Last updated 4 Jan 2018
Map of Hardin Locations around Brunswick County, Virginia

Hardins in and near Brunswick County, Virginia 1740-1760, family of Samuel Hardin (will 1732)

His three oldest sons seem to be Gabriel, Samuel, and Thomas in that approximate order, born ~1700-1715. William was younger, born ~1720. John now seems to me to be the one born 1733; thus any mention of an adult John Hardin before 1750 in these records is likely an unrelated Tuckaho Creek Hardin.

The markers on the map show where the sons and other identified people lived for some periods between 1740 and 1760, up to 1769 if found. Summary facts and dates are verified on this page or on each individual's page. See particularly Samuel Hardin and Samuel Hardin Jr. for further documentation.

Places marked on the map:

1. Fountain Creek, the home of Samuel Hardin in St. Andrews Parish, d. 1732.

2. Southern Amelia County, now Nottoway, where John Hardin lived 1741-1749.Amelia County  -- Land acquired 20 Aug 1740

15 Jan 1741 John Hardin appointed surveyor to Brunswick Co line.
20 Nov 1749 O.S. "appointed in the Room of [in the place of] John Hardin"

3. Western fork of Great Creek in northeastern Lunenburg County, home of Gabriel Hardin 1751-1765. William Hardin was present in 1751 and 1763.

1751 2 Apr Road assistant - Gabriel Hardin, William Hardin
1757 5 July Gabriel Hardin help build a road from Fox's landing on Roanoke River to Ingram's Rd that goes over Meherrin River.
1761 7 Aug Gabriel Hardin bought 400 A Lunenburg
1761 Aug 7 - Gabriel Hardin to Donald Harrison
1763 Jul 7 - William Heardin, 817A  Great Creek
1764 Feb 22 Gabriel Hardin sold his 400A to Alexander Donald
1762 Gabriel bought in NC

4. Tar River in old Granville County. Samuel Hardin sold some property there in 1752.

June 1, 1752 - JOSEPH KING of Craven Co., S.C. and SAMUEL HEARDING (HARDIN) of Granville Co. to THOMAS SMITH of Edgecombe Co., N.C. for 12 pds. 300 acres on Tar River in Granville Co., N.C.

5. Billys Creek was the home of John Hardin from 1761 to 1769.

Harding, John, Granville Co., Dec 5, 1761 554 acres Location: Northwest side of Billys Creek
16 Nov 1769. Witness to a deed on Billys Creek Granville.

6. The Little Roanoke Creek, alias Licking Hole, was the home of another John Hardin 1740-1745. Today called Roanoke Creek, it is in present day Charlotte County, Virginia east of Charlotte Court House. It flows south into the Roanoke (Staunton) River, meeting it at Staunton River Battlefield State Park. No other Norse Hardin was found by me to be further west than Dundas in eastern Lunenburg. Perhaps John Hardin at Charlotte Court House was of another family.

Evidence of dual creek name: Journals of the Council of Virginia in Executive Sessions, 1737-1763, June the 14th, 1739:"To the Rev'd John Ormsbey two thousand Acres of Land, the one part upon the first Fork of the first Fork of Little Roanoke als licking Hole ..." -- The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Volume 14 p.343 (1907) (

Some inconsistencies in dates have yet to be worked out. For example, Gabriel Harding bought in Cumberland County two years before selling in Lunenburg County.


The establishment and maintenance of public roads was one of the most important functions of the County Court during the colonial period in Virginia. Each road was opened and maintained by an Overseer of Highways appointed by the Gentlemen Justices yearly. He was usually assigned all the "Labouring Male Titheables" living on or near the road for this purpose. These individuals then furnished all their own tools, wagons, and teams and were required to labour for six days each year on the roads.
--Pawlett, U.Va., from introduction to "Brunswick Road Orders..."

Notes on Old Style Dates

As to dating, most historians and genealogists who have worked with early Virginian records will be aware of the English dating system in use down to 1752. Although there was an eleven-day difference from our calendar in the day of the month, the principal difference lay in the fact that the beginning of the year was dated from March 25 rather than January 1, as was the case from 1752 onward to the present. Thus January, February, and March (to the 25th) were the last three months in a given year, and the new year came in only on March 25. Early Virginian records usuallyfollow this practice, though in some cases, dates during these three months will be shown in the form 1732/3, showing boththe English date and that inuse on the Continent, where the year began January 1. For researchers using material with dates in the English style, it is important to remember that under this system (for instance) a man might die in January 1734 yet convey property or serve in public office in June 1734 since, under this system, June came before January in a given year.
-from Amalia County compilation by Pawlett, Miller, and Clark.

