Hiram C. Hardin (b 1795), Youngest Son of Gabriel Hardin (b. ~1745)
What's new February 2021
Asa Avery Hardin, son of Aaron Hardin Sr. was
born in Charleston March 1814 according to the Asa Hardin family bible.
If so,
then Mrs. Aaron Hardin Sr. gave birth in Charleston while accompanying
Hiram Hardin to that city from Pendleton for his enlistment in the U.S.
army on March 9.
Hiram was not the son of Aaron Hardin because there was not room in
the family for an older brother to compete with William T. Hardin.
Hiram appears to be the youngest brother of Aaron Hardin.
Hiram is unaccounted for between his discharge in 1815 and 1831 when he married Wilda Hicks in Monroe County, Alabama. His later life is known through his pension appliation which finally sent a small pension to Wilda in 1883.
By an unknown first wife Hiram had one
son, John T. Hardin, b. 1822 according to the 1880 census, and born in
South Carolina according to 1870 and 1880 censuses. The earlier
outliers for birth state were Alabama and Mississippi.
I have appended more about Hiram's son John to this page, including his ownership of 18 slaves in 1860 before he was shorn of them by the Civil War. I add something about John's son Thomas who I trace to his death in Lincoln Parish, Louisiana on 31 Jan. 1949.
The family of Hiram Hardin remained in
Louisiana and did not look back to their origins, from what I'm able to
discover. Except that the naming of children echoes the past.
Hiram C. Hardin, born between March 11, 1795 and March 10, 1796, Pendleton District, SC
For more Hiram Hardin, please see this page on my old site:
From the "Records of Men Enlisted in the U. S. Army Prior to the Peace Established May 17, 1815" page 147:
Harden, Hiram C. or Hardie, Hyram C., Pvt., Capt. Felix B. Warley’s Company, 8th Regt. US Infantry. Description: 5 feet 6 inches, blue eyes, brown hair, fair skin, age 18, farmer. Where born: Pendleton Dist, SC. When: March 10, 14.
Note, the current date was entered for birth date, therefore the "where born" column may have been interpreted "where from." Enlistment: Where - Pendleton C. H. (Court House). By whom: Lt. Hunter. Period: 5 yrs Mar 9, 14.
Remarks. C. C. T. Hawkins, April 30, 14 __ Capt. F. B. Warley’s Co. Camp Flournoy, Ga. Jany. 10. D.C. Feby 16, __ Feby 28/15 Gales, Leut.
(The earliest date in the military record is March 9, 1814 and Hiram
was 18 years old. From this his birth was 1795 or early 1796.)
Hiram Hardin Time Line
1820 - Not found. His son John was born 1823 in South Carolina.
1832 1 Feb - Hiram Hardin m. Wilday Hicks in Monroe County, Ala.
1837-8-18 - Received 80 acres, T10N 9E, northern Monroe County
1838-7-28 - Received 40 acres, T10N 10E, northern Monroe County
1840 - Not found.
1850 - Living in Monroe County, Alabama.
Hyram Hardin, 50 (b. 1800), born SC
Wilda [Hicks] 43 (b. 1807), born NC
John Hardin, 30 (b. 1820), born Ala. Beside them lived Matilda, 43, b.
NC, with husband Charles Wood. Also living beside Hiram was Moses
Hicks, age 45, b. NC. A 25-year-old in the house was named Priscilla,
born Alabama.
For the names Hiram, Wilda, Matilda, and Priscilla, a check mark was placed in the column "Deaf, dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict." It is my guess that Wilda and Matilda were twin sisters and that Moses Hicks was her brother. I have found no later indication that those four people were marked in any way.
In 1850 Hiram Hardin owned three slaves: 1 female 5, 1 male 12, and one female 4 months.
In the 1850 agricultural schedule Hiram Hardin had 50 acres improved
and 250 acres unimproved at a totel vaule of $500. He had no horses, 2
mules, 4 milk cows, and 11 other cattle. Livestock was valued at $376.
Hewas between Isham Hicks and Moses Hicks Jr.
1860 - Lived at Mansfield P.O. in DeSoto Parish, Louisiana with wife Wilda, adjacent to his son John T. Harden.
Census: John T. Harden, age 33, farmer, real estate $2000, personal
$14,500, b. Miss. John owned 18 slaves of all ages.
Henrietta Harden, age 31, f, housekeeper, b. Ala.
James Harden, 6, m., b. Ala.
Hudson Parker, 17, m., b. Ala. (attended school)
Robt Parker, 14, m., b. Ala (attended school)
Benj Parker, 12, m., b. Ala.
Susan Parker, 10, f., b. Ala.
John Parker, 9, m., b. Ala.
Hiram Harden, 65, farmer, real estate $2000, personal $1700, b. SC.
