture made 7 August 1746 between Abrahm Brown of Surry
County and Nickliss Prockter of Brunswick County, œ60, 380a,
commonly called & known by the Name of Abraham Brown's and now in
the Tenure of the said Nickliss Prockter.  Signed Abraham Brown
(bhm).  Witnesses:  John Cox, James Carter, Nicholas Lanier. 
Court August 7, 1746, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by
Abraham Brown.  Deed Book 3, Page 208.

     Indenture made 25 June 1746 between Edward Green of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County and Alexander Southerland of
Edgcomb [sic] County, North Carolina, œ37 2 Shillings & 4 Pence,
on S. side of Fountains Creek, 300a.  Signed Edward Green. 
Witnesses:  John Petterson, Peter Wych, Arthur Jordan, Junr. 
Court August 7, 1746, Indenture  acknowledged by Edward Green. 
Deed Book 3, Page 211.

     Indenture made 16 July 1746 between Alexander Southerland of
Edgcomb County, North Carolina, and Arthur Jordan Senr. of
Northampton County, North Carolina, œ37 2 Shillings & 4 Pence, on
South Side of Fountains Creek, 300a which said 300a is part of a
Patent for 900a granted to John Bradford dated 1727 and by the
said John Bradford conveyed to the said Alexander Southerland
from whom by Conveyance one Edward Green procured a Title & by the Order of
the Honourable the General Court Conveyed back from the said Edward Green to
the forementioned Alexander Southerland and now by the said Alexander
Southerland hereby Conveyed to the said Arthur Jordan.  Signed Alexander
Southerland.  Witnesses:  George Jordan, John Jordan, Arthur Jordan, Junr. 
Court September 4, 1746, Indenture and Memorandum proved by the oaths of
Jordan, John Jordan & Arthur Jordan, Junr.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 15 May 1746 between David Crawley of Prince
George County, Mariner, and John Wall the Younger of Brunswick
County, Gent.  5 Shillings, 240a, on Maherrin River on North side
thereof, which tract was formerly granted to David Crawley the
Father deceased by Pattent dated 18 February 1722 and Decends to
the said David Crawley as heir at Law, for term of one whole
year.  Signed David Crawley.  Witnesses:  George Wallton, Michael
Wall, Richard Ransom, Matthias Davis, John Butler, Walter
Campbell.  Court July 3, 1746, Indenture  proved by the Oaths of
Michael Wall, Gent. & Walter Campbell.  Court September 4, 1746,
further proved by the Oath of Matthias Davis.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 15 May 1746 between David Crawley of Prince
George County, Mariner and John Wall the Younger of Brunswick
County, Gent., œ60, releases 240a on N. side of Maherrin River. 
Signed David Crawley.  Witnesses:  George Wallton, Michael Wall,
Richard Ransom, Matthias Davis, John Butler, Walter Campbell. 
Court July 3, 1746, Indenture proved by Michael Wall, Gent, and
Walter Campbell.  Court September 4, 1746, further proved by oath
of Matthias Davis.  Deed Book 3, Page 217.

     Indenture made 7 August 1746, between John Evans of
Brunswick County, Planter and John Duke of same, œ40, 300a, on
both sides of Rose's Creek, being all that land which was granted
to the said John Evans by Letters Patent dated 1 February in the
Twelfth Year of the Reign of our said Lord the King.  Signed John
Evans.  Court September 4, 1746, Indenture acknowledged by John
Evans, and Elizabeth the Wife of the said John Personally appeard
and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 219.

     Indenture made 2 October 1746 between William Ward and
Martha Ward his Wife, of Brunswick County, and Wm. Wiggins of
Prince George County, œ15, 100a, on N. side of the three Creeks. 
Signed William Ward (bhm).  Witnesses:  Abrahm Peebles, William
Green, Junr.  Court October 2, 1746, acknowledged by Wm. Ward. 
Court October 1, 1747, Indenture acknowledged by Martha Ward
previous to which she was privately Examined.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 2 October 1746 between Hugh Williams and
Elizabeth his wife of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick County and
Austin Hightower of same, œ16, 168a, on S. side of Cedar Creek,
being included in a Patent granted to Hugh Williams dated 20
September 1745.  Signed Hugh Williams, Elizabeth Williams. 
Witnesses:  John Dittman, William Dittman, John Cooper.  Court
October 2, 1746, Indenture acknowledged by Hugh Williams and
Elizabeth his Wife, and Memorandum and Receipt acknowledged by
the said Hugh, previous to which the said Elizabeth was privately
examined.  Deed Book 3, Page 223.

     Indenture made 5 November 1746 between Ambros Jackson of
Brunswick County and John Jackson, Brother to the said Ambros,
œ40, 150a, on South side of the Little Creek, it being the Lands
& Plantation on which the sd. Ambros Jackson now Lives.  Signed
Ambros Jackson.  Witnesses:  John Willis, Junr., James Hicks,
Junr., Samuel Clark.  Court November 6, 1746, Indenture and
Memorandum acknowledged by Ambros Jackson and Amy the Wife of the
sd. Ambros appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed
Book 3, Page 225.

     Indenture made 5 November 1746 between William Wise of
Brunswick and Amos Horton of same, œ28, on Cattail Creek, 120a. 
Signed William Wise (bhm), Elizabeth Wise (bhm).  Witnesses: 
James Hicks Junr., John Tomson, Samuel Clark.  Court November 6,
1746, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by Wm. Wise and
Elizabeth the Wife of the sd. Wm. personally appeared and
relinquished right of dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 227.

     Indenture made 5 November 1746, between Benjamin Turner of
Isle of Wight County, Planter, and Aaron Parke of Brunswick, 5
Shillings, South side of Fountain's Creek, 293a as by Patent it
may appear, during term of one whole year.  Signed Benjamin
Turner.  Witnesses:  Charles Campbell, Thomas Turner, James
Haley.  Court November 6, 1746, Indenture acknowledged by Benja.
Turner, Planter.  Deed Book 3, Page 229.

     Indenture made 6 November 1746, between Benja. Turner of
Isle of Wight County, Planter and Aaron Parke of Brunswick
County, œ38, releases 293a on South Side of Fountains Creek,
granted to the said Turner by one Patent dated 12 March 1739. 
Signed Benjamin Turner.  Witnesses:   Charles Campbell, Thomas
Turner, James Haley.  Court November 6, 1746, Indenture
acknowledged by  Benjamin Turner, Planter.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 6 November 1746, between John Evans of
Brunswick County, and Sterling Clack of same, 5 Shillings, one
Negro Woman Slave Named Lucy and her Child Pat, to and for the
sole use benefit and behoof of John Loyd (Son in law of the said
John Evans) and Elizabeth his Wife during their joint & Natural
Lives and the Natural Life of the Surveyor of them and after
their death to the use and behoof of the Child or Children of the
said John Loyd & Elizabeth his wife, that if there should be more
than one Child then the said Negro Slaves with their Increase to
be Sold at Public Auction and the Money arising by the said sale
to be divided in equal portions amongst such Children; if the
said John Loyd or Elizabeth his Wife should survive the other
without leaving such child or children then the sole use benefit
& behoof of such survivor.  Signed John Evans.  Court November 6,
1746, Indenture acknowledged by John Evans.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 6 November 1746, between Samuel Chamberlayne
of Brunswick County, St. Andrews Parish, and John Lamburth of
same, œ11, 100a, in the Fork of red Oak Creek, it being part of a
Patent granted to the sd. Chamberlayne for 549a dated 11 December
1730.  Signed Samuel Chamberlayne.  Witnesses:  Hugh Williams,
Lewelling Jones, Hezekiah Powell.  Court November 6, 1746,
Indenture and Receipt proved by the oaths of Hugh Williams,
Lewelling Jones & Hezekiah Powell.  Deed Book 3, Page 234.

     Indenture made 30 May 1746 between William Moss and Joannah
his Wife of Surry County, and Robert Conell of Surry County, œ20,
400a, on South side of Totero Creek.  Signed William Moss (bhm)
and Joannah Moss (bhm).  Witnesses:  Owen Strange, Abraham
Whittemore (bhm), George Heagood.  Court November 6, 1746,
Indenture and Memorandum proved by the Oaths of Owen Strange
Abraham Whittamore, and George Hagood, and acknowledged by Joanna
Moss previous to which Joanna was privily examined.  Deed Book 3,
Page 237.

     Indenture made 1 November 1746, between William Maclin of
Brunswick County, and James Mackdaniel of same, œ40, 247a, on
South side of Shinning Creek and bounded as follows by the Patent
dated 1 December 1740.  Signed William Maclin.  Witnesses: 
Randle Bracey, George Vaughan, Robert Barlor.  Court November 6,
1746, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by Wm. Maclin.  Deed
Book 3, Page 239.

     Indenture made 4 September 1746 between William Pennington
of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County and Cornelius Cargill of
Cumberland Parish, Lunenburgh County, and Thomas Dickson of
Prince George County, Bath Parish, œ30, 365a, in Brunswick and
Lunenburgh County, Beginning on Munfords line at a Small Hiccory
by a Spring thence along  his line west thirty five Degrees North
two hundred and two poles to his Corner on Bever Pond Creek
thence North thirty five Degrees east three hundred and twenty
poles to a red Oak thence East thirty five Degrees South one
hundred and twenty Six Poles to John Nipper's line thence along
his line South thirty Degrees west Eighty poles to his Corner
thence along his line east forty Seven Degrees South Sixty poles
to a shrub White Oak thence South five Degrees west two hundred
and Six poles to a Hiccory thence South Nineteen Degrees west
Eighteen poles to the Beginning.  Signed William Pennington and
Cornelius Cargill.  Witnesses:  Robert Jones Junr., Francis
Ealidge, John Cox.  Court November 6, 1746, Indenture and
Memorandum  acknowledged by Wm. Pennington and proved to be the
acts and Deeds of Cornelius Cargill by oaths of Robert Jones,
Junr. and John Cox.  Court April 7, 1748, Mary the wife of
William Pennington personally appeared and relinquished her right
of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 240.

     Indenture made 17 December 1746, between Sterling Clack of
Brunswick County and Francis Willis of Gloucester County, œ40,
Beginning at a Stake a corner of the Courthouse Land thence along
the Main Road South Sixty Degrees East one Hundred yards to
Corner Thence North thirty Degrees East one hundred Yards to
another Corner thence North Sixty Degrees West one hundred Yards
to a Corner of the Courthouse Land and thence along aline of the
Courthouse Land South thirty degrees West one hundred Yards to
the Begining the same being part of two hundred & fifty acres of
Land Granted to the said Sterling Clack by letters Pattent
bearing date at Williamsburg the Twenty eighth Day of August one
thousand seven hundred and forty Six, on condition that if the
said Francis Willis shall at any time hereafter retail or cause
or procure suffer or permit any person or persons whatsoever to
retail any Spirituous or other Liquours upon the said Land &
premises or any part thereof that then the Estate hereby granted
shall cease and thereafter it shall & may be lawful to and for
the said Sterling Clack into the said two acres of Land to
reenter.  Signed St. Clack.   Court January 1, 1746, Indenture &
Receipt acknowledged by Sterling Clack, and Anne the wife of the
said Sterling personally appeared and relinquished her Right of
Dower.   Deed Book 3, Page 243.

     Thomas Rives of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, for
Love and Affection which I bear to my son George Rives of same,
50a, being part of the land where I now live on, dated 29
November 1746.  Signed Thomas Rives (bhm).  Court December 4,
1746, Deed acknowledged by Thos. Rives.  Deed Book 3, Page 245.

     Indenture made 4 December 1746, between John Burrow of
Prince George County and William Burrow of Brunswick County, for
divers services the said John Burrow that given granted Bargained
and Sold and by these presents Doth give grant Bargain and Sell
unto my Welbeloved Son William Burrow, 200a, being half of a
tract of 400a, the Patent dated 1745, near Sturgeon Run, being
the upper part or half of the said tract.  Signed John Burrow
(bhm).  Witnesses:  Thos. Shakell, Isaac Howze (bhm).  Court
December 4, 1746, Indenture acknowledged by John Burrow.   Deed
Book 3, Page 246.

     Indenture made 1 January 1746 between Thomas Smith of
Brunswick County and John Irby of same, œ12, on N. Side of the
Grate swamp, 75a.  Signed Thomas Smith (bhm).  Witnesses:  Jno.
Wall, Junr., Daniel Sears, John Cart.  Court January 1, 1746,
Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by Thomas Smith.  Deed Book
3, Page 247.

     Indenture made 28 January 1746 between Robert Clark late of
Brunswick County and George Wych of Brunswick, œ7, 193a.  Signed
Robert Clark.  Witnesses:  Samuel Clark, Thos. Tatum, John
Tomson, Henry Cook (bhm), Eads Smith (bhm).  Court February 5,
1746, Indenture and Memorandum proved by the oaths of Samuel
Clarke, Thomas Tatum & Henry Cooke.  Deed Book 3, Page 249.

     Indenture made 26 September 1746, between Nicholas Lanier
of Brunswick, Divers Services, to welbeloved son, Nicholas
Shepherd Lanier, on South side of Sturgeon Creek, 369a, which was
granted to William Read by a Patent dated 1726 and purchased of
him By me.  Signed Nicholas Lanier.  Witnesses:  Willam [sic]
Hill, Thos. Laniar.  Court February 5, 1746, Deed acknowledged by
Nicholas Lanier.  Deed Book 3, Page 250.

     Henry Weaver of Brunswick County, Planter, œ20, paid by
William Fox of same, 130a, part of that tract or survey I now
live on [Fountains Creek], dated 24 December 1746.   Signed
Henery Weaver (bhm).  Witnesses:  John Peterson, John Moop,
Martha Peterson.  Court February 5, 1746, Indenture and
Memorandum acknowledged by Henry Weaver.  Deed Book 3, Page 252.

     Indenture made 9 November 1746, between John Roper of
Charles City County, and John Johnson of Brunswick county, œ20,
200a, being part of a larger tract of 1601a, which was granted to
the said Roper by Letters Pattent dated 1 August 1746, which 200a
is on North side of Bryery Creek.  Signed John Roper.  Witnesses: Richard
Hagood, William Johnson, Thos. Twitty.  Court February 5,
1746, Indenture proved by the oaths of Richard Hagood, William
Johnson and Thomas Twitty.  Deed Book 3, Page 254.

     Indenture made 4 December 1746, between John Burrow of
Prince George County, and John Burrow, his son, near Sturgeon Run,being the
Lower part of half of the said tract of land.  Signed John Burrow.  Witnesses: 
Wood Tucker, Thomas Burrow.  Court February 5, 1746, Deed acknowledged by John
Burrow.  Deed Book 3, Page 256.

     Indenture made 8 December 1746 between Peter Daniel of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, and Isaac Howze of same, œ6 10
Shillings, 532a, near Crablouse Run, Beginning at a pine where
Howzes now line touch mine North twenty six degrees East four
hundred poles to Howzes old line Which Includes by the surveyors
account two hundred sixty acres.  Signed Peter Daniel (bhm). 
Witnesses:  Lewis Parham, Roger Tillman, Richard Lanier.  Court
February 5, 1746, Indenture acknowledged by Peter Daniel.  Deed
Book 3, Page 257.

     Indenture made 5 February 1746 between William Whittington
of Brunswick County and John Dunn of St. Andrews Parish,
Brunswick County, œ___, 150a, on South side of Nottoway River. 
Signed William Whittington (bhm).  Witnesses:  Edward Goodrich,
Thomas Lawrance (bhm).  Court February 5, 1746, Indenture and
Memorandum acknowledged by William Wittington and Mary the Wife
of the sd. William personally appeared and relinquished her Right
of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 258.

     Nicholas Procter of Brunswick County, for Love and Affection
which I have and do bare towards my Loving Son in Law Joseph
Anderews [sic] of Surry County, Blacksmith, 100a, Beginning at
the spring Branch on Capt. Wm. Brown's line Thence Running North
to a Corner Tree on the sd. line thence East to a white Oak of
Abraham Browns Land from thence South to the Branch & with the
Branch to the Beginning, dated 23 February 1746.  Signed Nicholas
Proctor (bhm).  Witnesses:  Joseph Proctor (bhm), Thomas Proctor. Court March
5, 1746, Deed of Gift acknowledged by Nicholas
Procter.  Deed Book 3, Page 260.

     Indenture made 1 March 1746, between Benjamin Reeves of
Prince George County, George Rieves of Brunswick County, Thomas
Jeffris of Brunswick County and Timothy Rives of Brunswick
County, œ40, (1st) 400a, (2nd) 50a being part of a tract of Land
surveyed by William Rieves of Prince George County given by Will
by the said William Rieves deceased to Thomas Jeffries and is the
upper end of the sd. Land.  Signed Benjamin Rieves, George
Rieves, Thomas Jefferes.  Witnesses:  Burrel Brown, William
Wommack, Henry Cooke (bhm), Absolam Atkison.  Court March 5,
1746, Indenture and Memorandum proved by the oaths of Burrell
Brown, Henry Cook and William Womack and Sarah the wife of George
Reives personally appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.  
Deed Book 3, Page 261.

