Pendleton District, South Carolina Hardins
Grifin Hardin
was born about 1774 in Chatham County, North
Carolina it would appear. Perhaps a little further north. In a
deposition supporting a Revolutionary War soldier's claim he said he
lived in Chatham County, North Carolina, and knew the soldier in 1786.
Griffin is quite likely the son of Gabriel Hardin, who resided in
Chatham County 1774 or earlier to about 1787. It is possible that
Griffin and Aaron Hardin were twins. Griffin Hardin died after 15 Jan
1851, the date he gave a sworn statement on the Revoltionary War
Pension application W8702 for Elizabeth, widow of John Sanders.
Griffin Hardin lived all his life in Pickens County, South Carolina,
in the part that became Oconee County in 1868. It seems likely Grifin
and Aaron were the eldest of the sons 16 and under of Gabriel Hardin
who were counted in the 1790 Pendleton District census. Griffin Hardin
was on an October 1837 jury list for Pickens District.
I have not until now learned of the outstanding fact about the Griffin Hardin family. I have heard of Reubin and Greenberry and of some men carrying the Griffin Hardin name to Texas. I know various of Griffin's children went to Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. I have even researched some of the Mississippi family. But I have never tried to reconstruct the whole family until now.
I started exploring by noting Griffin Hardin and children in the
census from 1800 to 1850. I tracked individual children through the
decades by logical deduction, I designated their number, and settled on
an average or likely birth date. When I looked at my compilation (griffin-deductions.pdf),
I thought I had discovered he sired about 22 children -- 10 boys and 12
But that is in error. Griffin Harden had that many children in the house at one time or another, but some were grandchildren. From researcher Susan Hardin Austin at we learn that Cassendine was a daughter-in-law, not a wife, of Griffin Hardin; that she married Thomas Harden; and that their son was Samuel Harrison Harden born 1830 in Pickens (Oconee) County, South Carolina who died during the Civil War at Lynchburg Virginia from pneumonia on Jan. 25, 1864. Samuel had married Sarah Caroline McDonald who was born 1835 in South Carolina.
In the 1850 census Cassendine was in the
household of Griffin Harden and said she was born 1811. Her possibly
eldest son, Samuel Harden (mentioned above), was also in the household
and said he was born 1829-30. The youngest child in residence, Thompson
Harden, was born 1841, meaning Cassendine's husband Thomas may have
died and left her a widow no earlier than 1840 or 41. To be a father to
Samuel, b.
1830, the father Thomas Harden would have been born before 1810. I
place him as Male 1 born 1794-1800.
The children from the 1850 census I suppose are Cassendine's are: Samuel Harden, b. 1830; possible the one I label Female 8, born around 1830; and the named ones: Catherine b. 1835, Jane b. 1834, Griffin b. 1833, Martin b. 1836, Letty b. 1837, Sarah b. 1839, and Thompson b. 1841.
Griffin's wife departed between 1825 and 1830. It appears he did not remarry or have any more children, with the younger ones being explained as grandchildren. I can't guess who the 1840 woman resident was -- a woman age 40-50 (b.1790-1800).
Continuing with the family set down at The son of Samuel Harrison Harden and Sarah Caroline McDonald was Ezekiel Harrison Harden born Apr 15, 1859 in Pickens (Oconee) County, SC and died Apr 28, 1944. He married Martha Elrod, b. 1863 in South Carolina, died May 6, 1934. Their son was Vernard Harrison Harden b. 1900 South Carolina, died 1990 Georgia. Vernard married Marie Emma Willis b. 1902 d. 1998. They married in 1920 in South Carolina. Vernard's son was Eugene H. Hardin b. 1927 in Oconee County, SC. He was married 1946. Eugene married Mary Alva McNeal, whose daughter is the living J. Harden.
Over three to four decades Griffin Hardin kept one to two slaves. One was a child who grew into a young man during his bondage.
Griffin Hardin was juror number 16 in the Jury List for the year 1828, Pendleton District. "To the sheriff of Pendleton District, Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Pickens Count House on the fourth Monday in October 1828." (A Collection of Upper South Carolina Genelogy and Family Records, Vol. III. Ed: James E. Wooley, Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC, 1982, p. 253)
Griffin Hardin was number 34 on the "Jury List for year 1837.
