Henry Hardin grave

Hardin/Ray Cemetery, Ashe County, North Carolina

This site concentrates on the Plumnelly Hardins of north Alabama and their ancestors in Anderson County, SC. The Henry Hardin material is posted to help other researchers, though I am not related. Comments to Travis Hardin.

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A picture of Henry Hardin's marker that is in the Hardin/Ray Cemetery in Ashe County N. C., Beaver Creek area. Sent by Jack Hardin of Ashe, NC in February 2006 who says, "I am a decendant of Mark Hardin to Henry Hardin to William Everett Hardin to Henry Hardin to Richard T. Hardin to John Gordon Hardin to Enoch Cicero Hardin to John Edward Hardin. I have a good amount of information from Henry Hardin that married Carthine Cox to present and lived in Ashe county."

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The marker in Ashe County, NC, of Catherine Cox Hardin, wife of Henry Hardin. She was the daughter of Captian John Cox.

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Sabra Hardin, Born Oct. 16, 1802 Died June 1, 1884. She was the wife John Wilbur Hardin, son of Henry Hardin. Her stone can also be seen in the background of the large Henry Hardin stone photograph.
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