     Indenture made 26 September 1746, between James Speed of
Brunswick County and David Sinclair of same, œ20, 300a, on North
side of the Great Creek, being all that tract whereon the said
David Sinclair now liveth, which said tract was formerly granted
to one Thomas Stanback by Letters Patent dated 1 February 1738,
and by the said Thomas Stainback sold and conveyed to the said
James Speed by Deed of Bargain & Sale recorded in Brunswick
County the 2nd day of February MDCCXLIII.  Signed James Speed. 
Witnesses:  St. Clack, Peter Tatum, William Eldridge.  Court
March 5, 1746, Indenture acknowledged by James Speed.  Deed Book
3, Page 265.

     Indenture made 4 March 1746, between Benjamin Rives of
Prince George County and Timothy Rives of Brunswick County, and
Thomas Jeffris of Brunswick County, œ50, on South side of Maherin
River (1st) 200a, (2nd) 50a excepting 50a at the uper end of a
tract or parcil of 200a aforesaid that Benjamin Rives George
Rives and Thomas Jeffris sold and made over by deed in writing
unto Timothy Rives the sd. deed baring date before the date of
these presents.  Signed Benjamin Rives and Timothy Rives. 
Witnesses:  Burrell Brown, William Wommack, Henry Cooke (bhm),
Absolome Atkinson.  Court March 5, 1746, Indenture and Memorandum
proved by the oaths of Burrell Brown, Gent., Henry Cooke, and
William Womack.  Deed Book 3, Page 267.

     Indenture made 5 March 1746, between Henchy Mabry the Elder
and Henchey Mabry the younger, for Love and Affection, plus 5
Shillings, 200a, on South side of Notaway River & being the
Plantation whereon the sd. Henchy Mabry the younger now lives. 
Signed Hinchia Mabry (bhm).  Witnesses:  James Mackdaniel, John
Douglass, Henry Embry, Junr.  Court March 5, 1746, Indenture
acknowledged by Hinchia Mabry the Elder.  Deed Book 3, Page 270.

     Nathaniel Barlow of Surry County, Carpenter, œ25, paid by
Vallentine White of Isle of Wight County, Planter, on South side
of Maherin River, which tract was granted to John Barlow by
Patent dated 13 October 1727 & by will given to the sd.
Nathaniel, 295a, dated 14 February 1740.  Signed Nathaniel Barlow
(bhm).  Witnesses:  Thomas Clifton, John Spence (bhm), Henry
Harris.  Court March 5, 1746, Indenture and Memorandum
acknowledged by Nathaniel Barlow.  Deed Book 3, Page 271.

     William Womack of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, for
Love and Affection which I bare to my son in law Benjamin Syks of
same, œ30, 21 January 1746.  Signed William Womack.  Witnesses: 
Burrell Brown, Timothy Reves, George Rives.  Court March 5, 1746,
Deed acknowledged by William Womack.  Deed Book 3, Page 273.

     Indenture made 5 March 1746, between Robert Cooke of
Brunswick county, and Richard Pepper of Surry County, œ20, 150a,
on Cooke Creek otherwise called Cocks creek, being part of a
Larger Track of 296a which was granted to the sd. Robert Cooke by
Letters Patent dated 20 March 1745.  Signed Robert Cooke. 
Witnesses:  James Rae, Walter Campbell, David Townes.  Court
March 5, 1746, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by Robert
Cook.  Deed Book 3, Page 275.

     Indenture made 5 March 1746, between John Nipper of
Brunswick county and Randall Bracey of same, œ35, 150a, Beginning
at a scaley bark hickory on the said Nippers Line on the middle
branch of Cocks Creek thence along the said Line to a corner
white Oak of Wm. Maclins thence along his line to a Corner white
Oak of the sd. Macklins thence along the said Macklins line
thence to the middle Creek thence down the said Creek to the
Beginning being part of a larger Tract granted by Patent to
William Tucker.  Signed by John Nipper.  Witnesses:  Arthur
Atkins, John Rottenberry (bhm), James Nipper (bhm).  Court March
5, 1746, Indenture acknowledged by John Nipper.  Deed Book 3,
Page 277.

     Indenture made 5 March 1740 between Benjamin Harrison of
Lunenburge County and James Johnson of Brunswick County, œ___,
274a, on South side of the Great Creek & on both sides of the
Mill Creek by Letter Patent dated 25 July 1741.  Signed Benjamin
Harrison.  Court March 5, 1746, Indenture acknowledged by
Benjamin Harrison, and Elizabeth the wife of the said Benjamin
personally appeared in Court and relinquished her Right of Dower. Deed Book 3,
Page 279.

     We, William Southerland and Robert Southerland of Brunswick
County, œ30, paid by Absalom Atkinson of Isle of Wight County,
186a, on South side of Fountains Creek, Patent dated September
22, 1739 granted to John New &c; by the said John new conveyed to
the aforesaid william Southerland and Robert Southerland, dated 1
March 1743.  Signed William Southerland and Robert Southerland. 
Witnesses:  William Ezel, Junr., John Batt, and William Ezell
(bhm).  Memorandum 1 March 1743.  Witnesses:  Peter Wych, William
Ezell, Junr., John Batt, William ezell (bhm).  Court June 7,
1744, Indenture and Memorandum proved by the oaths of Peter Wych
and William Ezell, Junr.  Court April 2, 1747, proved by oath of
John Batt.  Deed Book 3, Page 281.

     Indenture made 11 February 1746 between John Killerease and
Bershaba his wife of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, and
Samuel Centel of same, œ15, 150a, Beginning at the mouth of a
branch that makes in at the ford of red oak run opposite of
Richard Smiths Corn field thence up the said branch to the sd.
Centels Line thence along his line to the Dividing Line between
ye Patents of William Reynolds &c; Samuel Chamberlayn thence along the said
Line to red oak run thence down the sd. run as it
menders [sic] to the Beginning aforesd. it being part of what the
sd. Killereas [Killoreas] bought of William Reynolds.  Signed
John Killcrease (bhm) and Bershaba Killcrease (bhm).  Witnesses: 
Hugh Williams, Richard Berry, Hezekiah Powell.  Court April 2,
1747,  Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by John Kilcrease
and Beresheba his wife, previous to which the sd. Beresheba was
privily examined.  Deed Book 3, Page 284.

     Indenture made 2 April 1747 between Micajah Perry of
Brunswick County and Hugh Ivy of Surry County, œ12-10 Shillings,
200a granted to Thos. Huckeby by patent with the Quantity of 316a
dated 28 September 1728, Binding on the North side of the main
road adjoining to the New Chapel & on the North side of a small
Branch runing out of Kittle stick.  Signed Micajah Perry. 
Witnesses:  James Lanier, Sampson Lanier.  Court April 2, 1747,
Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by Micajah Perry, And
Susanna the wife of the sd. Micajah personally appeared and
relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 286.

     Indenture made 18 February 1746 between Joseph Parke Senr.
of Brunswick County and Joseph Parke Junr., 5 Shillings, for term
of 1 whole year, the yearly rent of one ear of Indian Corn if
demanded, all the residue of his Lands & plantation he now liveth
one not all ready demised being on the N. side of Fountain Creek
formerly granted in two patents to Francis Mirach the 1st dated
18 February 1722 containing 250a; 2nd patent dated 28 February
1733 containing 295a.  Signed Joseph Parke (bhm).  Witnesses: 
Charles Cambell, James Haley, John Evans (bhm), John Hill (bhm). 
Court April 2, 1747, Indenture proved by the oaths of James
Haley, John Evans and John Hill.  Deed Book 3, Page 288.

     Indenture made 19 1746 between Joseph Parke Senr. of
Brunswick County and Joseph Parke Junr. of same, œ30, all tract
of land where he now dweleth except 200a already devided, on
North side of Fountain's Creek in the County of Brunswick
containing as may appear by patent dated 18 February 1822, 250a &
by another patent dated 28 February 1833 containing 295a.  Signed
Joseph Parke (bhm).  Witnesses:  Charles Campbell, James Haley,
John Evans (bhm), John Hill (bhm).  Court April 2, 1747,
Indenture proved by the oaths of James Haley, John Evans and John
Hill.  Deed Book 3, Page 290.

     Indenture made 4 February 1746, between John Blackwill &
Elizabeth his wife of St. Pauls Parish, Hanover County, and James
Tarply of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, œ18, 297a, on
South side of Notaway River.  Signed John Blackwell, Elizabeth
Blackwell.  Witnesses:  Hugh Williams, Mathew Mathis, John
Mathis, George Phillips.    Court April 2, 1747, Indenture,
Memorandum and Receipt proved by the oaths of Hugh Williams,
Mathew Matthis & John Matthis.  Deed Book 3, Page 293.

     Indenture made 2 April 1747 between William Maclin of
Brunswick County and William Betty of same, œ30, 212a, on South
side of Meharin River, Begining at a beach near the fish pott
thence South thirty Nine degrees west one hundred &c; twenty one
poles to a Hickory thence east thirty nine degrees south three
hundred and twenty poles to a red oak thence south thirty nine
degrees east twenty two poles to the river thence up the river as
it meanders to the Beginning.  Signed William Maclin.  Witnesses: William
McKnight.  Court April 2, 1747, Indenture and memorandum
acknowledged by William Maclin.  Deed Book 3, Page 296.

     Indenture made 7 May 1747 between George Simms of Brunswick
County and John Simms of Surry County, œ15, on South side of
Collo. Willises Mill Creek, 175a.  Signed George Simms. 
Witnesses:  Robert Tilman, Millinton Blalack, George Simms. 
Court May 6, 1747, Indenture & Memorandum acknowledged by George
Simms.  Deed Book 3, Page 298.

     Indenture made 5 March 1747 between John Simms of Surry
County and Richard Yarbrough of Brunswick, œ20, on North side of
Rattle snake Creek, 200a, Beginning on Rattle Snake Creek at a
maple thence a north Course to a black jack a Line tree belonging
to a Certain Tract of Land granted by patent to George Simms
thence to a Corner black Gum on the School house spring Branch
thence down the sd. Branch to the mouth of the Meadow branch to a
corner sweat gum thence up the meadow a strait course to the old
Line to a corner hiccory thence an East Course along the Old Line
to a Corner red oak of William Simmses thence along Wm. Simms's
Line to John Simmses Spring Branch then down the Branch a
southerly Course to the Creek then up the Creek to the Beginning. Signed John
Simms.  Witnesses:  John Yarbrough, James Lanier,
David Townes.  Court May 6, 1747, Indenture &c; memorandum were
acknowledged by John Simms.  Deed Book 3, Page 299.

     Indenture made 1747, between Sampson Lanier of Brunswick
County and James Lanier of same, œ25, 177a, Beginning at a pine
on the old County Line thence South sixty Eight degrees west one
hundred &c; ten pole to a red oak thence North fifty three degrees west
seventy two poles to a pine a Corner tree of Thomas Sisson's Land thence North
East along a new mark line which was a division between the sd. Sampson Lanier
&c; Richard Lanier's Land being part of the sd. Tract of Land, to a small pine
upon the old County Line then along the old County Line to the Beginning. 
Signed Sampson Lanier.  Witnesses:  George Rieves, Lemuell Lanier, Richard
Lanier.  Court May 6, 1747, Indenture acknowledged by Sampson Lanier.  Deed
Book 3, Page 301.

     Indenture made 6 May 1747 between John Wall Junior of
Brunswick County and Jacob Woolcey of same, œ8, on South side of
Maherin River & on E. side of the Great Creek below Christiana
Fort, 487a, Beginning at a white oak on the Indian Line thence by
the Indian Line East two hundred & Eighty pole to a white oak
thence South and by west one hundred & Eighty five pole to a
spanish oak thence south west two hundred & twenty pole to a red
oak thence North west thirty seven pole to a white oak thence
North seventy three poles to a red oak thence North twenty
degrees west one hundred & seventy four pole to a red oak thence
North sixty two pole to a white oak thence North fifteen degrees
East fourteen pole to the Beginning being a tract of Land
formerly granted to the sd. John Wall by Patent dated 28
September 1728; the other containing 238a adjoyning the above
land, Beginning at a white oak on the Creek a Corner of the other
Land thence due East two hundred & Eighty poles to a White oak
thence North by East one hundred & fifty six poles to a pine
thence due west three hundred and forty two poles to the Creek to
a small white oak & thence up the Creek as it meanders to the
beginning being granted to the sd. John Wall by Patent dated 1
February 1738.  Signed John Wall, Junr.  Witnesses:  Charles
Chamberlin, Daniel Sears.  Court May 6, 1747, Indenture &
Memorandum were acknowledged by John Wall, Junr. and Anne the
wife of the sd. John personally appeared and relinquished her
Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 303.

     Indenture made the 18 April 1747, between Henry Cook of
Brunswick and George Rives of same, œ30, on South side of the
Great Swamp, 500a.  signed Henry Cook (bhm).  Witnesses: 
Jeremiah Brown, Samuel Clark, Kirby Moody(bhm).  Court May 6,
1747, Indenture &c; Memorandum were acknowledged by Henry Cook. 
Deed Book 3, Page 305.

     Indenture made 26 July 1744 between John Bishop of North
Carolina, Edgcomb County and Charles Hicks of Brunswick County,
œ25, 261a, on South side of Halls Branch, Beginning on Robert
Clarks corner red oak thence South sixteen degrees East one
hundred & thirty two poles to a red oak thence south thirty nine
degrees west one hundred & Eighty six poles to a white oak thence
north seventy eight degrees west forty four poles to a great pine
thence north thirty one degrees west one hundred & forty poles to
a pine thence North twenty two degrees west sixty six poles to a
small hiccory thence North fifty two degrees east six poles to
Clarke's corner shrub white oak thence along his Line South
seventy one degrees East forty four poles to his corner Hickory
Thence along his said Line North thirty six degrees east two
hundred poles to the Beginning.  Signed John Bishop. Witnesses:  J. Rieves,
John Peterson, Saml. Clark, Wm. Fox (bhm).  Memorandum 26th day, 1744. 
Witnesses:  John Peterson, Samuel Clark, Elizabeth Batt (bhm).  Court, August
2, 1744, Indenture proved by the oaths of Joseph Rives and John Peterson, and
memorandum also proved by sd. Peterson.  Court May 6, 1747, Indenture and
memorandum proved by Samuel Clark.  Deed Book 3, Page 307.

     Indenture 7 May, 1747, between James Macdaniel of St. Andrew
Parish, Brunswick County and Robert Bates of same, œ31, on both
side of Little Creek, 253a, being granted to the sd. James
Mackdaniel by Letters Pattent dated 25 July 1741.  Signed James
Mackdaniel and Anne Mackdaniel (bhm).  Witnesses:  James Parrish,
James Coleman, John Ward.  Court May 6, 1747, Indenture and
memorandum acknowledged by James Mackdaniel and Anne the wife of
the sd. James Personally appeared and relinquished her right of
Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 309.

     Indenture made 1 April 1747, between Nicholas Lanier of
Brunswick County, Roger Reese of same, œ36-5 Shillings, 300a, for
term of one whole year to inable Reese to take & Except a grant
of the same land.  Signed Nicholas Lanier.  Witnesses: George
Bally, David King, William Edwards.  Court May 6, 1747, Indenture
acknowledged by Nicholas Lanier and Mary the wife of the sd.
Nicholas personally appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower. Deed Book 3,
Page 312.

     Indenture made 27 July 1745, between Francis Price of
Brunswick County and John Butts of same, œ25, land whereon John
Bush now lives, 447a, being a moiety of a larger tract of land
granted to John Duke by Letters Patent dated 24 March 1734 & by
the sd,. John Duke sold and conveyed to Thomas Collier & by the
sd. Collier sold & conveyed to the sd. Francis Price.  Signed
Francis Price.  Witnesses:  Thomas Lanier, Micajah Perry, Peter
Adams (bhm).  Court August 1, 1745, Indenture proved by oaths of
Thomas Lanier, Gent. & Micajah Perry.  Court May 6, 1747,
Indenture acknowledged by Francis Price.  Deed Book 3, Page 314.

     Indenture made 5 May 1747 between John Butts & Sarah his
wife of Brunswick County and Peter Butts of Isle of Wight County,
œ40, land whereon John Bush now liveth, 447a, being a moiety of a
larger tract of land granted to John Duke by Letters Patent
dated 24 March 1734 & by the sd. John Duke sold & conveyed to
Thomas Collier, and by the sd. Thos. Collier sold & conveyd to
Francis Price by deed proved  4 November 1742 & by the sd.
Francis Price sold & conveyed to the sd. John Butts.  Signed John
Butts, and Sarah Butts.  Witnesses:  Francis Price, Thomas Lody,
Wm. Sisson.  Court May 6, 1747, Indenture acknowledged by John
Butts & Sarah his wife, previous to which the sd. Sarah was
privily examined.  Deed Book 3, Page 316.