Pickens Dist. Court on Second Monday in October. (p. 254)
In 1841 Griffin Hardin sold to Elias Earle 123 acres on Beaverdam Creek. It was recorded 1852. (Pickens Co deed book G-1 p. 134.)
Note: The deeds listed on this page are the only ones involving
Hardins/Hardens in Pickens District/County until 1894, except that I
did not list transactions of Joseph Hardin of Saluda Creek. He is not
our relative but an R1B1B2 kit#119147 of the Martin Hardouin Gold group.
Below I list the family of Griffin Hardin with information taken primarily from the U.S. Census 1800 through 1850. As time allows I will add other sources that might require me to correct or expand the original posts. At the same time I will begin pages on or point to external web pages on the children of Griffin Hardin. See my compilation for starting sources. All children logically would have been born in Pickens County, SC.
This is sourced material. The logic of keeping up with individual children through the decades, designated their number, and settling on an average or likely birth date is mine. It is not foolproof. Family, you can make your own deductions from the sources in my compilation and let me know if you disagree.
Wife and Children of Griffin Hardin from Census Records
Format: Child number, birthdate range, Name
Griffin Hardin, 1774
Mrs. Griffin Hardin, 1774-75 b. South Carolina
Mother or Mother-in-law. A woman born before 1765 was in the household 1810 only.
One interpretation of the above line is that the lady was a mother of Griffin (Comfort), or a mother of Mrs. Griffin Hardin who became dependent then died between 1800 and 1820.
Daughter-in-law, CASSENDINE, 1811
Male 1 1794-1800, d. ~1840 THOMAS HARDIN
Left home by 1830. Researcher Susan Hardin Austin has
identified Thomas Hardin as the son of Griffin Hardin (1775-1852) and
the husband of Cassendine Hardin ( -1897)
It is by elimination I place him as Male 1 -- Male 1 in my census
track. A DNA test, kit #158706 at, places his descendant in the i1a haplotype matching Oran
Hardin and the other Nordic Hardins.
Male 2, 8 Mar 1801, Reuben Hardin
In 1820 was the head of household living near Griffin Hardin. No children at that time. Lived in Pickens District with children in 1830. A plat for 604 acres in Pickens District on branches of Beaverdam and Choastoa Creek for Reuben Hardin and Abner Honey was dated 12/2/1836 ( In 1850 he was head of household in Franklin County, Alabama. He had a son Green Berry who died in the Mexican war (see below).He and his wife settled in Pontotock, Mississippi. They died there.
An undated petition by a few citizens of Pickens District, asking that the courthouse not be moved, but that the district be divided, was signed by RUBEN HARDIN and THOMAS HARDIN. The date must have been between 1826 and when Ruben left the county. A c. 1837 petition asking to move the village of pickens to a more advantageous location included the names of Griffin and Ruben Harden, so 1837 was a time when county seats were being talked about. (
Male 3, 1800-1805, GREEN BERRY HARDIN
Greenberry Hardin
lived in his own house in 1830 census, age 30-40 (b. 1790-1800)
with a female 20-30. (He was listed adjacent to Reuben Hardin.) He
lived in his own house in 1840 near Griffin Hardin and Archibald Burton
(father-in-law). He said he was born between 1810 and 1820. His
tombstone in Oakhill Cemetery, Pontotock, Mississippi, confusingly says
(on 8 Feb 1905 - 22 Apr 1905. It could also be the
grave of the son of Reuben Hardin of the same name. Evidence indicates
Greenberry is Griffin's son and a brother to Reuben.
(See below for Greenberry Harden vs. Pleasant Hawkins Court Case, 1820.)
Female 1, 1804-1810
Left home by 1830.
Female 2, 1804-1810
Left home by 1830.
Female 3, 1800-1810
Left home by 1830.
Female 4, ~1815.
Left home by 1840.
Female 5, 1815-20.
At home 1840. Not tracked further.
At home 1840. I have not discovered the birthdate of Robert Carroll Hardin. He could be Male 6 but is more likely Male 4 who is the same general age as John Hardin his executor.