Amelia County Road Orders 1735-1753
Virginia Transportation Research Council (A Cooperative Organization Sponsored Jointly by the Virginia Department of Transportation and the University of Virginia), Charlottesville, Virginia, April 2002
By Nathaniel Mason Pawlett, Faculty Research Historian; Ann Brush Miller, Senior Research Scientist; and Kenneth Madison Clark,Research Associate.

15 January 1741 O. S., Page 184
John Hardin is Appointed Surveyor to Brunswick County line in room of [in place of] Joseph Morton Senr

19 April 1745 O. S., Page 311
Ordered that a Road be Cleared from Mallarys Creek along the Ridge to Randolphs Road at the head of Boush & Maherrin Rivers and that Anthony Griffin & the hands under him, Stephen Collins Peter Davis, John Hayes a
nd their Tiths & the Tiths at Colo. Richard Randolphs Quarter where Harding is Overseer and at Capt. John Nash's Quarter do open and clear the same.

16 January 1746 Old Style, Page 30
George Moore is Appointed Surveyor of a road from Snails Creek to Lunenburg line in the room of [in the place of] Stephen Collins and that John Hardin George Stewart Stephen Collins Mr. Nashes Quarter Colo. Randolphs two quarters Robert Atkins Watkins's Davis's and all other Persons convenient thereto and not Employed on any other
road are Ordered to clear the same

20 November 1749 O. S., Page 186
Thomas Carter is appointed Surveyor of the High Way that leads from the upper fork of Sandy River to George Moore's in the Room of [in the place of] John Hardin

By Nathaniel Mason Pawlett, Faculty Research Historian
Virginia Transportation Research Council. Charlottesville, Virginia, July 1988, Revised May 2004

[no mention of Hardin or similar name.]

7 October 1736 O. S., Page 138
Drury Stith gent appointed Overseer of a Road from his Mill into the Court Road and that Thomas Couch Senr. Thomas Couch jur. and William Couch Assist in Clearing the Same --

2 December 1736 O. S., Page 143
William Roark is appointed Surveyor of the High Way from Mr. Walls Road about half a Mile from the River to the Beaver pond Creek and that George Brewer Senr Howell Brewer, William Brewer, William Wise, Senr. William Wise jur Thomas Powell, Thomas Powell jur, Douglass Powell, William Powell, John Powell, John Rook, Joseph  Heathcock, John Brewer, John Jeffers, Ninian Mitchell, Lanier Brewer, Charles Brady, John Wise, James Turner, John Cooke & Nathaniel Carter assis in Clearing the Same --

[Thomas and John Powell witnessed the will of Samuel Hardin, Sr.]
[No Mccarthy is listed]

By Nathaniel Mason Pawlett, Faculty Research Historian

2 April 1751 O. S., Page 377
Julius Nichols is appointed Surveyor of the Road Leading from Dockerys to his Ferry on Stanton River, and it is Ordered that he Together with the Following Assisstance (to Wit) William Humprey, Humphrey Hughey, John Grissel, John Cole, Gabriel Hardin, William Hardin, Thomas Weeks, Michael Weeks, David Dodd, Amos Timms, William Nichols, John Wilson, Reuben Morgan & Philip Morgan, with their Male Labouring Tithable Persons Do forthwith Clear and Keep the Same in Repair According to Law. 

5 July 1757, Page 309

Dennis Lark, Joshua Mabrey and Richard Fox, the Persons Appointed by an Order of the last court to View & Examine the Way for a Road to be Cleared from Fox's Landing on Roanoke River into Ingrams Road that goes over Maherrin River, this day Returned their Report thereon, which is Ordered to be Recorded, and Joshua Mabry is Appointed Surveyor thereof, and it is Ordered that he together with Richard Fox & his four Hands, William Gamblin, Claiton Lambert, John Lambert, James Lambert, Humphrey Hewey, James Sparrow, Gabril Hardin -- Stephen Jones, John Bozeman, William Bartlete, Ephraim Mabry George Landford, John Landford William Cleaton, John Cleaton Edward Epps and his Hand, Joseph Hicks, James Hicks, John Mize John Bates, William Ladd Senr. William Ladd junr. Garrard Ladd, Thomas Taylor Senr. & his three Hands, John Taylor Thomas Taylor junr. John Segant, Wade Ward, Clack Courtney and his one hand, Lewis Tanner, Thomas Tanner, Lewis Tanner Joseph Bennit, William Bell, Thomas Bell & Amos Timms do forthwith lay open Clear & keep the same in Repair According to Law.