To Samuel Hardin Sr. will 1732

Samuel Hardin, Jr. born 1719
His brother William Hardin born abt. 1722
Sons of Samuel Harding (will 1732), Brunswick County, Va.

For 2024 English origin finds and revised dates, find menu item "The London Origin of Samuel Harding"

Samuel Hardin, Jr. born 1719

The will of Samuel Harding, Sr. was probated in October 1732. His farm was on Fountain Creek in Brunswick County, Va. near the North Carolina line. On 2 December 1741 the younger Samuel Hardin bought land adjacent to his mother Elizabeth's life estate on Fountain Creek. The young Samuel was 22.

Property Transactions and Other Records

Samuel Harding 1741

Samuel Harding of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick Co. from Hohn-(X)-Steed of same Parish, ?5: curr. 100 acres adjoining Samuel Harding's land. Dec. 2, 1741. D. B. 2, p. 241.

Samuel Harding 1743

3 Aug 1743. Samuel Harding to William Powell 150 acres. Deed Book B. 2, p. 319.
1 May 1749. Thomas Powell to William Powell 100 acres adjoining Thomas Powell and Sam. Hardin. Deed Book 3 p. 562.
Lucas, The Powell families of Virginia and the South, 2000: Southeren Historical Press. A more direct reference should be found.

1741 Samuel Witnessed Sims

Bradley, Stephen E., Brunswic County, Virginia Deed Books Vol 1-2.

1741 Sep. 27, Brunswick County Deed Book 2, p. 107
from William Sims of B, to John Sims of B, for 10 £, a certain tract of about 170 acres of land in the Parish of St Andrew's in B on the north side of Rattlesnake Cr, and is part of a patent for 275 acres that was granted to George Sims, and conveyed from George Sims to William Sims, and is bounded by the mouth of Reddy brancy, the Spring branck, William Simms. Signed - Willias (W his mark) Sims. Wit - Samll (X his mark) Harden, Willm (W his mark)  Ledbetter. Suanna, the wife of the said William, personally appeared in court and relinquished her right of dower to the conveyed lands. Recorded Oct 1, 1741.

1743 July 3, Samuel Hardin to William Powell

Bradley, Stephen E., Brunswic County, Virginia Deed Books Vol 1-2.

Deed Book 2, p 319. Jul 3, 1743 from Samuel Harding of St Andrew's Parish n B. to Wiliam Powell of same, for 7 £, one certain tract of about 150 acres of land in B. amd bounded by Samuel Harding, Henry Peoples, Fountain Creek The landwas pantened to John Steed on Mar 26, 1739, and by Steed conveyed to Samuel Hardin by deed daed Dec 2, 1741. Signed - Samuel (his ark) Harding. Wit - John Peterson, Michal Wall, Hnry (H his mark) Cookm, John (his mark)) Smith. Mary, the wife of the said Samuel, appeared i court, and being first privately examined, voluntarily relinquished her right of dower to the lands conveyed. Recorded Jul 7, 1743.

1743 July 7 John Hardin Witnessed Twitty

Bradley, Stephen E., Brunswic County, Virginia Deed Books Vol 1-2.

P 326. Jul 7, 1743.from John Twitty of B, to Sephen Bedford of Goochland County, for 105 £, one certain tract of land of 959 acres in B on Twitty's Cr. and bounded by Reeses branch. Signed - John Twitty. Wit - Drury Stith, George Nettles, John (J his mark) Hardin. Recorded Jul 7, 1743.