Wilda Harden, 50, f., Matron, b. NC.
Hiram owned three slaves in 1860: 1 male 23, 1 female 11, and 1
female, 40. There is a corrrespondence of the first two young people
with two children from 1850, the male age 12 and the female age 4
months. That is, Hiram kept those two in his service through ten years
and the move to Louisiana, insofar as a 4-month-old can be said to be
in service.
1870 - Hiram Hardin, a farmer, age 70, lived in 5th Ward of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana. He was born GA and illiterate. His wife Wilda, age 60, was housekeeper. She was born South Carolina and also illiterate. J. F. Hardin, 35, was born in Mississippi and worked as farm labor. James Hardin, 15, was born Alabama and was farm labor. He was illiterate.
1880 - Hiram Hardin, a
farmer, age 82, born SC NC SC lived in 5th Ward of Calcasieu Parish.
Wilda Hardin was age 73 , housekeeper,NC NC NC. James Hardin, 24,
was reported as a grandson and worked on the farm. Born AL AL AL

Travels of Hiram Hardin, simplified.
Some time after the 1812 war, Hiram Hardin went to Monroe County, Alabama where he married Wilda Hicks on 1 Feb 1832 and was granted or bought land there in 1837. By 1857 he lived in Desoto Parish, Louisiana. In 1870 Hiram and Wilda lived in Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.
The War of 1812 Bounty Land and Pension Application records (free at https://go.fold3.com/1812pensions.php) are proof positive that the Hiram Hardin who joined the 8th U.S. Infantry from Pendleton District, SC is the one who received bounty land in Monroe County, Ala. and DeSoto and Calcasieu parishes in Louisiana. He filed pension application from Calcasieu Parish, La. He married Wilda Hicks in Monroe County, Ala. 1 Feb 1832 therefore an earlier wife was mother to his son John T. Hardin b. 1822 or 23. He died at his home 1 1/2 miles east of Niblett's Bluff on the Lake Charles Road on 18 Oct 1882. He is not consistent about his date of birth. He was 18 when he joined the army. That places his birth as 1795.
He was sent first to Fort Hawkins, Ga. (later to become Macon) in
country on 20 April 1814. Perhaps during his assignment to Creek country he became aware
of the black belt of Alabama, to which he later moved at Monroe County.
Transcribed Pension Application in PDF (13 pages)
Excerpts from War of 1812 Pension Applications, Hardin, Hiram, at fold3.com.
p. 14 - Oct 31, 1883 - Accrued Pension for the Widowp. 11 - 5 Nov 1857 - Resident of Monroe Co., Ala, enlisted c. 1 May 1813 from Pendleton District, SC, was in Capt. Worley's Co.
p. 52 - Aug 23, 1876 - Adjutant General's Record Hiram C. Hardin enlisted 10 Mar 1814 at Pendleton Court House, SC. ? Description: Height 5'6, eyes blue, hair brown, compelxion fair, age 18, occupation farmer, where born - Pendleton District, SC. ? Recruiting returns: Fort Hawkins, Apr. 20/14, Inspection return, Jany 10; descriptive roll Feby 16, and Inspection Return, Camp Flournow, Ga, Feby 28, 1815 - present.
p. 41 - 25 May 1876 - J.T. Hardin signature (son of Hiram)
p. 17 - Wilda Hardin married 1 Feb 1832 in Monroe County
p. 49 - 9 Feb 1876 - Niblett's Bluff location
Monroeville to DeSoto Parish Connection (image 33-34)
State of Louisiana
Parish of Calcasieu
I HIRAM HARDIN of said state and parish - now applying for pension from the United States under No. 30406, Act of Feb. 14th, 1871, HEREBY STATE that I received a Land Warrant from the United States in consideration for my services in the War of 1812. That at the time I received said warrant I was living in Monroe County, Alabama. That the said warrant came to Monroeville Post Office Alabama. Deponent does not remember the name of the lawyer who obtained it for him. That he received it about the year 1851. That the said warrant for 160 acres was located by him in December A.D. 1855 - at the Land Office at Natchitoches, La. on a certain tract of land in DeSoto Parish La. - at a creek called "Grand Cane" in Section four (4) or five (5) township and range deponent does not recollect. The land lays about five or six miles east from Logansport Post Office. That at the time of locating said warrant he had to pay for some seven or eight acres [p. 34] in cash, there being of that amount in excess of the 160 acres for which the warrant called.
In testimony whereof witness my hand at Nibletts Bluff, Calcasieu
Parish La. This 26th August AD 1876.
Hiram Hardin (his mark)
Ed. P. Goodwin
late post master at Washington, La.