On Aug. 3, 1847 Carroll Hardin went to a nearby estate sale of
Thomas Bryce and brought home 30 pounds of iron for $1.40 and a basin
and box for 31 cents. At a Lewis W. Reeder estate sale nearby in the
spring of 1856 R. C. Hardin bought a club ax for 96 cents and his
brother John Hardin bought one for 65 cents. These families lived
around Snow Creek and Conneross Creek in what is now Oconee County.
South Carolina, Pickens County, Estate Papers, File No. 191-230, 1845-1849, Estate Papers of Thomas Bryce,
South Carolina, Wills and Probate Records, 1670-1980 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA:
In the 1857 Will of Robert
Carroll Hardin [at]
he names as executors "my wife Rebecca and my brother John Hardin." R.
C. Harden bought from Demcy Yow 96 acres on Snow Creek. Date of deed
1854. Recorded 1855 (Pickens Co deed book G-1 p. 544). Susan R. Harden
sold to Elizabeth Hembree 96 acres on Snow Creek. Date of deed 1859.
Recorded 1862 (Pickens Co deed book K-1 p. 128). Note the full name of
Robert's widow must be Susan Rebecca Hardin. Robert and John both lived
on Snow Creek. Thanks to Patricia Freeman Hardin for her research at
the SC Archives.
Male 5, 1810-20, JOHN HARDIN
At home 1840. This one or male 4 is likely the John Hardin whose
death on 25 July 1878 was noted below under "Hardins Resident in Oconee
County." By three different accounts the man below was born 1810, 1812,
or 1814 . The 1814 birthdate come from the 1860 census. At that time he
lived in the second regiment at Snow Creek, the community where Griffin
Hardin, his supposed father, lived. All were born in South Carolina.
John was living at Snow Creek in 1856, when he bought an ax for 65
cents at an estate sale. (See the note under his brother R.C. Hardin)
John Harden, 46, Farmer $650/485
Margaret E. Harden, 39
Samuel Harden, 16
Laura A. Harden, 13
Pheeriba S. Harden, 10
Martha Harden, 5
Margaret Harden, 3.
An 1880 census for Chattooga, Oconee County, SC confirms the loss of the husband:
Margaret Hardin, 53, head, keeping house, SC NC NC
Elizabeth M. Hardin, 21, dau, without occupation
Eddie Hardin, 15, son, farmer
Rebecca Stancel, 23, servant
Pickens Co Deed Book G-1 page 653. John Hardin bought from Abner
Shuttlesworth 74 acres. Date of deed: 1854. Date recorded: 1855.
Female 6, 1820-25
Left home by 1850.
Female 7, 1820-25
Left home by 1850.
Male 6, 1825-30, WILLIAM M. HARDIN
Left home by 1850. William M. HARDEN, b.20-june-1827, d.3-nov-1907, is listed at cemetery C10 in Ocomee County, SC. Beside him is Elizabeth Hardin. C10 is BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC,A.K.A. Oakway & Seneca, SC ( /c010.txt)
William M. Hardin was a corporal in Co. K, 3rd Regiment, S.C. Cavalry for the duration of the civil war. He was stationed at Fort Drayton, Red Bluff, S.C. He mustered-in Jan 27, 1862 at age 27 (reads the record) and served at least through October 1864. (See
At the time of the 1880 census he lived in Center Township, Oconee County. He was 53 and a farmer, born S.C., and states that his father was born North Carolina and his mother in South Carolina. His wife was Elizabeth, 48, b. S.C. At home were daughters Mary and Hepsy M., age 12 and 6, and son Lewis age 16. He lived beside J. Edward Hardin, 28, who was married to Amanda C., 23.
Male 7, 1829, Samuel Harrison Hardin (child of Thomas and Cassendine Hardin)
At home and named in 1850
Female 8, 1830
Left home by 1850. This could be Griffin Hardin's last child. A woman the same age as Griffin or of any wifely age was not shown on the 1830 Pickens County census taken after June 1, 1830. If Mrs. Griffin Hardin died in the first 6 months of 1830 the child could be hers. Dying in childbirth is a possibility.
Female 9, 1835, CATHERINE HARDIN (child of Thomas and Cassendine
At home and named in 1850
At home and named 1850.
