

On this page this author had speculated on a 1743 Isle of Wight County headright grantee listed as George Harding until a correspondent in February 2017 showed me in a later grant the name was Hardy. Harding was a misspelling. So that mistaken material has been removed, because it isn't relevant to our I-M253 Hardin family. The mill at Lawnes Creek was known as Hardy's Mill in later years, I am told.

The 1642 grant containing the misspelling:
, 300 acs. upon the Easternmost side of Lawnes Creek, adj. Mr. Tuke & Alice Bennett. June 10, 1642. Transportation of 6 pers: Himselfe, Thomas Sabin, Thomas Hardy, Georg Netlefeild [or Northfield], James Strong, Jon. Lieth.
 Manuscript viewed at http://www.lva.virginia.gov/
Source: Land Office Patents No. 1, 1623-1643 (v.1 & 2), p. 859 (Reel 1)

Below, the 1648 grant to George Hardy referring to the 1642 grant as his.
Cavaliers and Pioneers. Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1666, Vol. I, ancestry.com, accessed Mar 15, 2017.

George Hardy later grant

Contents of this page 2017:
(1) Hardings Related.
(2) Hardings not Related.
(3) Extracts of Harding, Hardin, and a few Hardy grants for future research. Only in the specefic instance of George Hardy is George Harding shown to be the same person. In the extracts left for research below, the spellings are as they were in the extracts.

This page includes speculation for discussion among reseasrchers of this family. It is not finished genealogy tied up in a ribbon for harvesting. Corrections and better explanations are requested. Contact Travis Hardin at ke3y at comcast dot net.

Hardings Related in Surry and Isle of Wight

None found.

Hardings Not Related in Surry and Isle of Wight

Benjamin Hardin and Sarah Stanley his wife lived in Isle of Wight County in the 1600s. This is the same Benjamin Hardin who is the American patriarch of the R1b1a2 haplotype. (Bright blue color code at hhhdna.com.) The Hardins traveled back and forth to England and Virginia for education, marriages, and business reasons during the 1600s and 1700s. One of their sons was Solomon Hardin (1703-1789). Virginia was his birthplace and his only North Carolina home was in Duplin and Sampson County. A son of Solomon was Abraham Hardin who was mentioned in Duplin/Sampson land grants. Abraham was the father of Sion Hardin who in 1799 was granted 80 acres in Sampson County, NC. Sion Hardin later lived in Maury County, Tennessee before settling in Shelby County,Texas.
Thanks to Clay.Brewington at aol.com, a descendant of Sion Hardin, for this information in October 2014.
Also thanks to John (Mike) hardin, hardin1957 at hotmail dot com, in the same month, however this acknowlegement is very late due to disorganization.

Harding Land Patents and Hardings Transported Into Surry, Isle of Wight, and Nearby Counties Within Tidewater Virginia, 1600s

Spelling was very creative in those days, and names such as Hardy and Harding may be interchanged. Some of the Hardins may or may not be ancestors of Samuel Hardin (will 1732, Brunswick County, Va.) and the I1a (Norse) Hardins. Appearance here does not mean there is a known connection to any Hardin family. Items are posted to help I1a researchers make connections. Your contributions of records and transcriptions are appreciated. Send to t.hard at intelec dot us.

Land grants, etc. are listed by areas and counties. Arrangement of material is nearly chronological within the area and most items are from Cavaliers and Pioneers volume 1. Volume 2 is being viewed.
Virginia 1636Virginia 1652Virginia 1691

Area 1: Isle of Wight County. Warrosquoyacke to 1636.
Area 2: Surry and James City Counties.
Area 3: Neck area. Elizabeth City, Warrick, York.
Area 4: Peninsula. Northampton and Accomack.
Area 5: Southeast.1636 New Norfolk (all of future Princess Ann, Norfolk, and Nansemond)
1637 Lower Norfolk, Upper Norfolk
1645 Upper Norfolk becomes Nansemond
1691 Lower Norfolk becomes Princess Ann & Norfolk.

Area 6: Elsewhere, Including Northern Neck.

Area 1: Isle of Wight County. Warrosquoyacke to 1636.

Cavaliers and Pioneers Volume 1


Capt. ANTHONY FULGHAM, 1600 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 12 July 1665, p. 233 (184). Trans. of 30 persons:  ... BLANCH HARDING.

1711. Will of THOMAS HARDIE: Wife Mary; dau. Sarah; sons George, Thomas, Richard; to George the rest of his land and mill; George to have my seal ring. 7 Jan. 1711

--William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 4. (Apr., 1899), pp. 205-315. (Isle of Wight Co.)

Area 2: Surry and James City Counties. The combined territory was called James City Co. 1617-1651

Cavaliers and Pioneers Volume 1


Jerimiah Grey, 150 acs. James Citty Co., p. 775. On the S. side of James Riv., upon the head of land of Mr. Grindall called the old forte & Grindalls Hill, & lying bet. land of John Bishopp & Mr. Ewin called the Colledge land. Trans. of 3 pers: Richard Harris, Luke Goodnought, JOANE HARDING.


Benjamin Harryson, Gent., 500 acs. James City Co., page 949. On the S.side of James River, on the Southerly side of Round Island Swamp. Due for trans. of 10 pers.: ... SARAH HARDING ...

