Isaac Hardin deductions by Travis Hardin, 5 Dec. 2014 First read my story, then you can look at my census summary where I derived the information. You should take the census data and confirm it, erase all my deductions, and make your own deductions and see if they match. Isaac Hardin was born around 1751 and his first wife was not much younger. He already had some teenage children when he went to Georgia for land in the late 1780s. Isaac Hardin was recently widowed, perhaps in the early 1780s. He remarried and his second wife may have made the trip to Georgia with him. He married his second wife Rachel about 1784, possibly 1789. Rachel was born 1770 or the last half of 1769. Rachel Hardin appeared on the 1850 McMinn County TN census as age 80. Four of the children seen in the 1790 census were of his first wife. The rest were Rachel's. The younger one are a bit iffy as to the mother, but I hope I've got it close. With Rachel he had 11 children -- 7 males and 4 females. One of those females is of the right age to be Rachel Hardin Butler as shown in the Butler bible which I link at Isaac.htm Something more. Asel Hardin lived beside Rachel Hardin in 1850 McMinn census. He was age 40, therefore born 1810/9, and that would make him what I call Male 5. Asel's son in law Wm. B. Evans was in Hill Co. Texas . Was there in 1900. Asel Hardin was 90 and living with him. Asel was 90, was married 50 years now widowed, and marriage year was 1850. Asel Hardin was b. in SC in October 1809. Here is "Ancel" Hardin on the Federal Mortality Schedule at Precinct 4, Hunt County, Texas. Male, white, married. Estimated birth 1801. Born in North Carolina. Age 59, death date March 1870, kidney disease. (This paragraph was added Jan. 2020 and was from