Samuel and Mary Hardin 1747

Indenture made 1 October 1747, between SAMUEL HARDIN & MARY his wife of Brunswick County, St. Andrews Parish, and Adam Sims of same, ?40, on North side of Maherrin it being part of a Patent obtained by John Jackson February 22, 1724 for 200a and the land sold by SAMUEL HARDIN & MARY HIS WIFE to Adam Sims is by Estimation 100a. Signed SAMUEL HARDIN (bhm), MARY HARDIN. Witnesses: John Douglas, Linton Hales, Rebecca Jackson (bhm). Court October 1, 1747, Indenture & Memorandum acknowledged by Samuel Hardin and Mary his wife previous to which she was privily examined. Deed Book 3, Page 349. USGenWeb archives, abstracted by Carol A. Morrison of Fayetteville, NC

william hardin 1748

Indenture made 18 December 1748, between John Linch of Granville County, North Carolina, and WILLIAM HARDIN of same, ?50, on North side of Fountains Creek, 130a. Signed William Linch (bhm). Witnesses: John Carrill, Edward Crews, George Person (bhm). Court June 1, 1749, Indenture & Memorandum proved by oaths of John Carrel & John Person. Court September 29, 1749, further proved by oaths of Edward Crews. Deed Book 3, Page 563.

SAMUEL Hardin 1746
THOMAS Hardin 1746

1746 Jan 6, Joseph King to SAMUEL HARDIN for 10 pds. , 300 acres in Granville County on South side and North side of Tarr River, which was granted to said Joseph King. Witnesses: Wm. Eaves, THOS. HARDIN, Mary Eaves
--"Abstracts of the Early Deeds of Granville County, North Carolina 1746-1765," Deed book B, p. 1, by Zae Hargett Gwynn. Pub. by Joseph W. Watson, Rocky Mount, NC 1974.JO

JOSEPH KING TO samuel hardin 1748

6 Jan 1748 • Granville County, British Colonial North Carolina
Joseph King to Samuel Hardin

£10 for 300 acres in Granville County on the South side of the Tarr River, which was granted to said. Joseph King. Wit: Wm. Eaves, Thomas Hardin, Mary Eaves. Deed Book B, p. 1. [p. 31 source].

samuel hardin 1749

1 May 1749. Thomas Powell to William Powell 100 acres adjoining Thomas Powell and Sam. Hardin. Deed Book 3, p. 562 Lucas, The Powell families of Virginia and the South, 2000: Southeren Historical Press. A more direct reference should be found.

Considering that Samuel Hardin the younger bought land on the Tar River in Granville County on 6 Jan 1746, the above "adjoining Samuel Hardin" probably means the life estate of Mrs. Samuel Hardin on Fountain Creek, with the land still referred to by her husband's name.

william hardin 1750

Indenture made 27 June 1750, between William Hardin of Brunswick County, and William Powell of same, ?20, on N side of Fountains Creek, 130a, being the Land and Plantation formerly in the possession and occupation of John Lynch and by Deed dated 18 October 1748, conveyed by the said Lynch to the said Hardin.
Signed William Hardin (bhm). Wit: John Peterson, James Powell,Tobias Moor, James Smith (bhm). Court 25 September 1750, Indenture proved by the oaths of James Powell, Tobias Moore, and James Smith. Deed Book 4, Page 183.

samuel hardin 1750

List of Taxables Granville County 1750. Lem. Lanier's list: Samu[torn] Hardin 1 poll

Wm. Chavis, 1 poll. No other Hardins in the county among the rolls presented by the copyist in NCGS Journal VIII, 29 (Feb. 1982 issue)

samuel hardin 1752

Deed book _ p. 121 - 123 -  June 1, 1752 - JOSEPH KING of Craven Co., S.C. and SAMUEL HEARDING (HARDIN) of Granville Co. to THOMAS SMITH of Edgecombe Co., N.C. for 12 pds. 300 acres on Tar River in Granville Co., N.C. Wts: Wm. Smith, Saml. Jordan, John Burt.

--"Abstracts of the Early Deeds of Granville County, North Carolina 1746-1765," Deed book B p. 121-123, by Zae Hargett Gwynn. Pub. by Joseph W. Watson, Rocky Mount, NC 1974.

The Tar River marked the southern border of most of Granville County, which in 1752 encompassed its original territory (except for a vertical slice of Orange it lost) which included the modern Franklin, Vance, and Warren counties, and the defunct Bute County.