Female 10, 1834, JANE HARDIN (child of Thomas and Cassendine Hardin)
At home and named in 1850. There is an indefinite mark in the last
column, "Whether deaf & dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or
Male 8, 1833, GRIFFIN HARDIN (recent reinterpretation Jan
At home and named in 1850. Even though not listed as a child
of Thomas and
Cassendine Hardin by Susan Hardin Austin, below, it is likely, from
young Griffin's presence in the household with Cassedine Hardin that he
was her son.
Male 9, 1836, MARTIN HARDIN
At home and named 1850. According to the Old Pendleton District
Newsletter, January 2000, Linda G. Cheek, editor, "Martin Benjamin
Hardin ... enlisted in Co. E., 4th S. C. Volunteers at Fair Play, SC,
on Apr. 14, 1861. He was a son of Thomas and Cassendine Hardin."
Female 11, 1837, LETTY HARDIN
At home and named 1850.
Female 12, 1839, SARAH HARDIN
At home and named in 1850.
Male 10, 1841, THOMPSON HARDIN
At home and named in 1850.
Thomas Hardin, married Cassendine
Susan Hardin Austin has done a good job, as always, with this family
tree at
Mrs. Austin is currently researching and can be reached through the
above site.
According to her research this is the family of Thomas and
Cassendine Hardin:
Harrison Harden B. 1830 Pickens Co SC D. 25 Jan 1864 Lynchburg, VA
Williams (born Harden)
B. 1834 M. Alex Williams
Benjamin Harden B. 1836
Harden B. 1837
Harden B. 1839
Harden B. 1841
E Cox
(born Harden) B. 1844 M. E.H. Cox B. 1822
Harden B. 1844 (Perhaps an error -- 1850 census shows age as 16
thus born 1834.)
Greenberry Hardin, son of Reuben, Mexican-American War Record
Capt. Stewart's Co., Batt'n Miss. Rifles (Anderson's).
Pvt., age 22 years, appears on company muster-in roll of organization
above. Roll dated Vicksburg Miss. Jan'y 10, 1848. Muster-in date Dec
23, 1847. Joined for duty and enrolled: Oct. 20, 1847, Aberdeen.
Appears on Company Muster Roll for Dec 23/47 to Feb 27 1848. Present or
absent: Not stated. Mar & Apr 1848. Present or absent: Not stated.
Green B. Harden, Pvt. Co E, Batt'n Miss. Rifles (Anderson's).
Mexican War.
Age 22. Appears on Co. Muster-out Roll dated Vicksburg Miss June 28,
1848. Last paid to Apr 30, 1848. Remarks: Died board the
vessel on return from Tampico, Mexico June 16th 1848.
(Source: Compiled Sevice Records of Volunteer Soldiers who Served
During the Mexican War in Organizations From the State of Mississippi,
NARA M863.
Reubin Hardin received land in Alabama for death of his son Greenberry.
Land grants in Franklin County, Alabama included:
accession number InMW-1059-421.
Patentee GRIFFIN, JOSEPH LENNON, 3/10/1851, 6S 12W, east 1/2 of NE 1/4,
section 23.
Patentee HARDIN, REUBIN, 3/10/1851, 6S 12W, ne 1/4 of the se 1/4 of
section 23.
Warrantee HARDIN, GREENBURY, 3/10/1851, 6S 12W, E½NE¼ of section 23.
Warrant issued 3/10/1851 reads:
Know Ye, that in pursuance of the
Act of Congress, entitled "An act to raise for a limited time an
additional military force, and for other purposes," approved February
11, 1847, Rubin Hardin father and heir at Law of Greenbury Hardin
deceased late a Private in Captain Stuarts Company Battalion
Mississippi Riflemen Volunteers
deposited in the GENREAL LAND OFFICE a WARRANT in his favor, numbered
6150D, There is therefore granted by the United States, unto Joseph
Lennon Griffin asignee of the Series Reubin Hardin and to his heirs.
the East half of the NorthEast quarter the NorthEast quarter of the
South East Quarter and the North West quarter of the South East Quarter
of Section Twenty three in Township Six of Range twele West in the
District of Lands ____ to Sale at Huntsville Alabama containing one
hundred and fifty nine Acres, and thirty three hundredths of an Acre
... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Parts of Said section, with the
appurtenances thereof, unto the said Joseph Lennon Griffin and to his
heirs and assigns forever.