     Indenture made 4 May 1747, between Samuel clark of Brunswick
county and John Peebles of same, œ12, on South side of the great
Swamp, 100a.  Signed Samuel Clark.  Witnesses:  Jeremiah Brown,
Henry Cook (bhm), George Rives.  Court May 6, 1747, Indenture and
memorandum were acknowledged by Samuel Clark.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 23 February 1746, between John Moore of Northhampton
County, North Carolina, and William Walker of Virginia, œ22, 100a, Binding on
Pea Hill Creek, Beginning at a hiccory on the County Line running thence up
the sd. Creek to a white oak a corner tree on the side of the Creek thence
along the Line of the Patent to a popler a Corner tree on the side of seader
run thence along the Line of the Patent to the Country line thence along the
Country Line to the first station it being part of a Patent that was granted
to Mr. Richard Moore in 1728.  signed John Moore, and Tabitha Moore. 
Witnesses:  Wm. Allen, Edward Revis, Thomas Clanton (bhm).  Court May 6, 1747,
Indenture and Receipt were proved by oaths of Wm. Allen, Edward Revis & Thomas
Clanton.  Deed Book 3, Page 320.

     Gabril Harrison of Bath Parish, Prince George County,
Planter, for Love and Affection I have & bear unto my beloved son
Nathaniel Harrison of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County,
Planter, 180a, on both sides of Sturgeon Run, the same being
formerly granted to me the said Gabriel Harrison by Letters
patent dated 7 July 1726, Beginning at a Corner dogwood on the
reedy beaverpond branch thence North thirty degrees East two
hundred poles to a Corner thence east three degrees South one
hundred & twenty Poles thence South fifty six poles to the mouth
of a branch thence up the branch as it meanders to a Corner
thence west three degrees North one hundred & seventy poles to
the Beginning, dated 6 May 1747.  Signed Gabriel Harrison (bhm). 
Court May 6, 1747, Deed of Give acknowledged by Gabril Harrison. 
Deed Book 3, Page 322.

     Indenture made 6 May 1747, between Henry Cooke of Brunswick
county and Thomas Cooke of same, œ20, on South side Meherin
River, 290a.  Signed Henry Cook (bhm).  Court June 4, 1747,
Indenture and memorandum acknowledged by Henry Cooke and Mary the
wife of the said Henry personally appeared and relinquished her
Right to Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 324.

     Joshua Clark of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, for
Love and Affection I bear to my Grandson Peter Mitchel of same,
170a, the land where my son in Law Nathaniel Mitchel & Elzth.
Mitchel his wife doth now live.  I Joshua Clark do give my son in
Law Nathl. & Elizth. Mitchel his wife free & peaceable possession
of the land above mentioned during of their Lives, on South side
of Fountains Creek, 3 June 1747.  Signed Joshua Clark. 
Witnesses:  John Thompson, Thomas Rives (bhm), Jeremiah Brown. 
Court June 4, 1747, deed acknowledged by Joshua Clark.  Deed Book
3, Page 325.

     Indenture made 4 June 1747 between Margaret Jackson of
Brunswick County and Sampson Lanier of same, œ10-15 Shillings, on
North side of Meherrin river, 50a, tract of land given to the
said Margaret Jackson by her father John Jackson, being all the
land which is between wed Path and the river.  Signed Margaret
Jackson (bhm).  Witnesses:  John Douglas, Thos. Person, William
Adams.  Court June 4, 1747, Indenture and memorandum proved by
oaths of John Douglas, Thomas Person and William Adams.  Deed
Book 3, Page 326.

     Indenture made 4 June 1747 between William Huggins of
Johnson County, North Carolina, and William Wray, Junr. of
Brunswick County, œ19, land whereon William Huggins deceased,
father of the said William Huggins lately lived, 100a, on Cold
Water Run on South side of Meherrin River.  Signed William
Huggins (bhm).  Court June 4, 1747, Indenture acknowledged by
William Huggins.  Deed Book 3, Page 327.

     Indenture made 9 June 1747 between Samuel Chamberlin of
Brunswick County, St. Andrews Parish, and Adam Sims of same, œ21-
15 Shillings, on North side of Meherrin River, 485a.  Signed
Samuel Chamberlin.  Witnesses:  John Douglas, Sampson Lanier,
Jesse Bales (bhm).  Court July 2, 1747, Indenture & Memorandum
proved by oaths of John Douglas, Sampson Lanier and Jesse Bales. 
Deed Book 3, Page 329.

     Indenture made 29 June 1747 between Samuel Chamberlin of
Brunswick County and John Hunt of same, œ8, 150a, Beginning on
Rockey Run at the mouth call'd the Tar Kill branch from thence up
the said Tar Kill branch to the head so along by a line of
Mark'd Trees to Tomlins line a Corner from thence by the said
Tomlins line to a Corner from thence along the said Chamberlins
back Line to a Swamp called as aforesaid the Rockey Run from
thence down the said run to the Beginning.  Signed Samuel
Chamberlin.  Witnesses:  John Douglas, Sampson Lanier, Jesse
Bales (bhm).  Court July 2, 1747, Indenture and memorandum proved
by oaths of John Douglas, Sampson Lanier & Jesse Bales.  Deed
Book 3, Page 330.

     Indenture made 4 August 1747 between Stephen Caudle of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, Planter, and Sampson Caudle of
same, 5 Shillings, 146a, being part of a Tract of 446a granted to
the said Stephen Caudle by Deed from the Kings office, for term
of one whole year.  Signed Stephen Caudle.  Witnesses:  William
Reed (bhm), John Gunter (bhm), John Soss (bhm).  Court August 6,
1747, Indenture acknowledged by Stephen Caudle.  Deed Book 3,
Page 331.

     Indenture made 5 August 1747, between Stephen Caudle of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, Planter and Sampson Caudle of
same, œ7-6 Shillings, release for 146a, being part of tract
containing 446a granted to the said Stephen Caudle by Deed from
the Kings Office.  Signed Stephen Caudle.  Witnesses:  William
Read (bhm), John Gunter (bhm), John Sass (bhm).  Court August 6,
1747, Indenture and Receipt acknowledged by Stephen Caudle.  Deed
Book 3, Page 332.

     Indenture made 5 March 1746, between William Raney of Surry
County, and Thomas Jones of Brunswick County, œ5, upper half part
or moiety of a Certain tract of Land on North side of the little
Creek of the Three Creeks, 275a, formerly granted to James
Judkins by Letters Patent dated 2 February 1724 and by the said
James Judkins sold and conveid to the said William Raney by Deeds
of Lease and Release acknowledged & Recorded in Surry County 18
October 1727.  Signed William Raney (bhm).  Court August 6, 1747,
Indenture acknowledged by William Raney.  Deed Book 3, Page 334.

     William Raney of Surry County, for Love and Affection which
I have and do bear to my loving Daughter Anne Jones wife of
Thomas Jones of Brunswick county, to Anne and to the Heirs of her
body lawfully begotten, the Lower moiety or half part of 275a, on
North side of the Little Creek of the Three Creeks, being
formerly granted to one James Judkins by Letters Patent dated 2
February 1724 & by the said James Judkins sold & Conveyed to me
as by Deeds of Lease and Release acknowledged and recorded in
Surry County, 5 March 1746.  Signed William Raney(bhm).  Court
August 6, 1747, Deed acknowledged by William Raney.  Deed Book 3,
Page 336.

     James Hower of Brunswick County, St. Andrews Parish, do
appoint Sarah Hower of same, true and lawfull attorney to aske,
Demand, sue for recover & receive of all & every Person or
Persons all such sum or summs of Money due by Account, Bill, Bond
or otherwise howsoever, which are now due & Owing unto me the
said James Hower, dated 4 August 1747.  Signed James Hower (bhm). Witnesses: 
John Maclin, Leonard Claiborne, Junr.  Court August
6, 1747, Letter of Attorney proved by oaths of John Maclin and
Leonard Claiborne Junr.  Deed Book 3, Page 337.

     Indenture made 6 August 1747, between Drury Melone of
Lunenburgh County, and William Duggar of Brunswick County, œ18,
200a, on both sides of Beechlick Branch & bounded as by Letters
Patent dated 12 January 1746.  Signed Drury Melone.  Witnesses: 
Robert Campbell, Thomas Jones.  Court August 6, 1747, Indenture
acknowledged by Drury Melone and Martha the wife of the said
Drury personally appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower. 
Deed Book 3, Page 337.

     Articles of Agreement dated 10 March 1746/7, between John
Wamock of Brunswick County and John Willis, that John Wamock &
his wife, their heirs Executores &  Administrators or Assigns
will make, seal deliver execute and acknowledge deed & Deeds,
assurances conveyances whatsoever as the said John shall
reasonably devise or advise or require of for 300a, being part of
the Survey that Pace's enter'd.  Signed John Wamock (bhm). 
Witnesses:  Samuel Lucas, William Barlow (bhm), John Gladish. 
Court August 6, 1747, Articles of Agreement proved by the oaths
of Samuel Lucas, William Barlow & John Gladish.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Isaac House of Brunswick County for Love and Affection which
I have & do bear to my Loving son William House Junr. of same,
200a, being all the Land I hold on the North side of Stoney Hill
Run by me not heretofore given to my son John, part thereof being
parcels of the Land I bought of Michael O'Donaldly, other part
being parcel of the Tract I now live on & the residue being part
of a survey lately made for me by the surveyor of the County, 1
May, 1747.  Signed Isaac House (bhm).  Court September 3, 1747,
Deed acknowledged by Isaac House.  Deed Book 3, Page 340.

     Isaac House of Brunswick County, for Love and Affection
which I have & do bear to my Loving son John House of same, 200a,
on North side of Stoney Hill Run, being part of 288a purchased by
me of one Michael O'Donoldley to whom the same was granted by
letters patent dated 20 September 1742 and by the said Michael
O'Donaldley sold & conveyed to me the said Isaac House by deed
acknowledged 2 January 1745 which said 200a is the whole of the
said 288a that lies on the North side of the said Run.  Signed
Isaac House (bhm).  Court September 3, 1747, Deed acknowledged by
Isaac House.  Deed Book 3, Page 341.

     Indenture made 29 September 1747, between James Williams of
Bristol Parish, Prince George County, and James Fisher of same, 5
Shillings, 350a, on North side of a Creek called Waqua adjoyning
the Land of Thomas Lenoir, term of one whole year.  Signed James
Williams.  Witnesses:  Charles King, Robt. Whitehall, David
Williams.  Court October 1, 1747, Indenture & Receipt
acknowledged by James Williams.  Deed Book 3, Page 342.

     Indenture 30 September 1747, between James Williams of
Prince George County, Bristol Parish, and James Fisher of Prince
George County and Bath Parish, for 200a lying in Prince George
County on Butterwood Creek being the said land the said James
Fisher now lives on & 10 & 15 Barrels of Indian Corn, 350a, on N.
side of Waqua Creek adjoyning the Land of Thomas Lenoir.  Signed
James Williams.  Witnesses:  Charles King, Robt. Whithall, David
Williams.  Court October 1, 1747, Indenture acknowledged by James
Williams and Olive the wife of the said James personally appeared
and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 343.

     Indenture made 1 October 1747 between John Jackson Senr. &
Mary his wife of Albemarle Parish, Surry County, and John Jackson
Junr. of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, œ5, 195a.   Signed
John Jackson (bhm).  Witnesses:  John Duke, Thomas Embry, John
Mabry.  Court October 1, 1747, Indenture and memorandum
acknowledged by John Jackson the Elder.  Deed Book 3, Page 346.

     Indenture made 1 October 1747, between Edward Accollo &
mary his wife of Albemarle Parish, Surry County and John Jackson
Junr. of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, œ5. 400a.  Signed
Edward Accollo (bhm).  Witnesses:  John Duke, Thomas Embry, John
Mabry.  Court october 1, 1747, Indenture and memorandum
acknowledged by Edward Accollo.  Deed Book 3, Page 347.

     Indenture made 1 October 1747, between Samuel Hardin & Mary
his wife of Brunswick County, St. Andrews Parish, and Adam Sims
of same, œ40, on North side of Maherrin it being part of a Patent
obtained by John Jackson February 22, 1724 for 200a and the land
sold by Samuel Hardin & Mary his wife to Adam Sims is by
Estimation 100a.  Signed Samuel Hardin (bhm), Mary Hardin. 
Witnesses:  John Douglas, Linton Hales, Rebecca Jackson (bhm). 
Court October 1, 1747, Indenture & Memorandum acknowledged by
Samuel Hardin and Mary his wife previous to which she was privily
examined.  Deed Book 3, Page 349.

     Servant Jones of Warwick County do bind my self my Heirs
executors administrators or assigns to pay or cause to be paid
unto Thomas Binns of Surry County œ100, 12 May 1747, Condition of
obligation that if Servant Jones shall in any wise molest or
Disturb the said Thomas Binns, etc. in or concerning a certain
tract of Land lying & being in Brunswick County containing by
Estimation 200a which was ordered to be sold by Matthew Jones
Decd. by his Last will & Testament then this Obligation to be
void or of no Effect otherwise to be & Remain in full power force
& Virtue.  Signed Servant Jones.  Witnesses:  Albridgton Jones,
Thomas Brantley, Harwood Jones.  Court October 1, 1747, Bond
proved by the oaths of Thomas Brantley and Albridgton Jones. 
Deed Book 3, Page 350.

     Indenture made 5 November 1747, between John Sims of Surry
County and George Sims of Brunswick, œ15, 100a, on N. side of
Rattlesnake Creek.  Signed John Sims.  Witnesses:  Micajah Perry,
Millinton Blalack.  Court November 5, 1747, Indenture &
Memorandum acknowledged by John Sims.  Deed Book 3, Page 351.

     Indenture made 5 November 1747, between Robert Hynds of St.
Andrews parish, brunswick County and Stephen Houseman & John
Houseman of Surry County, œ100, 400a.  Signed Robert Hynds (bhm).  Witnesses: 
L. Claiborn Jur., Owen Strange, John Embry.  Court
November 5, 1747, Indenture and memorandum acknowledged by Robert
Hynds and Mary the wife of the said Robert personally appeared
and relinquished her Right to Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 352.

     Indenture made 3 November 1747, between James Sexton of
Brunswick County, St. Andrews Parish, and Francis Mitchel of
same, 5 [bland], on North side of Fountains Creek, 40a.  Signed
James Sexton (bhm).  Witnesses:  John Douglas, Robert Mitchel
(bhm), William Sexton (bhm).  Court November 5, 1747, Indenture
and Memorandum proved by oaths of John Douglas, Robert Mitchel
and William Sexton.  Deed Book 3, Page 354.

     Know all mean that whereas John Williams of Northfarnham
Parish, Richmond County and Hugh Williams of St. Andrews Parish,
Brunswick County have joyntly purchased of John David & Mary his
wife & John David Junr. 623a, on South side of Notaway River
which by a Patent granted to the said John Davis for the said
Land the courses may more full appear, to certify that John
William and Hugh Williams have divided the land as followeth
Beginning at the mouth of the first Branch below Rockey Run
thence up the said branch to a white Oak that stands in the fork
of the said Branch thence by aline of Mark'd Trees to the back
line the said John Williams to have the upper part from the said
Branch & line and the said Hugh Williams to have all that part
below the said Branch & line aforementioned, dated November,
1747.  Signed John William and Hugh Williams.  Witnesses:  Henry
Jones, Lewelling Jones, and Samuel Sentar.  Court November 5,
1747, Deed of Partition was proved by oaths of Henry Jones,
Lewelling Jones and Samuel Sentar.  Deed Book 3, Page 355.

     Indenture made 5 September 1747, between Robert Cooke of
Brunswick County and John Roberson of Warwick County, œ38-14
Shillings, 150a, being part of a Larger Tract granted by patent
to the said Cooke.  Signed Robert Cooke.  Witnesses:  S. Daniel,
Dionyous Wright, and Randall Bracey.  Court November 5, 1747,
Indenture acknowledged by Robert Cooke and Winifred the wife of
the said Robert personally appeared and relinquished her Right of
Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 356.

     George Hicks of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick County for
œ100, paid by James Hicks the Elder of same, Gent., Two negro
Slaves the one a man Named Brandom & the other a Boy Named Tom,
Also two feather Beds and furniture, provided it is the true
intent that whereas a Certain agreement of B&S hath been formerly
concluded between the said George Hicks and the said James Hicks
for a tract of land lying on both sides of Jenneto Creek
containing 396a for the making over & conveying of which the
said Land the said George Hicks at the time of the said
agreement entered into a Bond with the said James Hicks the Elder
in the Penalty of œ50 & whereas the property of the sd. Land was
at that time and still is vested in James Hicks an Infant, son to
the said George Hicks, and as the said george intends shortly to
remove out of this Colony & has a Design to give the above named
Slaves Beds &c to his said son James on Condition that he shall
when he arrives at the age of Twenty one Years make over & convey
unto the said James Hicks the Elder a good & Lawfull Title unto
the said Land it is therefore the tru intent of these presents
that the use of the said slaves be reserved unto the said James
Hicks the Younger untill he shall arrive at the Age of Twenty One
years & that then & from that time the sole right Title and
property of the said two slaves Beds & furniture be and are
hereby entirely vested in him the said James Hicks the Younger
provided he shall on his arrival at the Age aforesaid or as soon
after as he shall be thereunto required by the said James Hicks
the Elder make over & convey the said Land & premises unto the
said James Hicks the Elder. In case the said James Hicks the
Younger shall neglect or refuse to Comply with the above
Conditions on his part that then & from the time of such Neglect
or Refusal the property of the said slaves and Beds are to be
immediately vested in the said James Hicks the Elder, dated 6
October 1747.  Signed George Hicks.  Witnesses:  Richard Ransom,
Isaac Collier, Matthias Davis, John Wall, Junr.  Court November
5, 1747, Deed proved by the oaths of Richard Ransom and John Wall, Junr.,
Gent.   Deed Book 3, Page 358.

