Previous Record No Next Record URL (Click on link) Patent Author Harding, George. grantee. Title Land grant 10 June 1642. Summary Location: County location not given. Description: 300 acres on the eastermost side of Lawnes Creeke, join.g to land of Mr. Tuke, and Alice Bennett. Source: Land Office Patents No. 1, 1623-1643 (v.1 & 2), p. 859 (Reel 1). Part of the index to the recorded copies of patents for land issued by the Secretary of the Colony serving as the colonial Land Office. The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia. Other Format Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41. Subject - Personal LinkHarding, George. grantee. LinkBennett, Alice. =============================================== Transcription by TH George Harding 300 To all &c sends greeting &c Now Know you that I Thofords Sr. Nith BbI the forth Sr Nithisss Beubolog K give and grant unto George Harding three hundred acres of land situate and being on the Easternmost Side of Lawnes Creeke Nosterly upon the said Creeke running East South East along the land of Mr. Tuke [or Hube] one hundred and thirty six poles from thence South East by South one hundred and four poles from there South.. a point one eighty six poles from there along the Lands of Mie Bennett* North? by South Seventy five poles thence South by N Haights Thomas Nast by North fourtie six poles the said three hundred acres of land being due unto the said Georg Harding by & for the transporttation of six persons unto this Colony whose names are in this f.... Sand this palont Tahamo said to .. .paying to him payn for the date of the .. this fourth day of June 1642. Himself, Thomas Sabin, Thomas Hardy, Georg Nelfefoild [Netlefeild or Northfield?] James Strong, Jon. Lieth. * Possibly a form of address; see "Me. Ann Stall" on same manuscript page.