William Hardin, Laurens County, SC, will 1809 and his father
George Harding, Halifax County, Va, will 1769.
Type R1b1b2 and R-M269. (not related to type I1a Hardins)
Death of George Harding
Virginia Gazette, Williamsburg, Virginia, Friday Feb. 11, 1768, p.3
col 1:
"Died - The family of Mr. George Harding, late of Halifax County (who
lately left it, to settle his affairs in Stafford County) are hereby
informed that he was there taken ill and died suddenly."
George Harding is said to have been born 1718. He had a brother
Henry Hardin 1711-1779 or 1720-1778, depending on who is consulted.
Their father was said to be Henry Harding b.
1690, and HIS father was another Henry Harding, b. 1690 in
Northumberland, Virginia, died 10 Jan. 1737 in Stafford, Virginia. The
father of the latter is another Henry Harding who came from
Northumberland Counthy, Va. The latter tree comes from
owned by shellnscott. After leaving
Northumberland County the family was in Stafford County, Virginia,
which is where George Harding was conducting business when he died.
This information should be confirmed with those who know.
Will of George Harding (excerpts)
Halifax County Will Book O 333, GEORGE HARDING
Accounts Current
Names mentioned: James LeGrand, Ralph McNair, William Tenny, James
Irvin, __ Colewell, Paul Carrington for advice, Henry Pendleton for
advice Inj. vs Cason, John Yates, Henry Hopson, william Nelson, Harman
Miller, William Mays, John Moore, Junr.
Pd. Francis Bumbury, Larkin Cason, Joseph Patterson, George Boyd 18
Sept 1769.
Returned: 15 Aug 1771.
-Halifax County Deed Book 1 1752-1759, by Marion Dodson Chiarito, The
Clarkton Press 1985, p. 55.
254 GEORGE HARDIN, Inventory and Account of Sales
Dated: 19 April 1768
[mentiond among others: WILLIAM HARDING. I have omitted everything but that]
Returned: 16 March 1769
-ibid, p. 42
NOTE: The will of George Harding makes it clear that his executor is William Hardin.
William Hardin in Halifax County
1766 Apr 3. William Harding witnessed a deed in Halifax County. The 160 acres was on Lawsons Creek, a tributary of the Dan River just south of today's Halifax. The deed was from John Caldwell and wife Barbery to Peter Rogers, both of Halifax County and the other witnesses were Joseph Turner, Thomas Carson, and Thomas Guterey. Recorded 21 Aug 1766.
William Hardin in Orange County, NC
Within seven years of the settlement of George Harding's will,
William Hardin was living in Orange County, NC when he sold a 383-acre
tract on Holt's Creek in Halifax County, Virginia:
16 May 1776 - Deed from William Harden and wife Phebe of Orange County
NC. ... a tract of land in Halifax County VA on both sides of Holt's Mill
Creek including the forks of said Creek and bounded by Adam Link, about
383 acres, it being a tract of land which Abraham Rogers entered,
surveyed, and deeded. Witnessed by John Rogers, Peter Rogers. Halifax
County Deeds 1775-1778, page 138.
William Hardin Settled in Laurens County, SC
William and Phoebe Hardin lived and raised a family perhaps 30 years
in southern Laurens
County, South Carolina before William's death in 1809. There they were
active in the Bush River Baptist Church. According to Leah Townsend's
1974 publication "South Carolina Baptists 1670-1805." Their names,
Phoebe Hardin and Wm Hardin, were on the church rolls between
1792 and 1804. Neither of them were recorded as having charges
brought against them by the church, a fate suffered by a fellow member,
a woman who was dismissed for not believing in Hell. The first church
was built 1770 on
Beaverdam Branch of Bush River. Another was soon built three miles off.
--Footnotes within the book, page 163-166, list the church members and
credit Edwards, Crozier MS pp.31, 42; Bethel Associaiton Minutes 1791;
Bush River CB (church book) 1792, specifically its "List of Bush River
members in 1792-1804."
Beaverdam Creek and therefore the church were in southern
Laurens County. I have not located the Hardin residence. No doubt his
living relatives have done that research.
Will of William Hardin, 1809
Estate index book located in Probate Office of Laurens County.
Date: 1809. Box 34, Pkg. 7. Estate of William Hardin. Executor:
Nicholas Hardin.
I have the will and estate papers of William Hardin. His
co-executors were his sons Nicholas and George. Some of his other
children were Abner (deceased) Abraham, William, Rachel, Elizabeth,
Sally, Jacob, and Henry. His wife was alive.
DNA of William Hardin
Kit # 187435 at hhhdna.com/lightlavendarpedigree.htm
of Bobby N.
Harding traces through his father Robert
Harding, b. 1903, back six generations to William Harding, born about
1740 in Virginia, died 1809 in South Carolina.
He is in haplogroup R1b1b2. He is in the same group in which one
participant, David C. Hardin, kit # 143656, traces his ancestry through
successive Henry Hardins to the ones mentioned in the first paragraphs
of this page. Another in the lavander group is haplogroup R-M269, a variant way of expresssing the haplogroup.
I have little doubt that William Hardin of Laurens County, South Carolina was the son of George Harding of Halifax County, Virginia and that he was likely born there.
This man was studied to eliminate him as an I-M253 Hardin.