     Indenture 12 May 1747, between Elizabeth Jones exor. of
Matthew Jones, deceased of Isle of Wight County, and Thomas Binns
of Surry County, in obediance to the Will of the said Matthew
Jones dated 28 January 1727, œ12-10 Shillings, 200a, on South
side of Cattail Creek, Beginning at a Pine & a poplar by the side
of the said Creek a little below the mouth of a small branch,
thence south Thirty Degrees East one hundred & four pole, to a
Red Oak, thence south seventy five Degrees west Three Hundred &
Ten pole to a Gum by the side of a small branch, then down the
various Courses of the Run of the said branch to the Cattail
Creek aforesaid, then down the various Courses of the said Creek
to the first Station.  Signed Elizth. Jones.  Witnesses: 
Albridgton Jones, Thomas Brantley, William Richards.  Court
October 1, 1747, Indenture & Memorandum proved by Albridgton
Jones and Thomas Brantley.  Court November 6, 1747, Indenture
further proved by oath of William Richards.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Henchy Mabry of Brunswick County, for Love and Affection
which I have & do bear unto my son Ephraim Mabry of same, 100a,
Beginning at the mouth of the Dividing Branch between Ephraim
Mabry & Henchy thence up the said Branch to a Corner Red Oak
thence along a Dividing line to Smiths line to the River to a
Corner Hiccory thence down the river to the beginning call'd
Pollard's, dated 1 September 1747.  Signed Hency Mabry. 
Witnesses:  Lewis Parham, Thomas Hurst, Robt. Ranard (bhm). 
Court January 7, 1747, Deed proved by oaths of Lewis Parham,
Thomas Hurst, and Robert Renard.  Deed Book 3, Page 363. 

     Henchy Mabry of Brunswick County, for Love and Affection
which I have & do bear unto my son Joshua Mabry of same, 226a,
Beginning at a white oak on Smiths Line Thence along smith's Line
to a Corner white oak on Meridiths Line Thence along to a corner
white oak & from thence along aline of Mark'd Trees to a corner
red oake of Samuel Russels Line Thence  along Russels Line to a
Corner Hiccory Thence along a Dividing line between the said
Joshua & Henchy Mabry Junr. to a persimmon Tree on a branch
Thence dow the said Branch to the fork Thence up the other fork
to a Red Oake from thence along line to the white oake on Smiths
Line at the Beginning, dated 1 September 1747.  Signed Henchy
Mabry.  Witnesses:  Lewis Parham, Thomas Hurst, Robt. Rennard
(bhm).  Court January 7, 1747, deed proved by oaths of Lewis
Parham, Thomas Hurst & Robert Rennard.  Deed Book 3, Page 364.

     Indenture made 24 November 1747, between Thomas Eaves &
Graves Eaves of Brunswick County, sons & Devisees of Graves Eaves
the Elder Late of the said County deced. and John Freeman of
Surry County, whereas the said graves Eaves, decd. in & by his
last will & Testament proved & Recorded in the Court of the said
County of Brunswick 6 February 1741, did amongst other things
give & devise unto the said Thomas Eaves & Graves eaves his Land
& plantation whereon he lived, œ30, on North side of Meherrin
River, 100a.  Signed Thomas Eaves (bhm), Graves Eaves (bhm). 
Witnesses:  James Clack, Peter Tatum, St. Clack.  Court January
7, 1747, Indenture acknowledged by Thomas Eaves & Graves Eaves
and Leanna the wife of the said Thomas & Sarah the wife of the
said Graves personally appeared and relinquished their Right of
Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 365.

     Indenture made 6 January 1747, between Benjamin Seawell of
Brunswick County and Thomas Williams of same, œ50, all parcel of
Land that the said benjamin Seawell lately purchased of one John
Beddingfield Containing 306a and was acknowledged to the said
Benjamin Seawell in Court by deed dated 2 February 1746, on South
side of Fountains Creek.    Signed Benja. Seawell.  Court January
7, 1747, Indenture acknowledged by Benjamin Seawell.  Deed Book
3, Page 367.

     Indenture made 7 December 1742, between William Wray, Junr.
of Brunswick County, and John Allen of same, œ19, on Coldwater
Run on the South side of Maherrin River, 100a, being the land
lately purchased by the said William Wray of one William Huggins
as by Deed of B&S dated 4 June last past.  Signed William Wray,
Junr.  Witnesses:  James Speed, St. Clack, John Clack.  Court
February 4, 1747, Indenture acknowledged by William Wray, Junr.
and Anne the wife of the said Wm. personally appeared and
relinquished her right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 369.

     Indenture made 21 January 1747, between Alexander Bruce
Senr. of Raleigh Parish, Amelia County, and John Randle of St.
Andrew Parish, Brunswick county, œ42, 420a, on South side
Maherrin river, formerly granted to the said Alexr. Bruce by
Patent dated 28 September 1728.  Signed Alexr. Bruce (bhm). 
Witnesses:  Josias Randle, Peter Ware, John McGuffee.  Court
February 4, 1747, Indenture and Memorandum proved by the oaths of
Josias Randle, Peter Ware and John McGuffee.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 3 December 1747, between John Ezell of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, and William Melone of Bristol
Parish, Prince George County, œ30, 279a, on South side of
Maherrin River.  Signed John Ezell.   Court February 4, 1747,
Indenture and memorandum acknowledged by John Ezell and Hannah
the wife of the said John appeared and relinquished her right of
Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 372.

     Indenture made 1 February 1747, between Joseph Renn of
Prince George County and William Whittington of Brunswick County,
œ6, 150a, Beginning at alive pine by the side of Hicks's Branch
Thence along a Row of Mark'd trees across to the other Line being
the upper part of a Tract of Land Containing Three hundred &
Thirty five Acres Lying & being on the south side of Nottaway
River on the West side of Hick's branch in the County of
Brunswick formerly granted to the said Joseph Reen by patent
dated 28 September 1730.  Signed Joseph Reen (bhm).  Witnesses: 
William Reen, Junr., Francis Reen, George Renn, Junr.  Court
February 4, 1747, Indenture & Memorandum proved by oaths of
William Renn Junr., Francis Renn and George Renn Junr.  Deed Book
3, Page 374.

     Indenture made 13 February 1747, between Roger Tilman of
Northampton County, North Carolina, and Anne Courtney of
Brunswick County, œ150, on South side of Nottaway River & lower
side of Stoney Hill Run, 208a, Beginning alive Oak on the brink
of the said Run Thence south Thirty Degrees East two hundred &
Sixty poles to a Corner black Oak thence west Thirty Degrees
south One hundred & forty poles to a Corner Shrub white oak
thence west thirty Degrees North ninety eight poles to a Spanish
Oak upon the said Run and thence down the same as it meanders to
the Beginning Which said Tract or parcel of Land was formerly
granted to George Tilman (Father to the said Roger Tilman) by
letters patent dated 7 July 1726 and by him given & convied to
the said Roger by Deed of Gift acknowledged 6 August 1741. 
Signed Roger Tilman.  Witnesses:  James Clack, Phillip Jones, St.
Clack.  Court February 4, 1747, Indenture acknowledged by Roger
Tilman.  Court July 7, 1748, Mary the wife of the said Roger
Tilman, appeared in Court and relinquished her Right of Dower. 
Deed Book 3, Page 376.

     Indenture made 13 January 1747, between Richard Brown of
Brunswick County and Major Pryor of same, œ150, 350a, on South
side of Nottaway River.  Signed Richard Brown.  Witnesses: 
Charles Royall, Titus Singleton, John Collier (bhm).  Court
February 4, 1747, Indenture & Memorandum proved by oaths of
Charles Royall Titus Singleton & John Collier.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 2 February 1747/8, between George Tilman of
St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick county, and George Scogging of
Prince George County, 20 Shillings, 617a, on South side of Waqua
Creek.  Signed George Tilman.  Witnesses:  Drury Stith, Lewis
Parham.  Court February 4, 1747, Indenture & Memorandum
acknowledged by George Tilman.  Court May 5, 1748, Mary the wife
of the within named George Tilman appeared and relinquished her
right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 382.
     Indenture made 15 October 1747, between George Hicks of St.
Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, Gent., and Robert Jones, Junior
of Albemarle Parish, Surry County, Attorney at Law, œ400, on
North side of Maherrin river, 1310a.  Signed George Hicks. 
Witnesses:  Thomas Briggs, Richard Knight, William Gray, Junr.,
Henry Bedingfield, Thomas Pennington.  Court February 4, 1747,
Indenture & Memorandum proved by oaths of Richard Knight, William
Gray, Junr., & Thomas Pennington, together with the Commission
annexed for taking the relinquishment of Dower & privy
Examination of Sarah the wife of George Hicks.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Commission directed to John Willis, Timothy Rives, George
Wych, John Wall and Richard Ransom, Gentlemen, giving power to
receive relinquishment of Dower from Sarah, wife of George
Hicks, to Deed dated 15 october 1747, to Robert Jones for 1710a
[sic], dated 16 October.  Execution signed by George Wych and
Richard Ransom. Deed Book 3, Page 389.

     Indenture made 7 April 1747, between William Pennington of
Brunswick county and Edward Pennington of same, 5 Shillings, on S
branches of Maherrin, 295a, including the place where now the
said Edward Pennington lives.  Signed William Pennington.  Court
April 7, 1748, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by William
Pennington and Mary the wife of the said William appeared and
relinquished her Right to Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 390.

     Indenture made 4 April 1748, between Robert Connel and Mary
his wife of Brunswick County, Planter, and James Rowsay of Surry
County, Cooper, œ10, 175a, on W side of the Road that Leads from
the Old Courthouse of this said County to Penningtons Bridge on
Maherrin River; being part of a Larger tract of 400a formerly
granted by Letters Patent to William Gilbert and is all the Land
belonging to the said Tract that lieth on the west side of the
said Road.  Signed Robert Connel and Mary Connel (bhm). 
Witnesses:  Robert Campbell, Benja. Baird.  Court April 7, 1748,
Indenture acknowledged by Robert Connel and Mary his wife
previous to which the said Mary was privily examined.  Deed Book
3, Page 393.

     Indenture made 7 April 1748, between Richard Russell of
Brunswick County and William Lindsy of New Kent County, œ40,
330a, on South side of Briery Creek by Letters Patent dated 25
July 1741.  Signed Richard Russell.  Witnesses:  Thomas Twitty,
Stephen Moss (bhm).  Court April 7, 1748, Indenture acknowledged
by Richard Russell and Margaret the wife of the said Richard
appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page

     John Fennel of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, for
Love and Affection which I bear to my son in law William Briger
Junr. of same, 100a, on South side of Maherrin River & in case
the said briger should die and depart this life without any heirs
by his wife the Daughter of John Fennell the said Land to fall to
the male heirs of John Fennel whom the said Briger shall think
proper and the improvements made on the said land to be valued by
persons & the money given to the heir of the said briger by the
said heir that the Land is given unto by the said Briger,
Beginning at a White Oak on the North side of the Road call'd
Parsons Road on Thomas Parsons line Running up the Road to a
Corner Tree a white oak on the south side of the Road a Corner
tree of John Fennel's west from thence to James Hayleys Line to a
white oak on George's branch from thence down the said Branch to
a white oak so up to the Beginning, it being part of a Survey of
Land belonging to John Fennel Containing 290a, and the upper end
of the said Survey, dated 24 December 1747.  Signed John Fennel.
Witnesses:  Burwell Brown, Mary Brown, Ephraim Fennel (bhm),
William Evans (bhm).  Court April 7, 1748, Deed acknowledged by
John Fennel.  Deed Book 3, Page 397.

     Indenture made 5 March 1748, between James Saxton of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County and John Smith of same, œ20, on
North side of Fountains Creek, 200a.  Signed James Saxton (bhm). 
Witnesses:  John Douglas, James Smith (bhm), William Peeble. 
Court April 7, 1748, Indenture and Memorandum proved by oaths of
John Douglas, James Smith and William Peebles.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 8 March 1748, between Millinton Blalack of
Johnston County, North Carolina, and John Randle of St. Andrews
Parish, Brunswick County, œ20, 163a, on South side of Maherrin
River, formerly granted to Benjamin Carril by Patent.  Signed
Millinton Blalack, wit:  St. Clack, David Towns, J. Magoffee
(bhm), Josias Randle.  Court April 7, 1748, Indenture proved by
oaths of David Towns, John Magoffe & Josias Randle.  Deed Book 3,
Page 402.

     Indenture made 4 April 1748, between Richard Ransom of
Brunswick County, and Mr. William Allen, son of Joseph Allen,
Gent. Decd. of New Kent County, œ45, on North side of the Three
Creek, 84a, being sold by Isaac House to the said Ransom.  Signed
Richard Ransom.  Court April 7, 1748, Indenture & Memorandum
acknowledged by Richard Ransom.  Deed Book 3, Page 404.

     Indenture made 1 March 1747, between John Watson of
Cumberland Parish, Lunenburgh County and William Simmons, Junr.
of Southwark Parish, Surry County, a Black G[  ] called Dorrick
paid & delivered by John Simmons, Late of Surry County, Father of
the above Named William, 100a, which land was granted to the said
John Watson by letters Patent dated 28 September 1728.  Signed
John Watson.  Witnesses:  Thomas Eastland, James Arnold, James
Johnson, William Johnson, Christopher Moring, Junr.  Court April
7, 1748, Indenture and memorandum acknowledged by John Watson
and Rebecca the wife of the said John appeared and relinquished
her right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 406.

     William Fox of Brunswick County, Planter, for œ6-10
Shillings paid by John Peterson of same, 151a, on the Myery
Branch, dated 5 December 1747.  Signed William Fox.  Witnesses: 
Edward Pennington (bhm), Bland Horton, Samuel Ward (bhm). 
Memorandum dated 5 December 1747, signed  William Fox (bhm). 
Court May 5, 1748, Indenture & Memorandum acknowledged by William
Fox.  Deed Book 3, Page 408.

     George Rives of Northamton [sic] County, North Carolina for
œ50 paid by James Parham of Brunswick County, St. Andrews Parish,
50a, being a tract of land granted to the sd. George Rives by a
deed of Gift dated 29 November 1746 by Thomas Rives his father,
dated 5 May 1748.  Signed George Rives (bhm).  Witnesses: 
Absalom Atkinson, John Atkinson, William Ezell, Junr.  Court May
5, 1748, Deed and memorandum acknowledged by George Rives and
Mary the wife of the said George appeared and relinquished her
right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 411.

     West Harris & Joseph Green of Granville County, North
Carolina for œ40, paid by John Atkinson & Aaron Atkinson of
Brunswick County, Virginia, on South side of Fountains Creek,
300a and is part of 900a granted to John Bradford by Patent dated
13 October 1727 & afterwards granted to Joseph Turner of
Brunswick County, St. Andrew Parish by Deeds of Lease & release
dated 2 April 1735 and afterwards given by Will to the Daughters
of the said Joseph, Mary and Ann which are now the wives of the
said West Harris and Joseph Green, dated 5 May 1748.  Signed West
Harris, Joseph Green, Mary Harris (bhm), Anne Green (bhm). 
Witnesses:  Absalom Atkinson, William Ezell, Junr., James Parham. Court May 5,
1748, Deed and memorandum were acknowledged by West
Harris & Joseph Green and Mary the wife of the said West and Anne
the wife of the said Joseph appeared and relinquished their Right
of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 414.

     Indenture made 5 May 1748, between William Malone of Bristol
Parish, Prince George County and William Dailey of St. Andrews
Parish, Brunswick County, œ15, on South side of Maherrin River,
139a, being part of 279a granted to John Ezell by Letters Patent
dated 12 January 1741 and afterwards made over to us by the said
John Ezell unto the said William Malone.  Signed William Malone. 
Court May 5, 1748, Indenture & Memorandum acknowledged by William
Malone.  Deed Book 3, Page 417.

     Indenture made 7 April 1748, between William Wiggins of
Surry County and Charles Royal of Brunswick County, œ20, 100a, on
North side of the three Creeks.  Signed William Wiggins. 
Witnesses:  Michael Wall, Absalom Atkinson, John Vinson.  Court
May 5, 1748, Indenture and Memorandum were acknowledged by
William Wiggins and Anne the wife of the said William appeared
and relinquished her right of dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 419423.