GIVEN under my hand, at the City of
Washington, the Tenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty one and of the INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED
STATES the seventy-fifth. BY THE PRESIDENT: Millard Fillmore, by Alex
McCormick asst sec'y. E. S. Terry Recorder of the General Land Office.
Joseph Griffin on his own account received a military land warrant in the same section 23 in 1852. One of two warrant reads: "Whereas, in pursuance of the Act of Congress approved September 28th, 1850 entitled 'An act granting bounty land to certain officers and soldiers who have been engaged in the Military Service of the United States' Warrant No. 4150 for 80 acres, issued in favor of Joseph Griffin Private in Captain McFatter's Company, Colonel Moore's Regiment North Carolina Militia War 1812..."
Discussion about surname Griffin.The
that Comfort, the wife of Gabriel Hardin, was a Griffin is mine (TLH)
and has no proof. There are only suggestions: Gabriel lived near
Griffins in Chatham County, NC, sold his Pendleton land to Griffin, and
named his believed son Griffin. But researchers of Chatham County
Griffins I recently inquired of find no evidence of any marriage to a
Hardin in the 1770s, even though, the
researchers said,
a John Griffin family relocated from Chatham to Pendleton in the 1780s
period. Likewise, a William Griffin (next paragraph). In northern
Alabama we have Reuben Hardin of
Mississippi assigning land he was awarded in 1851 to Joseph Griffin, a
of Franklin County, Ala. who was born 1794-3 in North Carolina. The
lady of the house, Mary Griffin, was born 1812 in South Carolina.
Perhaps Reuben sold to a stranger. Perhaps to a relative. A trail I
followed says that Capt. McFatter or McPhatair's company of Moore's 3rd
regiment was raised in 1814 from Lumberton in Robeson County, NC. If
from coastal Robeson County, the Griffin assignee of the land was
probably not a relative, just a coincidence. Still questions arise. Did
Hardin assign the land to Griffin as a gift or was he compensated? How
did Reuben Hardin make the acquaintance of Joseph Griffin, and why
would he want to bestow land upon him?
Further information on the Griffin family from the
June 1996 Old Pendleton District Newsletter (page 1) edited by Linda G.
Cheek: "The Griffin family reunion is held by the descendants of
William Griffin and his first wife Sarah Kirksey and second Elizabeth
Stroud, who moved from Chatham Co., NC to Pendleton District, SC in the
late 1700's...Submitted by Elizabeth Griffin, 2329 Laurel Lane,
Augusta, GA 30904."
Hardins Resident in Oconee County
Issue of Thursday, August 1, 1878
“We regret to announce the death of Mr.
John Hardin, one of our best citizens, on the 25th Ult. [25 July 1878]
Mr. Hardin
was in his 66th year, and leaves many friends to mourn his
Keowee Courier 1844-1851; 1857-1861 and 1865-1868,edited and indexed by
Colleen Morse Elliot, c. 1979, The Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr.,
Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC.
C58,HARDEN, John, b.1810, d.25-july-1877, w. margaret e.
to Ha, Database File: sort-ha-ha.txt. says John Hardin, 1810 - Jul. 25, 1877, spouse Margaret Thomas Hardin (1813-1891) and a daughter is Margaret "Elizabeth" Hardin Wilbanks (1856-1939). According to Debbie L at, the burial is at Double Springs Methodist Church Cemetery, Walhala, Oconee County. Modern directions: Highway 28, North of Walhalla, SC. Turn left onto Highway 37-258 Chattooga Ridge Road. Mountain Rest Community. Small white church on left. Cemetery in back church yard.
HARDIN, ROBERT, 1823 - 23 JAN 1908. Died on the 23rd inst. Robert
Hardin, age of 84 years, died at home of his daughter Mrs. Robert Brown.
