Chatham County deed book (letter) A p. 5 26 July 1770 recorded Aug 1771 Between Aaron Harlon Senr. Of Orange County ...and Aaron Harlon Junr of the county and province aforesaid of the other part ...Aaron Harlon Senr for and in consideration of the great love and affection he beareth for the said Aaron harlon, Junr and for the good causes … he the said Aaron Harlon Senr hath granted … all that tract of landcontaining by estimation two hundred and fifty acres, be the same more or less lying and being in Orange County it being part of a survey of land which Samuel Temples purchased of John Posey, and the said Samuel Temple made over the the said Aaron Harlon ___ of conveyance bearing date November the 30 1764 lying on the south side of Rocky River, and is bounded as follows: … beginning at a hickory on the river bank, being the corner of the said Poseys survey which he sold to the said Temple, .. joining Ambros Joshua Smith's line... Aaron Hardin /s/ Signed sealed and delivered in presence? Of us – Samuel Stewart, Jesse Hays and George Harlon. Chatham Inferior Court August 1771. The written deed was proved in open court by the oath of samuel stewart, one of the subscribing witneses thereto, therefore let it be registered. Will Hooper C. C.