     William Malone of Bristol Parish, Prince George County, for
Love and Affection which I have & do bear towards my well beloved
Son in law Drury Robertson of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick
County, 180a, on South side of Maherrin River, dated 5 May
1747/8.  Signed William Malone.  Court May 5, 1748, Deed &
memorandum acknowledged by William malone.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 6 November 1747, between John Duke of
Brunswick County and Major Pryor of King & Queen County, œ5, on
Moores Swamp, 504a, bounded as will appear by Patent dated 1738. 
Signed John Duke.  Witnesses:  Joshua Mabry, Abraham Peebles, John
Davis, Junior, John Duke, Junior.  Court December 8, 1747,
Indenture & Memorandum acknowledged by John Duke.  Court May 5,
1748, Indenture together with Commission annexed for taking the
relinquishment of Dower & privy examination of Rejoice the wife
of John Duke ordered to be recorded.  Deed Book 3, Page 425.

     Commission directed to Nicholas Lanier, John Willis and
Richard Ransome, Gentlemen, to privately examine Rejoice the wife
of John Duke regarding Indenture dated 6 November 1747 conveying
504a on Moores Swamp, to Major Pryor of King & Queen County,
dated 2 December 1747, and execution thereof signed by Nicholas
Lanier and Richard Ransome dated December 1747.  Deed Book 3,
Page 426.

     Indenture made 5 April 1748, between Thomas Person of
Brunswick County and Soloman Boykin of Northampton County, North
Carolina, œ18, 330a, being granted to Thomas Person in Patent
dated 1734.  Signed Thomas Person.  Witnesses:  Thomas Nichols
(bhm), Thomas Boykin, Francis Deloatch.  Court May 5, 1748,
Indenture and memorandum acknowledged by Thomas Person.  Deed
Book 3, Page 428.

     Indenture made 3 November 1747 between George Mabry of
Brunswick County and Martha his wife, and William Gilliam of
Surry County, œ70, on South side of Nottaway River, 400a.  Signed
George Mabry (bhm), Martha Mabry (bhm).  Witnesses:  H. Mabry,
Junr., G. Mabry, William Gilliam.  Court May 5, 1748, Indenture &
Memorandum acknowledged by George Mabry and Martha his wife,
previous to which the said Martha was privately examined.  Deed
Book 3, Page 430.

     Indenture made 3 November, 1747, between George Mabry of
Brunswick County and Martha his wife, and William Gilliam of
Surry County, œ130, on South side of Nottaway River, 280a. 
Signed Geor. Mabry (bhm), Martha Mabry (bhm), Witnesses:  H.
Mabry, Junr., G. Mabry, William Gilliam, Junr.  Court May 5,
1748, Indenture & memorandum acknowledged by George Mabry &
Martha his wife previous to which she was privily examined.  Deed
Book 3, Page 433.

     Indenture made 5 May 1748, between Jacob Woolsey of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, and Benjamin Warren of Surry
County, œ100, 2 tracts on E side of the Great Creek, 1 containing
397a, Beginning at a white oak on the Indian Line on the East
side of the Great Creek below Chritiana [sic] Fort Thence by the
Indian East two hundred & eight poles to a white Oak, Thence
South & by West two hundred & eighty four poles to a Spanish Oak,
Thence so two hundred & twenty poles to a Red Oak, Thence North
west thirty seven poles to a white Oak, Thence North thirty seven
poles to a red Oak, Thence North twenty Degrees one hundred &
seventy four poles to a Red oak, Thence North Sixty two poles to
a white oak Thence North fifteen Degrees East fourteen poles to
the Beginning being tract formerly granted to John Wall Junior by
Patent dated 28 September 1728; other containing 238a, Beginning
at a white Oak on the Creek a Corner of the other Land Thence due
East two hundred & eighty poles to a white Oak, Thence North by
East one hundred & fifty Six poles to a Pine thence due West
three hundred & forty two poles to the Creek to a small white oak
& thence up the Creek as it meanders to the Beginning being a
tract formerly granted to the above said John Wall by Patent
dated 1 February 1738.  Signed Jacob Woolsey.  Witnesses:  John
Douglas, John Wall, Junr., Michael Rice, Daniel Sears.  Court May
5, 1748, Indenture & Memorandum acknowledged by Jacob Woolsey. 
Court September 26, 1749, Alice the wife of the within named
Jacob Woolsey personally appeared and relinquished her right of
Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 436.

     Indenture made 5 May 1748, between Diannah Cooke of St.
Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, Widow, and John Daniel of same,
Carpenter, 5 Shillings, goods and chattels.  Signed Diannah Cook
(bhm), John Daniel (bhm).  Court May 6, 1748, Indenture
acknowledged by Diana Cook widow & John Daniel Carpenter.  Deed
Book 3, Page 438.

     Indenture made 2 June 1748, between John Roper of Charles
City County and Thomas Twitty of Brunswick County, œ5, 1200a, on
South side of the Mill Creek being part of a Larger Tract
containing 1601a which was granted to the sd. John Roper by
Letters Patent dated 2 August 1745.  Signed John Roper. 
Witnesses:  William Linsey, Richard Russell, George Hagood. 
Court June 2, 1748, Indenture proved by oaths of Richard Russell,
William Linsey & George Hagood.  Deed Book 3, Page 440.

     Indenture made 2 June 1748, between John Roper of Charles
City County and George Hagood of Brunswick County, œ6-5
Shillings, 100a, on both sides of Bryrie Creek being part of a
Larger Tract containing 1601a which was granted to the said Roper
by Letters Patent dated 2 August 1745.  Signed John Roper. 
Witnesses:  Thomas Twitty, William Linsey, John Roberts.  Court
June 2, 1748, Indenture proved by oaths of Thomas Twitty, William
Linsey & John Roberts.  Deed Book 3, Page 442.

     Indenture made 2 June 1748, between John Roper of Charles
City County and Edward Going of Brunswick County, œ5, 100a, on
South side of the Mill Creek, being part of a Larger Tract
containing 1601a granted to John Roper by Letters Patent dated 2
August 1745.  Signed John Roper.  Witnesses:  Thomas Twitty,
William Linsey, John Roberts (bhm).  Court June 2, 1748,
Indenture proved by oaths of Thomas Twitty, William Linsey and
John Roberts.  Deed Book 3, Page 444.

     Indenture made 2 June 1748, between John Irby of St. Andrews
Parish, Brunswick County and Robert Hynds of same, œ13, on North
side of the Great Swamp, 75a.  Signed John Irby.  Witnesses:  L.
Claiborne, Junr.  Court June 2, 1748, Indenture & Memorandum
acknowledged by John Irby.  Deed Book 3, Page 446.

     Indenture made 26 May 1748, between John Person of Isle of
Wight County, and John Jefferson of Brunswick County, œ25, 520a,
granted to John Person of Surry County by a Patent dated 7 July
1726 and since by the death of the said John Person of Surry
County descended to the said John Person of Isle of Wight County
aforesaid as heir at Law.  Signed John Person.  Witnesses: 
William Bridger, William Moseley (bhm).  Court June 2, 1748,
Indenture, Memorandum and receipt acknowledged by John Person. 
Deed Book 3, Page 447.

     Indenture made 12 October 1747, between John Jackson of
Brunswick County and Henry Morris of same, œ20, 274a, on the
Beaver pond branch, being same land given to the said John
Jackson by Deed of Gift acknowledged on 17 August 1746 by Thomas
Lloyd the Elder.  Signed John Jackson.  Witnesses:  James Clack,
Adam Sims (bhm), St. Clack.  Court June 2, 1746, Indenture
acknowledged by John Jackson.  Deed Book 3, Page 450.

     Indenture made 2 June 1748, between John Kelley of Surry
County and Frances Jenkins of Brunswick, œ20, 248a, on North side
of the Great Creek of Maherrin River and bounded as by Letters
Patent dated 12 January 1746.  Signed John Kelley.  Court June 2,
1748, Indenture acknowledged by John Kelley and Elizabeth the
wife of the said John appeared and relinquished her Right of
Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 451.

     Indenture 2 may 1748, between Thomas Parrot of Dale Parish,
Henrico County, and John Merritt of Prince George County, œ10, on
South side of Waqua Creek, 76a. Signed Thomas Parrot (bhm). 
Witnesses:  John Embry, John Duggar, Lewis Lanier.  Court June 2,
1748, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by Thomas Parrot. 
Deed Book 3, Page 453

     Hugh Dunn of Brunswick County, for Love and Affection which
I bear unto my Loving son Benoney Dunn of same, personal
property, dated 4 July 1748.  Signed Hugh Dunn (bhm).  Court 4
August 1748, Indenture acknowledged by Hugh Dunn.  Deed Book 3,
Page 454.

     Indenture made 25 June 1748, between Samuel Harwel of
Brunswick County and Thomas Stagg of same, œ70, on North side of
Maherrin River and on both sides of the little Creek, 150a, being
part of a tract of land originally taken up by Ambrose Jackson as
by patent dated 28 September 1732.  Signed Samuel Harwell (bhm),
Anne Harwell (bhm).  Witnesses:  Thomas Jackson Junr., Thomas
Jackson (bhm), Henry Jackson (bhm).  Court 4 August 1748,
Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by Samuel Harwell and Anne
the wife of the said Samuel personally appeared and relinquished
her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 456.

     Indenture made 1 August 1748, between Francis Lett of St.
Andrew Parish, Brunswick County and Joseph Cannon of Bath Parish,
Prince George County, œ35, on South side of Crab Cows [sic]
branch, 200a, & bounded as it was Laid Off by Agreement of John
Daniel & the said Frances Sundry persons being present at the
same, being part of 380a of land granted to the said Frances by
Letters Patent dated 15 March MDCCXLI.  Signed Francis Lett
(bhm).  Witnesses:  Thomas Hardiway Junr., Richard Haynes, John
Davis (bhm).  Court August 4, 1748, Indenture and Memorandum
acknowledged by Francis Lett and Amy the wife of the sd. Francis
personally appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed
Book 3, Page 458.

     Indenture made 13 January 1747 between John Kilcrease &
Baersheba his wife of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County and
Samuel Cental of same, œ26, 150, only eight foot of Ground to be
reserved under the Cherry Tree where the said Kilcreases Child is
buried the said Kilcrease & his heirs to have possession of the
said Eight foot Square & to remain a Liberty burying place to
the said Kilcrease.  Signed John Kilcrease (bhm), Baersheba
Kilcrease (bhm).  Witnesses:  Hugh Williams, Hezekiah Powel,
Hubbard Quarles.  Court 4 August 1748, Indenture & receipt proved
by the oath of Hugh Williams.  Court June 28=9, 1748, Indenture &
receipt further proved by oath of hezekiah Powel.  Deed Book 3,
Page 460.

     Indenture made 2 August 1748, between William Wise of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, and Thomas Wise son to the said
William Wise of same, for Natural Affection but more especially
for œ10, on NW side of the Cattail Creek, 150a.  Signed William
Wise (bhm).  Witnesses:  J. Wall, James Wall, John Wise (bhm). 
Court August 4, 1748, Indenture and Memorandum proved by the
oaths of John Wall, James Wall and John Wise.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 3 August 1748, between William Wise of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County and John Wise, son to the said
William Wise, for Love and Affection and œ10, on both sides of
the Catt Tail Creek, 150a.  Signed William Wise (bhm). 
Witnesses:  J. Wall, James Wall, James Wise (bhm).  Court August
4, 1748, Indenture and memorandum proved by the oaths of John
Wall James Wall & James Wise.  Deed Book 3, Page 464.

     Indenture made 2 August 1748, between William Wise of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County and James Wise, son of the said
William Wise, for Love and Affection and œ10, on NW side of the
Catt Tail Creek, 150a.  Signed William Wise (bhm).  Witnesses: 
J. Wall, James Wall, Thomas Wise (bhm).  Court August 4,1 748,
Indenture and memorandum proved by oaths of John Wall James Wall
& Thomas Wise.  Deed Book 3, Page 466.

     Indenture made 1 June 1748, between Edward Goodrich of
Brunswick County and Henry Duke of same, œ45, on South side of
the Three Creek,s 100a, being part of a Tract granted to John
Walker by patent dated 31 October 1726.  Signed Edward Goodrich
and Anne Goodrich (bhm).  Court August 4, 1748, Indenture
acknowledged by Edward Goodrich and Anne the wife of the said
Edward personally appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower. 
Deed Book 3, Page 469.

     Henry King of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County,  which I
have &do bear towards my loving son Charles King of same, all my
Lands Goods & Chattels whatsoever to which I have any Right or
Title to, dated 19 August 1740.  Signed Henry King (bhm). 
Witnesses:  Thomas Hardiway Jr., Robert Gee, Henry Bailey (bhm). 
Court July 7, 1748, Deed proved by the oaths of Robert Gee and
Henry Bailey.  Court August 4, 1748, Deed further proved by the
oath of Thomas Hardaway, Junr.  Deed Book 3, Page 470.

     Indenture made 2 February 1746, between John Bedingfield of
Craven County, North Carolina, Planter and Benjamin Sewel of
Brunswick County, Planter, œ30, 306, part of a tract of land
formerly possessed by the said John Bedinfield [sic] whereof was
sold a part to Richard Hyde of Brunswick County, on South side of
Fountains Creek.  Signed John Bedingfield.  Witnesses:  Nathll.
Edwards, Saml. Bennitt, George Hicks.  Court August 6, 1747,
Indenture and Memorandum proved by the oaths of Nathaniel Edwards
& George Hicks.  Court August 4, 1748, also proved by the oath of
Samuel Bennitt.  Deed Book 3, Page 471.

     Indenture made 27 February 1747, between James Turner & John
Cooper of Brunswick County and John Vincent Junr. & Peter Vincent
of same, œ8, 150a, on South side of Maherrin River; the said John
Vincent Junr to have 75a on North side of Linches branch & the
said Peter Vincent to have 75a on South side of the said branch
called Linches Branch.  Signed John Cooper (bhm), Amey Cooper
(bhm), James Turner (bhm), Elizabeth Turner (bhm).  Witnesses: 
John Housman, John Vinson, David Peebles, Joseph Carter, Junr.,
John Vinson, David Peebles.  Court August 4, 1748, Indenture with
memorandum proved by the oaths of John Housman & John Vinson as
to the said Cooper and by the oath of John Vinson as to the sd.
Turner.  Deed Book 3, Page 472.

     Indenture made 8 July 1747, between Thomas Clanton of St.
Andrew Parish, Brunswick  County, and William Brown, Gent, of
Southwark Parish, Surry County, œ400, on North side of Pea Hill
Creek, 855a, being part of a Larger tract of 1710a granted to the
said Thomas Clanton as son & heir of Edward Clanton Deced. by
Letter patent dated March 1747, Beginning at a White Oak on
peahill Creek thence south Sixty two Degrees East two hundred &
Sixty poles to two white Oakes thence North five Degrees East two
hundred & Eight poles to a Red Oak thence North Eighty five
Degrees East one hundred & Seventy three poles to a Hiccory
thence North fifty Six Degrees East one hundred & Eight seven
poles to a white Oak thence North twenty two Degrees West one
hundred & Seventy Six poles to a Corner thence south seventy
eight Degrees west four hundred & eighty eight poles to Pea Hill
Creek aforesaid thence down the said Creek as it meanders to the
Beginning.  Signed Thomas Clanton (bhm).  Court August 4, 1748,
Indenture and Memorandum  acknowledged by Thomas Clanton.  Deed
Book 3, Page 476.

     Indenture made 3 March 1747, between Moses Smith and Judah
his wife of Granvil County, North Carolina, and Athanatious
Robinson of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, œ10, 100a, being
part of a Patent granted to Samuel Chamberlyn for 449a which
Patent dated 11 December 1730.  Signed Moses Smith,   Witnesses:
Hugh Williams, William Lawrence, John Phenix.  Court 6 October
1748, Indenture and Receipt proved by the oath of Hugh Williams.
Deed Book 3, Page 478.

     Indenture made 1 September 1748, between Henry Ledbetter of
Brunswick County, and Lewis Parham of same, œ50, 400a, on both
sides of the Great Creek. which said land was granted to Francis
Eliage by Patent dated 25 July 1741 & by him sold to the said
Henry Ledbetter.  Signed Henry Ledbetter (bhm).  Witnesses:  John 
Embry, Hen: Embry Jr., John Clack.  Court October 6, 1748,
Indenture & Memorandum acknowledged by Henry Ledbetter and Edith
the wife of the said Henry personally appeared and relinquished
her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 480.

     William Bridger of Brunswick County, St. Andrews Parish,
Shoemaker, for œ15 paid by James Haley, being part of a Larger
tract of land John Fennel Surveyed & gave to the said Bridger by
Deed of Gift, 100a, dated 22 August 1748.  Signed William
Bridger.  Witnesses:  John Evans (bhm), Mary Haley (bhm), Sarah
Lucas, Drury Jordan (bhm).  Court October 6, 1748, Deed
acknowledged by William Bridger and Elizabeth the wife of the
said Bridger personally appeared and relinquished her right of
dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 482.

