Joseph Hardin of Saluda River, Pickens County, SC. Type R1b1b2. Not Related to type I1a Hardins

This page includes speculation for discussion among reseasrchers of this family. It is not finished genealogy tied up in a ribbon for harvesting. Corrections and better explanations are requested. Contact Travis Hardin at ke3y at comcast dot net.


Joseph Hardin was born about 1756 in Virginia, according to his researachers. He patented land and found a home in that far northeastern part of Pendleton District that became northern Pickens County. Some of the land is in Greenville County. The Grantee Index of Deeds, Greenville County, S.C. shows Joseph Harden was granted 180 acres on North Saluda River by Jonathan Blythe in 1799. It was registered 1808 in deed book H page 54.

The purpose of this page is to show a short outline of his family for the purpose of reducing confusion to myself and others looking for I1a Hardins in adjacent counties.

Immediate Family of Joseph Hardin

 From personal correspondence with Carl Hardin (great-grandson) 11 Feb 2000:

Joseph Hardin of Pickens County, South Carolina, was born about 1760. The original land grants on both sides of Carrock's Creek, waters of Saluda River were to Joseph Hardin in 1786 and 1809 by William Moultrie, Governor of South Carolina.

He had six children, [w. Sarah “Sally” Wade]

Joseph Hardin, Jr. [1818 m. Eliza Barnett] from whom I am descended;

Samuel who moved to Georgia, then to Hamilton, Alabama;

Phalba, who married Steve Rains;

Harriet, who married Burwell Pace and also went to Alabama; [DeKalb County]

Hannah,[Apr 1823] who married Henry Norman and also went to Alabama;

Catherine,[1821] who married Richard Holder and remained here in South Carolina.  I found Joseph Sr’s will (says Carl Hardin) among the land deeds in Pickens County Mesne Conveyance.

Joseph and John Hardin were active in the Middle Fork Saluda Baptist Church. It has changed names twice since then. Until 1960 it was Middle River Church. Then they took the name Cleveland First Baptist. It is about 4 miles from my home. I have found nothing on the old John Hardin who was mentioned with Joseph in the Old Bethel Association.

Location of the Land Granted

Personal correspondence with J. Carl Hardin 21 Feb 2000:

"The land granted to Joseph Hardin is located in Northwetern Greenville County and Northeastern Pickens County. It crosses the County lines about 10 miles up 276 from Marietta and about 5 miles up Highway 11 from Pumpkintown. It lies on both sides of the South Saluda River near Table Rock. I live on the property as does 4 of my six children. Also my brother Vardry and 4 of his six chidren. My mother died at 106 years of age in April of /96.

"Carricks Creek is in Pickens County about 1 mile West of Pumpkintown toward Table Rock. Scenic Highway 11 crosses S. Saluda River right in the center of the Joseph Hardin land grant. Cleveland First Baptist Church is at Cleveland Post office on Hwy. 276 and 11, about 5 miles N. of Marietta in Greenville County."

1788 Land Sale Witness

19 Jan 1788. Alexander Edens, of 96 Dist., to Geo. Hudson, of the same Dist., for   25, for 147 acres granted 1 Jan 1787, by Wm. Moultrie, on both sides of Carrock’s Creek, waters of Saluda River. Signed: Alexander (his mark) Edens, Molly Edens. Wit: William Blyth, JOSEPH HARDEN. JOSEPH HARDEN made oath to Gabriel Moffett, J.P. , 24 Aug. 1793. Pendleton District, S.C. Deeds, 1790-1806, compiled by Betty Willie. Easley, SC, Southern Historical Press, 1882, p. 61, orig. p. 243, Pendleton County SC Conveyence Book B.

Association with an unknown John Hardin

Statistics of Middle Fork Saluda Church, 1790-1800 (table)

1792: Messenger to Association: Joseph Harden, with minister John Chastain
1793: Messenger to Association: Joseph Harden, with minister John Chastain. Church statistics reported to association: 1 baptized, 17 received by letter, 11 dismissed, 0 excluded, 0 died. Total members 126.
1799: Messenger to Association: Joseph Harden with minister Isaac Lemons. Church statistics: 7 baptized, 7 received by letter, 67 dismissed, 1 excluded, 2 died. Total members 36
1800: Messenger to Association: John Harden and Archibald Elliott with minister Isaac Lemons.
"South Carolina Baptists 1670-1805" Leah Townsend, Ph.D., Baltimore: Geneqlogical Publishing Company 1974, p. 213.

A Joseph and John Hardin served on the same jury in Pickens County in 1872. These were probably grandsons of the settler Joseph Hardin. (See "Crane O. Earley # 3117 Indictment for Murder, p. 71, "A collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical and Family Records, Vol. III. Ed: James E. Wooley, Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC. 1982.)

Hardin, John K. (or H.) and Hardin, Joseph were listed as registered voters in Greenville County in 1868 in Douthat's Election Precinct. Other Hardins found in Greenville County were Hardin, G.C. in Oil Camp Election Prct. and Hardin, G. L. in Shockley's. They might be descendants of Isaac Hardin who lived in Greenville County about 24 years from 1804 to 1828. He is of my family, the I-M253 Hardins.
-Sec. of State, Abstract of Voter Registration Reported to the Military Government, 1868, Greenville County,, accessed 11 July 2019.

DNA of Joseph Hardin

Kit # 119147 at Ronald Muirhead Hardin traces back to Joseph Hardin through his great-grandson Carl Hardin (b. 1895) to Martin Hardouin that some claim as the patriarch of the group. This is known as haplogroup R1B1B2, HFA group R1A, or the Gold Group at, or the French Huguenots. Therefore Joseph Hardin was not related to the I1a Pendleton District Hardins (genetic distance of 45) nor to the separate light lavender R1B1B2 William Harding of Laurens County, who, despite being in the same haplogroup has a genetic distance of 21.

Last updated 29 Aug 2020 (Travis Hardin, ke3y at comcast dot net)