See for Hardin families by DNA type

Robert Hardin Shown by DNA to be Unrelated to I1a "Norse" Hardins 

A DNA test has been posted by researcher Laura Hardin of a male relative that shows he is a genotype R2. He comes from Robert Hardin of Rowen/Irdell County, North Carolina, through Robert's son William who survived to 1797 (and so is probably not the dead revolutionary war soldier William Hardin shown below). Robert Hardin likely came from Talbott County, Maryland.  TLH

This page includes speculation for discussion among reseasrchers of this family. It is not finished genealogy tied up in a ribbon for harvesting. Corrections and better explanations are requested. Contact Travis Hardin at ke3y at comcast dot net.


Oran Hardin, the founder and energy behind the Harden-in-ing Family Association Newsletter died February 10, 2010. During his years of research and helping others, he traced his ancestry back to John R. Hardin, found living in Montgomery County, NC in 1787 and 1790. In the 1787 state census he had two boys and two girls. In the 1790 US census he also had two boys and two girls.

Oran Hardin and others, including J. R. Hardin in his 1934 "The Hardin Family Tree 1729-1934" believe that "In or near Saulsberry, Rowan County, N.C. in 1799 John R. Hardin was married to Mary Ann Nevins (who was his second wife) and to them was born two sons, James in 1800 and Robert in 1802. John R. died in 1810, leaving his widow and these two sons." The Dutch bible brought into the marriage by Mary Ann Nevins and family tradition were the likely sources used by J. R. Hardin. He does not give any sources, though he appears to have travelled in search of relatives and records. J. R. Hardin was John Robert Hardin (1862-1940) of 7316 1st Avenue, Birmingham, Alabama, who organized a family reunion on Sept. 1, 1934 at Elora, Tennessee. I cannot direct you to the Dutch Bible or to any record of the marriage in Salisbury, North Carolina, because I have not found any copies. If you can find any of those sources please direct me to them.

Oran Hardin's DNA test reveals that he is an average Norse I1a Hardin, the same as the Granville, Chatham, Pendleton, and Indiana Hardins -- the green group at So Hardin I1a researchers will need to reconsider which I1a Hardin is the father of John R. Hardin. In the space below I present additional reasons we must abandon the long-held but inaccurate notions of Robert Hardin of Rowan County, NC,  being our ancestor. At the same time we need to search for candidates for the parents of John R. Hardin. 

Robert Hardin, Will 1785, Rowan and Iredell Co. NC

Robert Hardin of western Rowan County, NC (later to become Iredell County, NC) is fairly well docuented by land and tax records. In 1757 and 1759 he acquired land on Second Creek from the Granville Proprietary Land Office. He is mentioned in Ramsey's "Carolina Cradle" in this way: "Although inconclusive, the evidence suggests that Robert Hardin originated in Talbot County [Maryland], where the name appears in 1706..." This writer has confirmed that records of Talbot County Harding wills exist in the Maryland archives.

Robert Hardin wrote his will in 1785 and died in 1786. There was no mention of any son but William in his will. Oran Hardin considered Robert Hardin a candidate for the father of John R. Hardin without considering the will, and he believed there were no other candidates. More on this below.

Showing date of death for Robert Hardin in Irdell County deed abstract of John Francis
(Book J, pg. 208) 15 June 1813. John Francis and Dedma Francis to John McQuire for $200, 96 acres on middle fork of Rocky Creek joining Hardin's old survey, part of 480 acres granted to John Archebald from the legates of Robert Harden, deceased on 1786 and conveyed to John Griffith 1797, then to Wm. Kennedy in 1798 and to William Judkins in 1800.
source: accessed 10 June 2013

Will of Robert Hardin, script (jpg) Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

Will of Robert Hardin, typed (jpg) Page 1 Page 2

Revolutionary Soldiers Buried Near Snow Creek
From The Landmark, Stateswville, NC, March 9, 1883
"A citizen of Sharpsburg Township has furnished us with the following list of Revolutionary soldiers whose bones repose in the Snow Creek graveyard.".
 "William. Hardin" (anong 20 others)
 "There are buried at Snow Creek also several soldiers of the War of 1812 and a number of Confederates. Among the latter is the gallant and distinguished Reuben P. Campbell, colonel of the 7th N.C.R. The majority of the graves of these soldiers are unmarked save by rund stones and the gentleman who gave us the above names and ffacts accompanying them added the patriotic suggestion that the descendants or other relatives of these heroes should unite and have raised in the Snow Creek grave yard a monument to the memory of the soldiers of these three wards who are buried there."

Reconsideration of the Assumption that Robert Hardin is an i1a Hardin Ancestor

By Oran Hardin: The time when the connection was simply assumed (pdf). Oran Hardin wrote this page in the newsletter some years ago. (Edition unknown; the copy shown came from a later binding.) In the last paragraph he simply declares the father of John R. Hardin to be Robert Hardin. I believe that connection has been proven false by DNA.  

Besides non-matching DNA, the strongest reason to reconsider is that our ancestors were not of a slave-owning class. Nowhere have I encountered an I1a Hardin who owned slaves (except Griffin Hardin who owned one to two). They were poor people. Notice that the Robert Hardin will bequeathed something like nine slaves to his family.  

The second reason to reconsider is that no John Hardin was mentioned among the eight children who inhereited. Only a William and seven sisters. Under primogeniture the eldest son did not have to be mentioned. But I have found no evidence of such a son being given the estate.

The third reason to reconsider is that DNA testing has concentrated the search to I1a Hardins (Oran's genotype), and these I1a Hardins have been located in Brunswick and Lunenburg Counties, Virginia; in Granville, Chatham, and Burke Counties, North Carolina; and in Pendleton District, South Carolina.

The current challenge, as I write this in July 2014, is to find credible familial connections between John R. Hardin and the known I1a Hardins. Considering the closest known Hardin families to Montgomery County, it would be the Moore County Hardins (Gabriel Harding and likely others). The I1a Hardins in Chatham County would not be much further away from Montgomery County. They, too, could have produced John R. Hardin.

On a 1956 map of early settlers, a John Hardin is plotted just north of the Deep River about 4 miles northwest of the home of Gabriel Harding on Lick Creek on the west of the big horseshoe. John is shown to have settled in 1774. Could that John be the one enumerated in the 1787 and 1790 censuses of Montgomery County and the John whose grown children left to settle in Tennessee and Alabama? John R. Hardin was believed by Dolores Mullings and Oran Hardin to have been born 1759 in North Carolina and died 1810 in Rowan County, NC. Let's find proof of that if it exists.

John R. Hardin's first wife produced John Harden, Green Hardin, and Moses Hardin, the latter said to be born in 1791. His second wife, Mary Ann Nevins, produced James Hardin (1800-1860) and Robert Hardin. Mary Ann remarried David Foster and is said to be buried at Dameron Cemetery, Lincoln County, Tenn. No Hardins or Fosters show in Dameron at Let's clarify that.

Travis Hardin, July 2014, ke3y at comcast dot net