     Indenture made 5 October 1748, between John Wilburn Senr. of
Surry County and James Oliver of Brunswick County, œ40, 290a,
100a of said Land being formerly granted to William Melton by
Patent dated 1724, Beginning at a Spanish Oak Thence North Twenty
five Degrees East one hundred poles to three Trees Chopt inwards
Thence North Sixty five degrees West one hundred & Sixty poles to
a Hiccory then South Twenty five Degrees west one hundred pole to
a light wood post and south Sixty five degrees East one hundred &
Sixty pole to the Beginning; other 190a of said Land being
granted to John Wilburn party to these presents by patent dated
1730, Beginning at a Hiccory a Corner of William Meltons Land
Thence by Meltons line south sixty five Degrees East one hundred
& sixty pole to Three Trees Choped inward & South sixty five
Degrees west Sixty nine pole to a black oak then North Sixty five
Degrees East ninety two pole to a hiccory then North forty seven
Degrees East twenty four pole to a pine by a branch then North
thirty five Degrees west one hundred & thirty two pole to a Red
Oak then North Ten Degrees west forty five pole to a popler over
the Run of a branch a Corner of Lawrence Hous's Land then by
Houses Line North twenty five Degrees East fifty pole to a white
Oak then North west by North thirty five pole to a pine then West
by North seventy two pole to a Red Oak then south sixty Degrees
west Sixty four pole to three Trees Chop'd inwards in a line of
William Houses Land then by Houses lines South East forty two
pole to a Red Oak & South South West one hundred Eight poles to a
Red Oak then South thirty Degrees East four poles to the
Beginning.  Signed John Wilburn (bhm).  Witnesses:  Thomas
Oliver, John Wilburn, Junr (bhm), John Pas.  Court October 6,
1748, Indenture & Memorandum acknowledged by John Wilburn and
Anne the wife of the said Wilburn personally appeared and
relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 485.

     Indenture made 8 August 1748, between James Gee of Albemarle
Parish, Surry County and Richard Carter of same, œ30, 273a, which
said tract of Land was granted to the said James Gee by Patent
dated 1 October 1747.  Signed James Gee.  Witnesses:  John
Hearndon, Henry Cooke, Joshua Mabry.  Court October 6, 1748,
Indenture and memorandum acknowledged by James Gee.  Deed Book 3,
Page 487.

     Indenture made 12 July 1748, between Lewis Dupree Senr. of
Brunswick County and Lewis Dupree Junr. of same, œ7, 90a, land
granted by patent dated 18 March 1717 to Martain Middleton. 
Signed Lewis Dupree, Senr. (bhm).  Witnesses:  Charles Travers,
John Dupree (bhm), Thomas Dupree.  Court October 6, 1748,
Indenture & Memorandum proved by the oaths of Charles Travers,
John Dupree, and Thomas Dupree. Deed Book 3, Page 490.

     Indenture made 6 October 1748, between John Dupree of
Brunswick County and Thomas Dupree of same, œ5, 135a, being part
of a Tract of Land granted by patent dated 20 September 1731 to
John Dupree.  Signed John Dupree (bhm).  Witnesses:  Charles
Travers, Samuel Bennett.  Court October 6, 1748, Indenture
acknowledged by John Dupree.  Deed Book 3, Page 492.

     Indenture made 6 October 1748, between James Moseley of
Brunswick County and James Lee of Isle of Wight County, œ50 paid
by the said William Lee, make over unto the said William Lee, on
South side of Pea Hill Creek, 152a.  Signed James Moseley.  Court
October 6, 1748, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by James
Moseley and Mary the wife of the said James personally appeared
and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 494.

     Indenture made 6 October 1748, between Charles Goulster of
St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, and George Crook of same, 20
Shillings, 90a, on North side of Waqua Creek.  Signed Charles
Goulster (bhm).  Court October 6, 1748, Indenture and Memorandum
acknowledged by Charles Goulster and Elizabeth the wife of the
said Charles personally appeared and relinquished her Right of
Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 496.

     Indenture made 5 October 1748, between Matthew Matthews &
Judeth his wife of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, and Hugh
Lambert of Northfarnham Parish, Richmond County, œ35, 200a. 
Signed Matthew Matthews and Judeth Matthews (bhm).  Witnesses: 
Hugh Williams, Thomas Jones, William Smith.  Court October 6,
1748, Indenture, memorandum & receipt acknowledged by Matthew
Matthews.  Deed Book 3, Page 497.

     Indenture made 6 October 1748, between Ninian Mitchel of
Brunswick County and Robert Hynds of same, œ25, on both side Catt
Tail Creek, 346a.  Signed Ninian Mitchel (bhm).  Witnesses: 
Michael Wall, Daniel Sears, Richard Lanier.  Court October 6,
1748, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by Ninian Mitchel. 
Court September 26, 1749, Mary the wife Ninian Mitchel personally
appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 6 October 1748, between Thomas Jones Junr. &
Mary his wife of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, and John
Robert Jones, brother to the said Thomas Jones, of same, for Love
and Affection, on South side of Crooked run, 400a, part of a
tract of Land containing 404a granted by Letters patent dated 25
November 1743 to Thomas Jones brother to John Robert Jones. 
Signed Thomas Jones and Mary Jones (bhm).  Witnesses:  Hugh
Williams, Joshua Mabry, Reaps Jones.  Court October 6, 1748,
Indenture acknowledged by Thomas Jones and Mary his wife previous
to which the said Mary was privily examined.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 4 October 1748, between Thomas Jones & Mary
his wife of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County and Charles Irby
and Susannah Irby his wife of Raleigh Parish, Amelia County and
Hugh Lamberth of Northfarnham Parish, Richmond County, œ30, on
South side Crooked Run, 604a.  Signed Charles Irby, Susann Irby,
Thomas Jones, and Mary Jones (bhm).  Witnesses:  Nicholas Lanier,
Samuel Jones, Reaps Jones.  Court October 6, 1748, Indenture &
Receipt acknowledged by Thomas Jones and Mary his wife previous
to which the said Mary was privily examined.  And the same was
likewise proved to be the Acts & Deed of Charles Irby & Susanna
his wife, by oaths of Nicholas Lanier, Samuel Jones and Repps
Jones.  Deed Book 3, Page 504.

     John Marshall of Brunswick County, Planter stand firmly bound
to John Vincient Junr. and Peter Vincient of same, œ100, dated 6
October, 1748.  Condition of obligation if John Marshall do when
required make over & confirm to the said John and Peter Vincient,
150a land, on a branch of Fountains Creek called Lynches branch,
Patent granted to John Marshall Father of the said John Marshall,
then obligation to be void.  Signed John Marshall.  Court October
6, 1748, Bond acknowledged by John Marshall.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 3 August 1748, between Thomas Clanton of
Brunswick County and Charles Clanton of same, œ5, 213a, being
part of a tract granted to the said Thomas Clanton for 1710a,
dated March, 1748.  Signed Thomas Clanton (bhm).  Witnesses:
Lewis Parham, John Embry, John Ledbetter (bhm).  Court October
6, 1748, Indenture acknowledged by Thomas Clanton.  Deed Book 3,
Page 508.

     Burgess a pole of their votes--

Colo. John Wall--George Brewer, Joseph Wright, Moses Vincient,
John Ogburn, Ninian Mitchel, William Davis, Joseph Massie[?],
Nathan Harris, Richd. Ledbetter, Francis Deloach, Lizwel Sexton,
Joseph Carter, Thomas Powell, William Jordan, William Ezell, John
Peebles, William Wise, Joshua Clark, Charles Stuart, James
Judkins, William Adams, Abraham Burton, Nathaniel Clark, Thomas
Tomerlin, David Lucas, John Dunn, Fostor Rives, Thomas Jeffris,
Thomas Jacobs, James Douglas, John Massie, Henry Ledbetter, James
Upchurch, John Tooke, Henry Cooke, John Vincient, William
Moseley, John Betty, William Wawmock, John Irby, William Wyche,
William Betty, John Jackson, William McKnight, Nicholas Edmunds,
George Walton, Eades Smith, Richard Hide, James Jordan, Samuel
Harwell, James Sexton, William House, John Cooke [Cooker], Thomas
Vincient, William White, John Morgan, William Johnson, Joseph
Hathcock, Thomas Scizon, George Rives, William Lovsey, Thomas
Tatum, John Steed, George Wyche, William Huff, Valintine White,
Lawrence House, Charles Williams, William Powell, Daniel Cato,
William Bishop, Thomas Collier, William Ren, George Harper,
Timothy Rives, John Ray, John Harwell, James Lanier, Peter Wyche,
Matthias Davis, John Misheaux, William Collier, Thomas Denton,
Amos Horton, William Smith, Thomas Wise, George Moseley, Richd.
Ledbetter, Edward Denton, Nathaniel Perry, Benjamin Ivey, Thomas
Clanton, Aaron Parks, John Jeffres, John Fennal, Jeremiah Brown, 
Adam Simms, John Butts, Benjamin Sewel, Hugh Daniel, Thomas
Lawrence, Thomas Carrie, John Smith, William Brewer, William
Barlow, Thomas Rives, John Walton, Richd. Burnett, Robert Lunday,
Nathaniel Mitchel, James Hicks, Daniel Carill, James Parham,
Joseph Parks, Thomas Williams, Charles Collier, Thomas Morris,
William Fox, Thomas Austin, John Cato, John Daniel, Thomas
Jackson, Isaac Collier, Richard Ransom, William Whittington,
Samuel Clark, Walter Campbell, Burwell Brown, Michael Wall Junr.,
John Carril (Sworn), John Wall Junr., John Robinson, Absolem
Atkinson, Edward Goodrich, Richard Lanier.  Michael Wall Sherif. 
Deed Book 3, Page 510.

Colo. Edwards--George Brewer, Joseph Wright, Moses Vincient, John
Ogburn, Ninian Mitchel, William Davis, Joseph Massie, Nathan
Harris, Richd. Ledbetter, Lizwell Sexton, Joseph Carter, Thomas
Powell, William Jordan, William Ezell, John Peebles, William
Wise, Joshua Clark, Charles Stuart, James Judkins, William Adams,
John Johnson, Nathl. Clark, Thomas Tomlinson, David Lucas, John
Dunn, Foster Rives, Thomas Jefferis, Thomas Jacobs, James
Douglas, John Massie, Henry Ledbetter, James Upchurch, John
Tooke, Henry Cooke, John Vinson, James Lanier, William Pettaway,
John Betty, William Wawmock, John Irby, William Wyche, William
Betty, John Jackson, Geo: Wallton, Eades Smith, Richd. Hide,
Edward Adams, James Jordan, Samuel Harwel, James Sexton, William
House, John Cocker, Thomas Vincient, John Morgan, William
Johnson, Joseph Hathcock, George Reeves, William Lovsey, Sam
Cocke, Thomas Tatum, George Wyche, William Huff, Valintine White,
Lawrence House, Charles Williams, William Powel, Daniel Cato,
William Bishop, Thomas Collier, William Renn, Timothy Rives,
Peter Wyche, Matt. Davis, William Ledbetter, William Collier,
Thos. Denton, Amos Horton, William Smith (Little), Thomas Wise,
William Smith (again), Richard Ledbetter, Edward Denton,
Nathaniel Perry, Benjamin Ivey, Thomas Moseley, Aaron Parks, John
Jefferis, Jeremiah Brown, Ben: Sewell, Hugh Daniel, Thomas
Lawrence, John Smith, William Brewer, William Barlow, Thomas
Reeves, John Walton, Robert Lunday, Joseph Burnett, William
Smith, James Parham, Joseph Parks, Thomas Williams, William
Robinson, Thomas Morris, Nathaniel Hicks, James Dupree, John
Dupree, John Cato, Lewis Dupree, Thomas Austin, Hubbard Farril,
Richard Ransom, Batt Peterson, Charles Lucas, John Yarburough,
Benja: Chapman Donaldson, John Willis, Thomas Cooke, Thomas
Avant, John Hunt, Samuel Clark, Burwell Brown, John Carril,
(Sworn), Absolem Atkinson.  Michael Wall sherif. Deed Book 3,
Page 511.

Capt. Edmunds Pole--Walter Campbell, Michael Wall, Junr., John
Wall Jun.  Michael Wall Sherif.  Deed Book 3, Page 513.

Colo. Willis--Samuel Lucas, John Sulivant, William, Pettaway,
James Dupree, John Dupree, Lewis Dupree, Hinchy Mayberry, Drury
Stith, Sterling Clack.  Michael Wall Sherif.  Deed Book 3, Page

Pole for Drury Stith--William Wall, James Denman, Henry Embry,
John Moutrey, Giles Kelly, William McKinney, William Maclin,
James Speed, Hezekiah Massie, Thomas Loyd (Sworn), Lewelling
Jones, Robert Christy, Thomas Butt, Richd. Hagood, Randal Brasie,
William Jones, Augustine Hightower, Geo. Tilman, Stephen Caudle,
Mason Bishop, Hubard Quarles, John Johnson, John Avery, William
Brewer, William Smith, Roger Reese (Sworn), Thomas Lanior,
William Lindsey, William Scoggin, William Green, George Deardan,
Robt. Dunkley, Robt. Cunnell, Francis Lett, Hix Jones, Henry
Bailey, Hugh Williams, William Averice, William Mosely, Hezekiah
Massie, Owen Strange, Thomas Twitty, William Smith, Josias Floyd,
Thomas Procter, Drury Malone (Swonr), Geo. Tilman Junr., Francis
Hagood, Geo: Hagood, Thomas Brooks, Richard Birch, John Lambert,
Nicholas Proctor, Sampson Caudle, William Gower, John Birch,
Robt. Gee, James Rigbie, Francis Stainback, Shep: Lanier,
Curthbert Smith, William Stroud, William White, Samuel Crafts,
Geo: Cain, Aths. Robinson, John Duke, Henry Jones, David Sinclr,
John Steed, William Petty, William Randle, William Wray, Benjamin
Lanier, John Moore, Robert Hicks, John Hicks, Thomas Dean, John
Randle, Charles Goulster, John Maclin, William Read, Peter
Simmons,  Isaac House, Geo: Clayton, John Marshall, John Ward,
Stehpen Scizon, Hinchy Mabry, Richard Pepper, Lanuel Lanier, John
Mishaux, Charles King, James Cooke, William Ledbetter, George
Wilson, nathl. Harrison, Thomas Loyd, Senr., John Ingram, Jesse
Tatum, John Pettaway, To: Mabry (Sworn), William Tilman, Sampson
Lanier, Theok: Bland, Richard. Swanson, William House, William
Smith, Geo: Mosely, Thomas Clanton, Thomas Mosely, Isaac Matthis,
John Fennel, James Maclin, John Ezell, Edward Hueland, John Geo:
Pennington, William Nance, William Bailey, Drury Robinson, Daniel
Taylor, James Johnson, Samuel Russell, John Johnson, Peter Tatum,
John Butts, Michael Young, Richard Russell, Thomas Jones, John
Evans, Griffin Humphris, George Clark [Clack], Richard Scogging,
John Moorston, James Parrish, William Scoggin, Richd: Burnett,
Edward Davis, Baxter Davis, Chris: Tatum, George Sims, John Wall,
Robt. Rynolds, John Davis, Edward Robinson, Joseph Burnett, James
Clack, Abraham Phenix, Charles Matthis (sworn), William Short,
John Hagood, James hicks, James Taply, John Johnson, William
Williams, James Love, James Parham, John Edwards, Thomas
Hardiway, Geo: Scogging, Richard Yarburough, James Bennitt,
William Edwards, Nicholas Lanier, Robt. Briggs, Henry Simmons,
James McDaniel, John Burrow, William Burrown, William Duggar,
John Rose, John Robinson, Thomas Jackson, Charles Collier, George
Stainback, William Robinson, John Parker, William Eaton, John
Douglas, John Thornton, Henry Jackson, Nathaniel Hicks, Henry
Morris, William Morris, John Jackson, David Walker, Hubbard
Ferril, Jehue Peebles, John Collier, Lewis Parham, James Moseley,
Samuel Harwell, Isaac Collier, William Pennington, Samuel Cental,
Batt Peterson, John Jones, Thomas Johns, Thomas Sadler, Charles
Lucas, Benja: C: Donaldson, John Willis, Nicholas Lanier, Thomas
Person, William Samford, Sterling Clack.  Michael Wall Sherif. 
Deed Book 3, Page 513,