1683 George Harding, Lower Parish of Surry County

(1683) Page 344.  5 7ber 1683. Wm. Baldwin of the Upper Parish and Elizabeth his wife, and Joseph Foard, part of a patent of 275 acres dated 20 April 1682, 80 acres of land in the lower Parish of Surry County, to Arthur Davis' line to  sd. Wm. Balden, adj. Geo, Cripp's land, to Geo. Harding's line. Elizabeth Balden relinquishes her dower.
-Book II, March 1671 to 5 July 1684, Surry County Records, Elizabeth Timberland, 1995. Retrieved from ancestry.com.

Neck Area:
1617-1634 called Kecoughtan County.
1634: Elizabeth City, Warrick River, and Charles River counties.
1643: Elizabeth City, Warrick, and York counties

Cavaliers and Pioneers Volume 1

area 4: peninsula
accomack 1634-1637
northampton 1643-1656
accomack was reformed n. of northampton in 1661

Cavaliers and Pioneers Volume 1

June 1646 James Harden transported by Pedenden

Henry PEDENDEN, 550 acs. Northampton Co., June 10, 1646, Page 118. At Naswattocks Cr. Trans. of 11 pers: Henry Heakley, Mary his wife, Xtopr. Bryan, Robert Camblett, Ja. Standish, Mary Foxly, Jno. Culpepper, Ja. HARDEN Jno. Price, Nico. Crookneck, Hen. Pedenden. [Northampton comprised the peninsula] (C&P vol 1, Pat. book No. 2)

11 Mar 1653 MARY HARDING
Anto. Hoskins, 400 acs. Northampton Co., p. 286. Beg at the mouth of Kings Cr., adj land of Edmd. Bibby &c. Granted unto Capt. Wm. Epps, 3 Feb. 1626, by him deserted & granted unto sd. Hoskins by order of Govr. &c, 6 Oct 1653 & also due for trans. of 8 pers: ... MARY HARDING ...

area 5: southeast 1636 new norfolk (all of future princess ann, norfolk, and nansemond)

1637 lower norfolk, upper norfolk.

1645 upper norfolk becomes nansemond.

1691 lower norfolk becomes princess ann & norfolk.


Cavaliers and Pioneers Volume 1

26 June 1635 MARY HARDING

Richard Bennett, 2000 acs., upon Nansamund Riv. & neqare adjacent to land granted to George Fawdon ... p. 186. Trans. of 40 pers: ... MARY HARDING ...

19 Aug 1637 MARY HARDING

Richard Bennett, Gent., 2000 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., p. 459. Being a neck of land in Nansamund Riv. about 2 mi. from the point or beg., adj land of John Parrott beg. upon sd. Riv. at Parrakero point & upon the Cr. side at a greate Oyster _ncke... Trans. of 40 pers: ... MARY HARDING ... Richard Bennett.


Henry NICHOLLS, 100 acs in Lynhaven Parish, Low. Norf. Co., 22 Nov. 1651, p. 351. On the head of the Mile of Goldsmiths land. Trans. of 2 pers: Henry Nicols, ANN HARDING.

area 6: elsewhere, including northern neck

Cavaliers and Pioneers Volume 1


Ambrose Cobbs, 350 acs. Henrico Co., p. 658. Upon Appamattuck Riv., adj land of Mr. John Baugh & Mr. Abraham Wood. Trans. of 7 pers: Ambrose Cobb, Ann, his wife, Robert his son, Margaret his daughter, Richard Barker, Hugh Barker, THOMAS HARDING.

9 Jan 1651 JA. HARDING

Mr. Rowland Burnham, 1400 acs. lyeing on the s. side of Rappa. Riv., about 20 miles up the same... Trans. of 28 pers: ... JA. HARDING (or Farding) ...

Thomas Speake, 1,000 acs. Northumberland Co., p. 337. Upon N.W. side of Nomini Riv. including Sedar Island, bounding S.W. upon land of Mr. Lewis Burwell & N.W. upon land of WILLIAM HARDING ...

Northumberland County is in the northern neck of Virginia just south of the Potomac River.

15 July 1657 ELIZ. HARDINGE

Mr. Huge Lee, 1100 acs. in Petomeck freshes above Puscatoway, on the Wwd. side of the river... Trans. of 22 persons: ... Eliz. HARDINGE ...

Aug 1657 William HARDIN
John MADDISON, 800 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Aug. 1657, p. 112 (166). Upon N. side of Mattapony Riv.,.. Trans. of 16 persons:  ... WM. HARDIN ...

25 July 1663 PETER HARDING
__aniel Clarke, Gent., 2029 A. __ Charles City Co., p. 440. 1000 acs. being a ___ lying in between Old Mans Cr. & Queens Cr. on the Sly. __ ... for trans. of 7 pers: PETER HARDING ...

2 Apr 1664 JNO. HARDING

Mrs. Ann Toft, 1500 acs (Acconack) at Manoakin, being halfe of the middle neck, on S. side thereof, Wly. on Manoaken Riv.... Trans. of 30 pers: ... JNO. HARDING ...

(Manoaken River appears to be on the present day Maryland peninsula)


26 Mar. 1666. p. 481 (587) Robert Taliafro (Tallifro) & Lawrence Smith, 6300 acs. Rappa. Co., in the freshes, on S. side & about 4 mi. above Waite Cr. ... Trans. og 126 persons: ... BLANCH HARDING ...