Stamped Sep. 7, 1876
Department of the Interior
Pension Office
John P. Hardin history
1823 Born Pendleton District, South Carolina. He is possibly the only offspring of Hiram Hardin. His mother is unknown.
1823 is a composite of four reports of his age:
Born 1820 1850 census
Born 1827 1860 census
Born 1825 1870 census
Born 1822 1880 census
1850 He was single and lived with his father on a farm in Monroe County, Alabama.
1839 Sep 24. Marriage of Henrietta Beatrice Hudson to Lagrande Parker (1813-1853)
1854 May 4. Marriage of Henrietta M. Parker to John T. Harden in Monroe, Alabama
(Ancestry.com: Alabama, Select Marriages, 1816-1957)
1854 May 4 - John P. Hardin married 27-year old Henrietta, widow of Lagrande Parker who died in 1853.
Henrietta born 1829 (1860 census, after which she was no longer in the family nor were the Parker children.)
John T. Hardin (shown here as born 1827) married Henrietta Parker in 1854 in Monroe County, Alabama. (Son James was born 1856 in Alabama according to the 1860 census.) Henrietta was a widow of Parker of Alabama.
An observation about the 1860 riches of John Hardin: It is likely that Henrietta brought the slaves into the marriage. Her husband Lagrant Parker died 1853.
1860 - John T. Hardin with his wife, her 5 children, 6 year old James Hardin, and 18 slaves brought into the marriage by Henrietta had moved to DeSoto Parish, Louisiana, where his father Hiram went to survey and claim his bounty land.
1870 - During or after the civil war John Hardin lost his wife and
slaves and moved to Downsville, Union Parish, Louisiana. Children were
Henry, 15, (probably James from 1860), Robert (12), and Mary, (10), all
born Alabama. They were his children with Henrietta. His father lived
1880 - John Hardin (58) and new wife Frances R. Napper Hardin (38),
whom he married 3 Feb 1878 in Lincoln Parish, lived in the 5th ward of
Lincoln Parish, Louisiana. That parish adjoins Union Parish on the
west. Inasmuch as Downsville was nearly on the Lincoln Parish line, it
is possible the 1880 residence was the same as the 1870. Thomas Hardin
(16), born Alabama, is a son who did not show in 1870. Thomas was born
in Alabama in 1864. Additional a one-month-old girl, Susan E., born
Louisiana, was marked "Spr daugh." It is possible that John T. Hardin
died here in Lincoln Parish, his last recorded residence, sometime
before 1900.
John Harden m. F. R. Knapper 3 Feb 1878 at Lincoln Parish.
Ancestry.com: "Louisiana, Compiled Marriate Index, 1718-1925,
Thomas G. Hardin, b. May 1864, son of John P. Hardin
I've picked this one son out of convenience and followed him to his
death. He made a good life in Ruston, Lincoln Parish, Louisiana, and
died there 31 Jan 1949. The example illustrates the family's permanent
ties to their Louisiana home, leaving behind the past of Pendleton
District, South Carolina and Monroe County, Alabama.
Thomas appeared in the 1880 census as a son, 16, born AL SC GA
In 1884 Thomas married Molly, born Aug 1864 in Louisiana.
1900 - The family lived on a farm they owned in Ward 5, Lincoln, La. Thomas was born May 1864 AL GA AL.
His wife Molly was born Aug 1864 LA GA GA. His 7 children were born LA
AL GA and except the 3 year old could read and write. The
children were:
Allie, b. Oct 1885; Timothy, b. Aug 1888; David, b. Jun 1890; Ollive b. Jul 1892; John b. June 1894, Lola, b. June 1895, and Mamie b. Sep 1897.
1910 - The family lived on South Line Avenue, Ward 4, Lincoln Parish.
Thomas G. Hardin was born 1865 in LA AL AL, wife Mary G. Hardin was born 1865 in LA, blank for parents. The children were:
David 21; Ollie (daughter) 18; Johnny 16; Lola 14, and Mamie 11. Thomas
was a laborer at odd jobs. David was a laborer at telephone Cr.
1920 - The family lived at 215 West Texas Ave., Ruston. Thomas G. Hardin was 55, his wife Mollie G. Hardin also 55. Thomas was by now a Town Street Commissioner. The children had left home.
1930 - The couple Thomas G. and Mollie G. Hardin lived at 614
Colorado Ave in Rustin. They were married 32 years. They had no radio.
He was not a veteran. Thomas was still a street commissioner for Ruston
town. Thomas died 31 Jan 1949 in Ruston, Louisiana and is buried at
Greenwood Cemetery. Findagrave.com shows him as Thomas Robert Granville
Hardin b. 4 May 1864 and his wife as Mary George Dutton Hardin.
Ancestry.com: "Louisiana, Statewide Death Index, 1819-1964"