-Pickens Sentinel, 23 Jan 1908
Greenberry Harden vs. Pleasant Hawkins Court Case, 1820;
and confirmation of middle initial of Griffin W. Hardin
(Thanks to Patricia Freeman Hardin for the on-site research and for the notes of July 2009.)
Pendleton District Court of Common Pleas - 1800-1828
SC Archives Roll 1106
Date 1820
Greenberry Harden vs. Pleasant Hawkins
and Pleasant Hawkins vs. Greenberry Hardin
Pat writes: This case went on for several years with Greenberry Hardin
and Pleasant
Hawkins suing each other. The file contains many documents. It started
with a trade of a horse for a riffle gun and two gallons and 3 quarts
of Brandy and six gallons of whiskey. It seems that the horse died soon
after the trade and that is what started the suit. It appears that the
defendant won the first case and then sued for court and lawyer fees.
In the second case Greenberry Hardin was ordered to pay Pleasant
Hawkins $53.38. That is when a search was made in April 1822 and it was
reported that Greenberry Hardin did not own any property. A note
indicated that Vincent Brown said that Hardin had "150 acres of land
more or less on waters of Snow Creek on-or-of adjoining lands of
whereon G. W. Hardin lives". The land was sold to Edward Moore for one
dollar. This was dated Dec. 30, 1822 and another date on the same paper
had Feb. 2, 1827.
It seems that there was also a physical fight that took place with many
NOTE: Pleasant Hawkins was living next door to Griffin Harden in the
1820 Pendleton District SC Census.
NOTE: Vincent Brown age 70-80 was living next door to Griffin Hardin in
the 1840 Pickens District SC Census.
NOTE: Edward Moore lived one house away from Aaron Hardin in the 1820
Pendleton District Census
Additional notes
Samuel Hardin (b. ca 1830) died of disease at Richmond, Virginia; he served in Co. C, 2nd S. C. Rifles (Moore's Regt.), CSA. He was a grandson of Griffin Hardin. His wife was Sarah C. Hardin, and the couple lived near Snow Creek in Pickens District, SC. - from Old Pendleton district Newsletter, January 2000, Linda G. Cheek, editor.
J. L. Harden (or Hardin). This confederate vet's name was listed on the Civil War pension roll in Pickens County, SC, in 1911. -Cheek, OPD newsletter,1996.
Mark Bernard Harden (1838-1916) served in Co. E, 4th S.C.
Volunteers, CSA. His wife was Mary M. (Payne) Hardin (1847-1901). This
Confederate veteral died April 26, 1916, and was buried at the Old
Stone Church near Clemson, South Carolina. -Cheek, ibid.
Local copy
Pickens District, South Carolina Before me personally appeard Griffin Hardin a respectable old gentleman of the District and state afore said and made oath in due form of Law that he became acquainted with John Sanders in Chatham County North Carolina in 1786 and also with his wife Elizabeth Sanders and in a few years I moved to South Carolina and John Sanders also moved to South Carolina and said John Sanders was a Distinguished Soldier in the Revolutionary war on the whig side was alwais known in Company as such where Ever he might be found. I did not se John Sanders and his wife married but was well acquainted with Zachriah Harmon in Chatham County N.C. who married them. Elizabeth Sanders is living in les than one mile of me at this time and is still a widow and said John Sanders Died in April the 7 1823 and he was a respectable man and his wife also. Griffin Hardin x his mark Sworn to and subscribed before me this fifteenth day of January, 1851. J. B. E. Caradine M.O.D. [p. 21 of record] Pickens District, South Carolina To all whom it may concern. I certify that I have Been acquainted personally with Griffin Hardin from the date of 1797 up to that of 1851 and I would Be compeled to Believe him on his oath. January the 21 1851. Charles Fount South Carolina, Pickens District. Martens Creek, 24th January 1851 I do hereby certify that I have known Griffin Hardin for twenty five years and can say that I never herd his word disputed in my acquaintance but has allways found him to be an up right homerable old gentleman an whoes word went as far as any mans. I recollect of hearing Col. John C. Kilpatrick say that he had been a neighbor to Griffin Hardin for forty five years & in that time he had never known him to be genlly of a mean trick but has allways found him to be a truthful honest man & I can certify the same for the time I have been acquainted with him. J.B.E. Caradine