Pole for Sterling Clack--William Wall, Francis Deloah, James
Denman, Henry Embry, John Moultry, Giles Kelley, William
McKinney, William Maclin, James Speed, Hezekiah Massie, Thomas
Lloyd, Lewelling Jones, Robert Christy, Thomas Bull, Richard
Hagood, Randall Brasie, William Jones, Augustine Hightower, Geo:
Tilman, Stephen Caudle, Mason Bishop, Hubbard Quarles, John
Averie, William Brewer, William Smith, Roger Reece, Abraham
Burton, Thomas Lanoir, William Lyndsey, William Scogging, William
Green, Geo: Deardin, Robt. Dunkley, Robt. Cunnel, Francis Lett,
Hix Jones, Henry Bailey, Hugh Williams, William Averice, Hezekiah
Massie, Owen Strange, Thomas Twitty, William Smith, John
Sulivant, Jos: Floyd, Thomas Proctor, Drury Malone, Geo: Tilman,
Francis Hagood, Geo: Hagood, Thomas Brooks, Richard Birch,
William McKnight, Nicholas Edmunds, John Lambert, Nicholas
Proctor, Sampson Caudle, William Gower, John Birch, Robert Gee,
James Rigbie, Francis Stainback, Edward Adams, Shep: Lanier,
Curthbert Smith, William Stroud, Samuel Crafts, Thomas Scizon,
Geo: Cain, Athanatious Robinson, John Duke, Henry Jones, David
Sinclar, Lamuel Cocke, William Petty, William Randle, William
Wray, Benjamin Lanier, John Moore, Robt. Hicks, John Hicks, Geo:
Harper, John Ray, John Harwell, Thomas Dean, John Randle, Charles
Goulstor, James Lanier, John Maclin, William Read, Peter Simmons,
Isaac House, Geo: Clayton, John Marshall, John Ward, Stephen
Scizom, Hinchy Mabry, Richard Pepper, Lamuel Lanier, Charles
King, James Cooke, Geo: Wilson, nathl: Harrison, Thomas Lloyd
Senr., John Ingram, Jesse Tatum, John Pettaway, Jo: Mabry,
William Tilman, Sap   Lanier, Theodk: Bland, Richard Swanson,
William House, William Smith, Junr. William Smith, Junr. Isaac
Matthis, James Maclin, John Ezell, Edward Hueland, John Geo:
Pennington, William Nance, William Bailey, Drewry Robinson,
Daniel Taylor, James Johnson, Samuel Russell, John Johnson, Peter
Tatum, Adam Sims, Michael Young, Richard Russell, Thomas Jones,
Thomas Carril, John Evans, Griffin Humphris, Geo: Clark, Richard
Scogging, John Moreton, James Parrish, William Scoging, Edward
Davis, Baxter Davis, Chrs: Tatum, Geo: Simms, John Wall, Robt.
Rynolds, John Davis, Edward Robinson, James Clack, Abraham
Phenix, Charles Matthis, William Short, John Hagood, James
Tapley, John Jackson, Daniel Carril, William Smith, William
Williams, James Love, James Parham, John Edwards, Thomas
Hardiway, Geo: Scogging, Richrd. Yarburough, James Bennitt,
William Edwards, Nicholas Lanier, Robt. Briggs, Henry Simmons,
James Macdaniel, John Burrow, William Burrown, William Duggar,
John Rose, John Robinsons, Thomas Jackson, Geo: Stainback, John
Parker, William Eaton, John Duglas, John Thornton, Henry Jackson,
Henry Morris, William Morris, John Jackson, David Walker, John
Daniel, Jehue Peebles, John Collier, Thomas Jackson, Lewis
Parham, James Moseley, Hinchy Mabry, Samuel Harwel, William
Pennington, Samuel Cental, Batt Peterson, John Jones, Thomas
Jones, Thomas Sadler, William Whittington, John Yarburough,
Thomas Cock, Thomas Avant, Nichs. Lanier, John Hunt, Thomas
Parson, William Samford, Drury Stith, John Robinson, Edward
Goodrich, Richd. Lanier.  Micahel Wall Sheriff.  This 13th Day of
June 1748.  Miachel Wall Sherif made Oath before me that this is
true copy taken for this County Given under my hand this day
above written.  Signed John Willis.  Deed Book 3, Page 515.

     Indenture made 1 October 1748, between William Gray of New
Kent County and Thomas Washington of Surry County, œ65, 414a, on
Pea Hill Creek, which said Tract of land was granted to the said
William Gray by Patent dated 31 January 1732.  Signed Wm. Gray. 
Witnesses:  Benja. Jordan, Richard Proctor, John Nicholson. 
Court January 5, 1748, Indenture, Memorandum and Receipt proved
by the oaths of Benjamin Jordan, Richard Proctor and John
Nicholson.  Deed Book 3, Page 519.

     Indenture made ____ October 1748, between George Wilson of
Brunswick County, St. Andrews Parish, and James Robinson of same,
œ40, on North side of Maherrin River, 120a.  Signed George
Wilson.  Witnesses:  Daniel Sears, John McGoffee (bhm), Edward
Robinson (bhm), Thomas Bales.  Court January 5, 1748, Indenture
and Memorandum proved by oaths of Daniel Sears, Edward Robinson
and Thomas Bales.  Deed Book 3, Page 520.

     Indenture made 3 November 1748, between John Davis of
Cumberland Parish, Lunenburgh County, and Buckner Stith of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, œ115, 480a, being part of a
Larger Tract of Land formerly granted to the said John Davis &
Baxter Davis by Letters Patent dated 28 September 1728, on South
side of Sturgeon Run.  Signed John Davis (bhm).  Witnesses:  M
Cadet Young, Henry Embry Junr., Thomas Sadler.  Court January 5,
1748, Indenture, Memorandum and Receipt proved by oaths of
Michael Cadet Young, Henry Embry Junr., and Thomas Sadler.  Deed
Book 3, Page 522.

     Indenture made 30 August 1748, between Henry Embry Senr. of
St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick County and Henry Simmons of same,
œ40, 301a, on Sturgeon Run, formerly granted to Thomas Wright
Sparrows dated 1728.  Signed H. Embry.  Witnesses:  Henry Embry
Junr., Thomas Embry, Richard Burch.  Court January 5, 1748,
Indenture, Memorandum and receipt acknowledged by Henry Embry. 
Deed Book 3, Page 524.

     Indenture made 11 October 1748, between John Moutray of St.
Andrew Parish, Brunswick County and Charles Debham of Glocester
County, 5 Shillings, 132a, on South side of Sturgeon Run.  Signed
John Moutray.  Witnesses:  Buckner Stith, Richard Stith, John
Stroud, Senr.  Court January 5, 1748, Indenture and Memorandum
proved by oaths of Buckner Stith, Richard Stith and William
Stroud Senior.  Deed Book 3, Page 526.

     Indenture made 4 January 1748, between Drury Stith of St.
Andrew Parish, Brunswick County and William Stroud of same, œ15,
130a, on South side of Sturgeon Run.  Signed Drury Stith.  Court
January 5, 1748, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by Drury
Stith.  Deed Book 3, Page 528.

     Indenture made 4 January 1748, between William Stroud of St.
Andrew Parish, Brunswick County and John Stroud Junr. of same,
œ15, 100a, on South side of Sturgeon Run.  Signed William Stroud
(bhm).  Witnesses:  Drury Stith, Richard Stith, Robt. Kennon. 
Court January 5, 1748, Indenture proved by oaths of Drury Stith,
Richard Stith & Robert Kennon.  Deed Book 3, Page 529.

     Indenture made 4 January 1748, between John Peebles of
Brunswick County and Haley Dupree of same, œ28, 143a, in the Fork
of the Cane branch joyning James Parish's Line.  Signed John
Peebles.  Court January 5, 1748, Indenture and memorandum
acknowledged by John Peebles.  Deed Book 3, Page 531.

     Indenture made 6 October 1748, between Thomas Jones of
Brunswick County, Planter, and Theophilus Feild of Prince George,
Merchant, œ50, on North side of the Little Creek of three Creeks,
137 1/2a, purchased by the said Thomas Jones of one William Rainey as by Deed
acknowledged & recorded 6 August 1747.  Signed Thomas Jones (bhm).  Witnesses: 
Michl. Wall Junr., Henry Jackson (bhm), St. Clack.  Court February 2, 1748,
Indenture proved by oaths of Michael Wall Junr., Henry Jackson, & Sterling
Clack.  Deed Book 3, Page 533.

     Indenture dated 2 February 1748, between Richard Yarbrough
of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick County and Francis Price of
same, œ30, on North side of RattleSnake Creek, 300a, is part of a
Tract of Land formerly granted by Patent to George Simms & by the
said George conveyed to John Simms who conveyed to the said
Richard Yarbrough.  Signed Richard Yarbrough.  Witnesses:  Robt.
Campbell, Stephen Senter.  Court February 2, 1748, Indenture and
Memorandum acknowledged by Richard Yarbrough and Elizabeth the
wife of the sd. Richard personally appeared and relinquished her
Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 535.

     Indenture made 4 January 1748, between Robert Gee of St.
Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, and Nathaniel Harrison of same. 
œ37-10 Shillings, on South side of Sturgeon Runn, 413a.  Signed
Robert Gee.  Witnesses:  M Cadet Young, Henry Morris, William
Morris.  Court March 2, 1748, Indenture and memorandum
acknowledged by Robert Gee.  Deed Book 3, Page 537.

     Indenture made 28 February 1748/9, between John Harwell
Senr. of Brunswick County, and Thomas Harwell, his son of same,
100a, adjoining on the South side of the three Creeks.  Signed
John Harwell Senr. (bhm).  Witnesses:  James Lanier, Richard
lanier, John Harwell, Junr. (bhm).  Court March 2, 1748,
Indenture proved by oaths of James Lanier, Richard Lanier, and
John Harwell, Junr.  Deed Book 3, Page 539.

     Indenture made 28 February 1748/9, between John Harwell
Senr. of Brunswick County and John Harwell his son of same, on
South side of three Creeks, 100a, on condition that if the said
John Harwell his son doth die before he has any issue or heir
lawfull begotten that then the said Land shall return & fall to
the said John Harwell Senr. But if the said John harwell his son
should ever have any issue or heir lawfull begotten that then the
said tract of Land shall remain in full possession of the said
John Harwell his son forever.  Signed John Harwell (bhm). 
Witnesses:  James Lanier, Richard Lanier, Thomas Harwell (bhm). 
Court April 5, 1749, Indenture and memorandum proved by the oaths
of James Lanier, Richard Lanier & Thomas Harwell.  Deed Book 3,
Page 541.

     Indenture made 1 February 1748, between Henry Embry Senr. of
St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick county, and Henry Embry Junior of
same, œ40, on North side of Waqua Creek, 200a, being part of a
Larger Tract containing 550a granted to Richard Burch by Letters
Patent dated 28 December 1736 thence sold & conveyed by the said
Burch to Henry Embry Senr.  Signed H. Embry.  Witnesses:  Richard
Burch, John Burch, John Westmoreland (bhm).  Court March 2, 1748,
Indenture & receipt proved by oaths of Richard Burch and John
Burch.  Court June 28, 1749, Indenture and Receipt further proved
by oath of John Westmoreland.  Deed Book 3, Page 542.

     Indenture made 1 March 1748, between William Stroud of
Brunswick County, Planter, and Drury Stith, Gent. of same, œ15,
100a, on North side of Sturgeon Run, being part of 322a formerly
granted by Letter Patent to John Stroud Senr.  Signed William
Stroud (bhm).  Witnesses:  Buckner Stith, L. Claiborne, Junr. 
John Stith.  Court March 2, 1748, Indenture and memorandum proved
by the oaths of Buckner Stith, Lenord Claiborne & John Stith. 
Deed Book 3, Page 545.

     Indenture made 18 February 1748, between William Renn of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, and Lawrence House of same,
œ10, on South side of the Otterdam Swamp, 10a, being part of the
tract on which the said Renn now lives.  Signed William Renn. 
Witnesses:  Michael Wall, Robt. Campbell, John Wall, Junr., Matt.
Davis.    Court March 2, 1748, Indenture and memorandum proved by
the oaths of Michael Wall, Robert Campbell, and  Matt. Davis. 
Deed Book 3, Page 547.

     Indenture made 2 March 1748, between John Yarbrough of St.
Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, and Jesse Tatum of same, œ50, on
Brandy Creek, 235a, by Patent formerly granted to the Reverend
John Betty and by Sundry conveyances at length became the
property of the said John yarbrough.  Signed John Yarbrough. 
Witnesses:  William Wych, Robert Hicks, Daniel Sears.  Court
March 2, 1748, Indenture & Memorandum proved by the oaths of
William Wych, Robert Hicks & Daniel Sears.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 25 March 1749, between Roger Reese of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, and Robert Gee of same, œ10,
300a, Beginning at a White Oak in Nicholas Lanier Line thence
along the said line to Henry Simmons Line thence along the said
Lines to a Small White Oak Corner thence along a line to a Corner
Red Oak thence along a line to a black Oak thence along a line to
a Corner White Oak in Nicholas Lanier Line & then along the said
Lanier Line to the Beginning.  Signed Roger Reese.  Witnesses: 
Russell Blackley, John Daniel (bhm), Henry Simmons.  Court April
5, 1749, Indenture & Memorandum proved by the oaths of Russell
Blackley, John Daniel & Henry Simmons.  Deed Book 3, Page 551.

     Indenture made 1 November 1748, between John Jones of
Brunswick County and Henry Rose of Isle of Wight County, œ100, on
a branch of Poplar Creek, 342a, granted to the said John Jones 20
August 1745.  Signed John Jones.  Witnesses:  Daniel Carrell,
Thomas Jackson Junr., Valintine White (bhm).  Court April 5,
1749, Indenture and Memorandum proved by the oaths of Thomas
Jackson Junr.  Court June 1, 1749, Indenture further proved by
the oaths of Daniel Carell and Valentine White.  Deed Book 3,
Page 552.

     Indenture made 6 April 1749, between Nathaniel Hicks of
Brunswick County and Joseph Wrean of Isle of Wight County, œ5,
195a, Beginning at a White Oak on the first Great Creek above
Christianna Thence South seventy two Degrees East eighty three
pole to a Red Oak then South Twenty eight Degrees West one
hundred & Sixteen poles to a Red Oak then South forty nine & a
half Degrees West One hundred & thirty four pole to a white Oak
Then North Sixty four & a half Degrees West Twenty nine pole to a
Hiccory then North Twenty four Degrees West one hundred & thirty
Six pole to a White Oak then North thirty four Degrees East One
hundred & thirty two pole to a Red Oak then South Eighty three
Degrees East forty three pole to a White Oak then South forty two
degrees East Ninety Six pole to the Beginning.  Signed Nathl.
Hicks.  Witnesses:  Michael Wall Junr., Moses Johnson, Henry
Rose.  Court April 6, 1749, Indenture and memorandum acknowledged
by Nathaniel Hicks.  Deed Book 3, Page 555.

     Indenture made 31 January 1748/9, between Henry Rose of
Toway Parish, Isle of Wight County, and Benjamin Tuder of same,
give to Benjamin Tuder and to his heirs lawfully begotten of his
body, lying & being in the county by a Dividing Line Beginning at
a White Oak upon the head of a branch of the Poplar Creek Thence
along aline of Mark'd Trees to a Turkie Oak a line Tree of the
Paten'd Land for Two hundred Acres more or less.  Signed Henry
Rose.  Witnesses:  Michael Wall Junr., Joseph Wrean, Nathaniel
Hicks.  Court April 5, 1749, Indenture acknowledged by Henry
Rose.   Deed Book 3, Page 557.

     Indenture made 1 June 1749, between Stephen Sisson of
Brunswick County and Thomas Sisson of same, œ10, 50a, on South
side of the Three Creeks.  Signed Stephen Sisson, Mary Sisson
(bhm).  Witnesses:  Richard Lanier, James Cook.  Court June 1,
1749, Indenture and memorandum acknowledged by Stephen Sisson. 
Deed Book 3, Page 559.

     Indenture made 3 May 1749, between George Hagood of
Brunswick County, and Thomas Twitty of same, 5 Shillings, 100a,
being part of a Larger Tract formerly granted to John Roper by
Letters Patent dated 1 August 1745, on both side Bryery Creek. 
Signed George Hagood.  Court June 1, 1749, Indenture acknowledged
by George Hagood.  Deed Book 3, Page 560.

     Indenture made 1 May 1749, between Thomas Powell Senr. of
Brunswick County, Planter, and William Powell of same, Planter,
œ5, 100a, on North side of Fountains Creek.  Signed Thomas Powell
(bhm).  Witnesses:  John Wall Junr. Dionysius Wright.  Court June
1, 1749, Indenture and memorandum acknowledged by Thomas Powell
Senr. planter.  Deed Book 3, Page 562.

     Indenture made 18 December 1748, between John Linch of
Granvill [sic] County, North Carolina, and William Hardin of
same, œ50, on North side of Fountains Creek, 130a.  Signed
William Linch (bhm).  Witnesses:  John Carrill, Edward Crews,
George Person (bhm).  Court June 1, 1749, Indenture & Memorandum
proved by oaths of John Carrel & John Person.  Court September
29, 1749, further proved by oaths of Edward Crews.  Deed Book 3,
Page 563.

     John Loyd of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, Planter
for œ8-1 Shillings paid by Thomas Lad Junr. of same, Planter,
goods and chattels, dated 18 March 1748.  Signed John Lad
(bhm).  Witnesses:  M Cadet Young, Thomas Sadler, William Stroud
Senr (bhm).  Inventory of goods & Chattels to Thomas Lad Junr.
on 18 March 1748.  Signed John Lad.  Witnesses:  M Cadet Young,
Thomas Sadler, William Stroud Senr. (bhm).  Court June 1, 1749. 
Bill of Sale and Inventory proved by oath of Michael Cadet Young. 
Deed Book 3, Page 565.

