Deed book A p. 68 2 Oct 1771 ...between Philip Hartso of Chatham County in the Province of North Carolina of the on part and John Heade, of th same County of the other part, Whereas the said Philip Hartso and Milley his wife, hath Bargained and sold unto the same John Haden, a certain Tract of parcel of land, containing one hundred and five acres, be the same mor or less, being part and one half of a tract wherreon the said Hartso hath two water mills, Tsint alfiso Mill and a Saw Mill, which he the said Hartso obrained ___ o the Honorable Earl Granville Agents bearing date the tenth day of December one thousand seven hundred Sixty two, the Remainder being conveyed to Manshis? Tubs? Heretofore and also the said Philip Hartso Molley his wife, doth grant unto the said John Haden one half of the said land and Mills, and also all his right of the vacant land joining the said Tract, which he the said Hartso formerly farmed? – Now this INDENTURE, WITNESSETH that the said Philip Hartso and Milley his wife for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds Reschamation Money, to them in hand paid by the said John Heden, before the ensealing and delivery of these Presents, the receipt whereof they doth hereby acknowledge, and thunsf and of every part thereof doth essmrah, aquits and favors discharged the said John Headen, his heirs Scon Admrs, or assigns and evons of them Cytheso Presents doth give, grant, bargain, __ the said John Headen, the above described land, together with all rights … and as full and amplea manner as __ same Philip Hartso his heirs and assigns was by the above received. Dued Grants and conformed and the sd. Philip Hartso, for himself his heirs executors and admts and for every of them to the covenant promised and ...(much more legalese)... IN WITNESS whereof the sd. Philip Hartso and Milley his wife hath.... (Signed)Hiliss fuyoy Milley Hartso (her mark) looks like witnesses: Joab Brooks William Greaves