Floyd County, Georgia adjoins Cherokee County, Alabama on Cherokee's east. This map was published in one of Shirley F. Kinney's volumes. Mrs. Kinney is an outstanding genealogist and transcriber of records in Rome, Georgia. Her books can be ordered from 12 Dell Place, Rome, GA 30161.
Quoted from N.W. Ga. Hist. & Genealogical Society Quarterly - Vol. 28, No. 4, Fall 1996.
(Information found in the files of the John Harris papers at Special Collections in the Rome--Floyd County Library, Rome, Georgia.)
In 1840 only seven districts had been organized according to the census of 1840. There were numbers only listed, but it is believed that they wee in the areas we have placed in parentheses.
These districts were, then in 1840:
| From an old copy of the TRI-WEEKLY COURIER, January 16th, 1866, an article shows that the number of districts had grown to those listed below. There have been so many alterations in boundaries and names that these may not be accurate.
The United States census for 1950 shows districts to include:
(end of quotation) |
Observations by Webmaster:
- The 3-digit numbers carried through from 1840 to the present, though the seven 1840 districts must have been bigger than they are with today's 19 districts. The 11 districts of 1860 were also bigger. Much of today's organization was in place in 1880.
- On an 1880 Floyd County Census in which the census taker wrote both the district name and militia district, I saw these variations from the above: The 1120th was called or had a district called Flat Woods; Livingston was 1029th, 1039th, 1049th, and 1059th.
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Last updated June 2017