     Indenture made 16 September 1748, between David Sinclar of
Brunswick County, and Edward Ellis of Surry County, œ35, on North
side of the Great Creek, 300a, which was formerly granted to one
Thomas Stainback by Letters Patent dated 1 February 1838.  Signed
David Sinclar.  Witnesses:  John Randle, John Edwards, John Hicks
(bhm).  Court June 1, 1749, Indenture proved by oaths of John
Randle, John Edwards & John Hicks.  Deed Book 3, Page 567.

     Indenture made 4 May 1749, between Batt Peterson of
Brunswick County, and John Threeweeks of Surry County, œ60, 450a,
on both side of the Three Creeks, 100a part thereof being
formerly granted unto John Harwell by Letters Patent dated 7 July
1726, and 350a of residue being granted to Charles Rose Deceased. Signed Batt
Peterson.  Witnesses:  Sampson Lanier, John Peebles,
Robert Hicks.  Court 1 June 1749, Indenture & Memorandum proved
by oaths of Sampson Lanier, John Peebles and Robert Hicks.  Deed
Book 3, Page 568.

     Indenture made 14 April 1749, between George Harper of St.
Andrews Parish, Brunswick County, and Micajah Perry of same, œ25,
143a, being a parcel of Land Will'd to the said Harpers wife
Elizabeth Harper by her Father John Denton.  Signed George Harper
and Elizabeth Harper (bhm).  Witnesses:  George Hamilton, Wm.
Tilman, James Maclin, Anne Wilson (bhm).  Court June 1, 1749,
Indenture and Memorandum proved by oaths of George Hamilton,
William Tilman & Anne Wilson.  Deed Book 3, Page 570.

     Ralph Dunkley of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County held
firmly bound unto George Clayton of same, in sum of œ80, dated 1
June 1749.  Condition of obligation that if Ralph Dunkley shall
make over in open court by good & lawfull deeds or other
conveyance a tract of land lying on the Ridge between Waqua &
Sturgeon Run and adjoining the lines of the said Clayton, Fisher
& Griffin or otherwise to Return the Survey into the Secretary
Office in the said George Claytons name when required then
obligation to be void.  Signed Ralph Dunkley.  Witnesses:  M
Cadet Young, Richd. Vaughan (bhm).  Court June 1, 1749, Bond
acknowledged by Ralph Dunkley.  Deed Book 3, Page 572.

     Indenture made 1 June 1749, between Jesse Tatum of St.
Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, and James Parham of same, œ1-1
Shilling 6 pence, on South side of Reedy Creek, 1a.  Signed Jesse
Tatum.  Witnesses:  Daniel Sears, William Smith, Charles Lucas. 
Court June 1, 1749, Indenture and memorandum acknowledged by
Jesse Tatum and Elizabeth the wife of the said Jesse personally
appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 27 June 1749, between Sterling Clack Gent of
St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick county, and Curthbert Smith, Planter
of same, œ45, 492a, bounded as by Letters patent granted to the
said Sterling Clack dated 29 September 1748.  Signed St. Clack. 
Court June 27, 1749, Indenture acknowledged by Sterling Clack. 
Court 27 September 1749, Anne the wife of the said Sterling Clack
personally appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.   Deed
Book 3, Page 574.

     Indenture made 14 December 1748, between Thomas Cook of St.
Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, and John Rosser of Albemarle
Parish, Surry County, œ55, 290a, on South side of Maherrin River. Signed
Thomas Cook (bhm).  Witnesses:  John Tomlinson, George
Rives, Henry Cook (bhm).  Court June 27, 1749, Indenture and
Memorandum proved by the oaths of John Tomlinson, George Rives,
and Henry Cook.  Deed Book 3, Page 575.

     Indenture made 11 March 1747, between Benjamin Boykin of
Brunswick county, and John Person of Isle of Wight County, œ15,
100a, Beginning at the Mouth of Fountains Creek on the South side
of Maherrin River.  Signed Benjamin Boykin (bhm).  wit:  Simon
Turner, Thomas Turner, James Maclemore (bhm).  Court November 5,
1747, Indenture, Memorandum, and Receipt proved by oaths of
Simon Turner and Thomas Turner.  Court June 28, 1749, Indenture
and memorandum further proved by oath of James Maclemore.  Deed
Book 3, Page 576.

     Rebecca Jackson, of Brunswick County, Widow, to prevent all
disputes which may arise between me & my Son Thomas Jackson of
same county, Planter touching or concerning the Construction of a
Clause in the Last Will & Testament of my late Husband John
Jackson deceased, and for Love and Affection, one Negro boy
called Ben, late the Estate of my said Husband John Jackson,
dated 23 April 1747.  Signed Rebecca Jackson (bhm).  Witnesses: 
St: Clack.  Court June 28, 1749, Deed proved by the oath of
Sterling Clack.  Deed Book 3, Page 578.

     Henry Morris of Brunswick County, for Love and Affection
which I have and bear to my Loving son William Morris of same,
422a, on both sides of Lloyds Run, being part of 1842a, lately
granted to me the said Henry Morris by Letters Patent dated
174[  ], dated 18 May 1748.  Signed Henry Morris.  Witnesses: 
Lewis Parham, Thomas Lloyd, St: Clack.  Court June 28, 1749, Deed
acknowledged by Henry Morris.  Deed Book 3, Page 579.

     Indenture made 22 August 1749, between Henry Meachum of
Surry County, and Thomas Jefferis of Brunswick County, œ16, on
South side of Maherrin River, 100a.  Signed Henry Meachum (bhm). 
Witnesses:  Timothy Rives, John Peebles, henry Cook (bhm).  Court
September 26, 1749, Indenture and memorandum proved by the oaths
of Timothy John Peebles & Henry Cooke.  Deed Book 3, Page 580.

     Indenture made 22 February 1745/6, between Robert Morgan and
Elizabeth his wife, for Love and Affection which we have & do
bear unto our son John Morgan and Barbary Morgan his wife, all
our Worldly goods & Chattels.  Signed Robert Morgan (bhm),
Elizth. Morgan (bhm).  Witnesses:  Thomas Tatum, Robt. Sturt,
William Fox (bhm).  Court September 26, 1749, Deed proved by
oaths of Thomas Tatum and William Fox.  Deed Book 3, Page 582.

     Indenture made 26 September 1749, between John Ezell of
Brunswick County and John Inferam of Orange County, œ300, 330a,
on South side of Maherrin River that was granted to George Ezell
of Surry County by Letters Patent dated 17 August 1727.  Signed
John Ezell.  Court September 26, 1749, Indenture acknowledged
by John Ezell and Hannah the wife of the said John personally
appeared and relinquished her right of dower.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 10 March 1748/9, between Charles Royall &
Anne his wife of Brunswick County, and Abraham peebles of same,
œ21, 100a, on North side of the Three Creeks.  Signed Charles
Royall.  Witnesses:  John Jackson, Joel Threewett, Thomas Harwell
(bhm).  Court September 26, 1749, Indenture and Memorandum proved
by oaths of John Jackson, Joel Threewett, and Thomas Harwell. 
Deed Book 3, Page 585.

     Indenture made 22 September 1749, between Henry Cook of
Brunswick County, and James Lanier of same, œ18, two tracts
adjoining each other, on North side of the Cain Branch, 100a
each; the first tract being granted by Patent to Robert Clark for
100a; the other tract being part of a Survey and granted by Patent
to the above said Robert Clark.  Signed Henry Cooke (bhm). 
Witnesses:  John Peebles, Timothy Rives.  Court September 26,
1749, Indenture acknowledged by Henry Cook.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Mary Haley of Brunswick County, St. Andrew Parish, for Love
and Affection which I have & do bear towards my Loving son James
Haley of same, on both sides of Fountains Creek, containg by
Patent 300a, it being a tract of land granted me the said Mary
Haley by Patent dated 12 January 1746, dated 20 June 1749. 
Signed Mary Haley (bhm).  Witnesses:  Timothy Rives, Joseph
Parks, John Hales.  Court September 26, 1749, Deed acknowledged
by Mary Haley.  Deed Book 3, Page 588.

     Charles Williams of Brunswick County, for Love and Affection
which I have and bear unto my son Benjamin Williams, 100a, which
I purchased of Charles Stuart & on which I now live, being half
part of 200a tract on Otterdam Swamp, dated 17 August 1749. 
Signed Charles Williams.  Witnesses:  Ingram Blankes, James Hower
(bhm), James Morris (bhm). Memorandum dated 17 August 1749,
Signed Charles Williams (bhm) and Witnesses:  Ingram Blanks,
James Hower (bhm), Geo. Hamilton.  Court September 26, 1749, Deed
& Memorandum acknowledged by Charles Williams.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 14 March 1748, between Philemon Bowers of
Brunswick County, and Walter Campbell of same, œ25, 250a, on
North side of the Great Creek and bounded as by Letters patent
granted to the said Philemon Bowers dated 12 January 1746. 
Signed Philemon Bowers.  Witnesses:  James McDaniel, Thomas
Lloyd, Junr., Theo. Burk.  Court September 26, 1749, Indenture
acknowledged by Philemon Bowers and Sarah the wife of the said
Philemon personally appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower. Deed Book 3,
Page 592.

     Indenture made 26 September 1749, between Henry Duke of
Lunenburg County and Edward Goorich of Brunswick County, œ45, on
South side of the three Creeks, 100a, being the plantation which
the said Edward Goorich now lives.  Signed Henry Duke.  Court
September 26, 1749, Indenture acknowledged by henry Duke and
Elizabeth the wife of the said Henry personally appeared and
relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 594.

     Indenture made 26 September 1749, between James Cooke and
Silvana Cook his wife of Brunswick County and Richard Parker of
Surry County, œ25, 150a.  Signed James Cooke, Silvana Cook (bhm). Court
September 26, 1749, Indenture acknowledged by James Cook
and Silvana his wife previous to which the said Silvana was
privily examined.  Deed Book 3, Page 595.

     Indenture made 25 September 1749, between John Randle of
Brunswick County, and Robert Taylor of Amelia County, œ81, 250a,
on South side of Maherrin River on Cold Water Run, granted by
Patent to John Randle.  Signed John Randle.  Witnesses:  Daniel
sears, Geo: Smith, Junr.  Court September 26, 1749, Indenture and
memorandum acknowledged by John Randle and Francis the wife of
the said John personally appeared and relinquished right of
dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 597.

     Indenture made 18 September 1749, between Jesse Tatum of
Brunswick County, Planter, and James Speed of same, Carpenter,
œ50, on Brandy Creek, 235a, formerly granted to the Reverend John
Betty Clerk by Letters Patent dated 19 June in 9th Year of Reign. signed Jesse
Tatum.  Witnesses:  St: Clack, John Ray (bhm), Paul
Tatum.  Court September 26, 1749, Indenture acknowledged by Jesse
Tatum and Elizabeth the wife of the said Jesse personally
appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 26 September 1749, between Edward Goodrich
and William Petway of Brunswick county, and Thomas Bridges of
same, œ40, on South side of the Three Creeks, 150a.  Signed
Edward Goodrich, William Pettway.  Court September 26, 1749,
Indenture acknowledged by Edward Goodrich & William Pettway. 
Deed Book 3, Page 601.

     Indenture made 26 September 1749, between Edward Goodrich of
Brunswick county, and William Pettway of same, œ10, on South side
of the three Creeks, 153a.  Signed Edward Goodrich.  Court
September 26, 1749, Indenture acknowledged by Edward Goodrich. 
Deed Book 3, Page 602.

     Indenture made 30 January 1748, between William Barnes of
Isle of Wight County, and Burrel Brown of Brunswick County, œ30,
on S side of maherrin River, 50a.  Signed William Barnes (bhm). 
Witnesses:  Timothy Rives, John Peebles, Matthew Williams Marshal
(bhm).  Court June 27, 1749, Indenture & Memorandum proved by
oaths of Timothy Rives, Gent. and John Peebles.  Court 26
September 1749, further proved by oath of Matthew Williams
Marshall.  Deed Book 3, Page 604606.

     Indenture made 26 July 1749, between John Misheaux of
Brunswick County, and John Johnson of same, œ40, on North side of
Rattlesnake Creek, 303a.  Signed John Misheauxs.  Witnesses: 
Geo: Wallton, John Wallton, William Johnson (bhm).  Court
September 26, 1749, Indenture & Memorandum acknowledged by John
Misheauxs, and Sarah the wife of the said John personally
appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page

     Indenture made 17 August 1749, between James Macdaniel of
St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, and John Clack of same, œ80,
247a, on South side of Shining Creek and bounded as by Patent
dated 1 December 1740 which was granted to one William Maclin who
afterwards sold the said land to the above said Macdaniel by Deed
dated 1 november 1746.  Signed James McDaniel.  Witnesses: 
Robert Briggs, Lewis Lanier, Willm. Harrison.  Court September
26, 1749, Indenture acknowledged by James Macdaniel and Anne the
wife of the said James personally appeared and relinquished her
Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 609.

     Indenture made 27 September 1749, between Matthias Davis of
Brunswick County, and John Gear of Bartee County, North Carolina,
œ95, 400a, on South side of the three Creeks, part of a Tract
granted to John Davis Welchman by letters Patent dated 20
February 1719 and by the said John Davis conveyed to the said
Matthias Davis by Deed of Gift.  Signed Matts. Davis.  Court
September 27, 1749, Indenture & Memorandum acknowledged by
Matthias Davis And Rachel the wife of the said Matthias
personally appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed
Book 3, Page 610.

     Indenture made 19 August 1749, between Major Pryor of
Brunswick County, Planter, and Dudley Richardson of James City
County, Gent. œ85, 504a, on both sides of Moores Swamp, formerly
granted to John Taylor Duke by Letters Patent dated 1 February
1738 & by the said John Taylor Duke sold & conveyed unto John who
also sold & conveyed the same to the said Major Pryor.  Signed
major Pryor.  Witnesses:  John Edmunds, Edward Goodrich, John
Butts, Joshua Mabry.  Court September 27, 1749, Indenture and
memorandum acknowledged by Major Pryor, Planter.  Deed Book 3,
Page 612.

     Indenture made 3 August 1749, between Major Pryor & Anne his
wife of Brunswick County, and Richard Brown of Northampton
County, North Carolina, œ110, 350a, on South side of Nottaway
River.  Signed Major Pryor, Ann Pryor.  Witnesses:  Dionysius
Wright, James Vaughan, John Brown, Junr.  Court September 27,
1749, Indenture & Memorandum acknowledged by Major Pryor.  Deed
Book 3, Page 615.

     Indenture made 17 November 1749, between Charles Sims of
Brunswick County, and John Sims of same, œ40, 130a, being part of
tract granted to Adam Sims Senr. by Pattent for 370a.  Signed
Charles Sims.  Witnesses:  Sampson Lanier, Daniel Hicks (bhm),
John Tomlinson (bhm).  Court December 26, 1749, Indenture &
Memorandum proved by oaths of Sampson Lanier, Daniel Hicks & John
Tomlinson.  Deed Book 3, Page 618.

     Indenture made 22 August 1749, between Lewis Parham of
Brunswick county, Gentleman, and James Clack of same, Gentleman,
œ210, all land which was formerly granted to one William Duke by
letters patent dated 28 September 1728, on South side of the fork
of the Reedy Creek, 317a.  Signed Lewis Parham.  Witnesses: 
William Clack, St: Clack, Ruth Duke (bhm).  Court September 26,
1749, Indenture acknowledged by Lewis Parham, Gent. and Sarah the
wife of the said Lewis personally appeared and relinquished her
right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 620.

     Indenture made 16 December 1749, between Charles Clanton of
St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, and Thomas Clanton of same,
œ20, 213a.  Signed Charles Clanton (bhm).  Witnesses: M Cadet
Young, Richard  Hyde (bhm).  Court December 26, 1749, Indenture
and Memorandum acknowledged by Charles Clanton.  Deed Book 3,
Page 621.

     Peter Tatum of Brunswick County, for Love and Affection
which I have and bear unto my Loving son Joseph Tatum of same,
380a, on North side of the Reedy Creek, lately granted to me the
said Peter Tatum by Letters Patent dated 20 August 1748, dated 26
December 1749.  Signed Peter Tatum.  Witnesses:  John Douglass,
Moses Dunckley, Thomas Jackson, Junr.  Court December 26, 1749,
Deed proved by the oaths of John Douglass, Moses Dunkley, and
Thomas Jackson, Junr.    Deed Book 3, Page 623.

     Indenture made 26 December 1749, between Thomas Sisson of
Brunswick County, and Richard Hill of Surry county, œ10, on South
side of the three Creeks, 50a.  Signed Thomas Sisson, Hannah
Sisson.  Witnesses:  William Renn, Stephen Sisson.  Court
December 27, 1749, Indenture acknowledged by Thomas Sisson and
Hannah the wife of the said Thomas Personally appeared and
relinquished her Right of Dower.  Deed Book 3, Page 625.

                               End of Book 3

[Abstracts prepared by Carol A. Morrison of 3217 Friendly Road, Fayetteville,
NC 28304. All rights reserved.]

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