1754 Attachment Suit on the Estate of Samuel Harding

Dec. Term of Court 1754. 7th: William Eaton vrs. the estate of Samuel Harding, attachment suit. Jury decides for plaintiff. Property ordered sold to pay debt due Eaton.
"Court Minutes of Granville County, North Carolina 1746-1820" Zae Hargrett Gwynn, p. 44.

william hardin 1760

Indenture made the 19th day of November, 1760, between Edward CREWS, Planter, and WILLIAM HARDIN, for _____ pounds, conveying ____________. Brunswick Co. Deed Book 6, page 468.

Indenture made the 15th day of December, 1760, between William LEE of North Carolina, and James REED, for 12 pounds, conveying 203 acres on North side of Peahill Creek. Signed by William LEE (his mark). Witnesses were William HALLOWAY (his mark), WILLIAM HARDIN (his mark), John PEERSON (his mark), and William MOSELEY, Junr. Indenture was proved in Court on January 26, 1761, by the oaths of William HALLOWAY and WILLIAM HARDIN, and on July 27 following was further proved by the oath of William MOSELEY, Junr. Deed Book 6, page 574.
Brunswick County USGenWeb archive, abstracted by Carol A. Morrison, Fayetteville, NC    (

william hardin 1779

Harden, William: He served as colonel of the Upper Granville County Regiment of Militia of Foot during 1779 and 1780. In addition, he supplied beef for Continental and militia use during 1781 and 1782.

thomas hardin 1760

Indenture made the XXIJ (sic) day of December, 1760, between William SPEARS and William SINGLETON of Gloucester County, for 50 pounds, conveying 278 acres on both side of the Little Creek. Witnesses were Robert Campbell, John Flood EDMUNDS, and THOMAS HARDIN. Deed Book 6, page 628. Brunswick County USGenWeb archive, abstracted by Carol A. Morrison, Fayetteville, NC.

Note: This item refers to the Tuckaho Creek Thomas Hardin and does not belong here, the writer thinks.There is left only one reference to the existence of Thomas Hardin (that I have found).

william thornton 1758-9; sterling thornton 1790

Mentions of THORNTON that may prove pertinent in investigations of Thornton and Sterling Hardin of Granville Co. NC.

Indenture made the 27th day of June, 1758, between William THORNTON and China TATUM, for good will and natural affection, conveying 100 acres to China TATUM and Margaret TATUM, his wife. No witnesses given. Court for June 27, 1758. Deed Book 6, page 274.

27 Aug 1759 WILLIAM THORNTON was among those bound for 600 pounds for the performance of a sheriff of Brunswick County, St. Andrews Parish. And again for 120 pounds on 27 August1759; and for 500 pounds for the performance of a sheriff in Maherrin Parish on 27 August. Brunswick Co. Deed book 6, p. 400, 401, 402. Brunswick County USGenWeb archive, abstracted by Carol A. Morrison, Fayetteville, NC. (

The name STERLING C. THORNTON, sec[urity] is found in a marriage record of 17 Feb 1790 of Richard Clough to Jane Thornton. (Marriage Records of Brunswick County Virginia, Fothergill.)


abraham harding 1793

1793 Nov 25 For what it's worth. Abraham Harding married Sylvia Price, Joel Price, sec[urity]. (Marriage Records of Brunswick County, virginia, 1730-1852,p.49. Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1976 (reprint), compiled by Augusta B. Fothergill)

The Chaver's Lodging House Robbery 1753

No other source found so far has been as useful at identifying the Hardin family cast of characters as the CHAVERS LODGING HOUSE ROBBERY, fron notes of Granville County records taken by Thomas McAdory Owen, and eventually published in 1993 as "History and Genealogies of Old Granville County, North Carolina 1746-1800" by Southern Historical Press.

Owen copied the notes on the trial of Samuel Hardin from the County Court Minutes, Volume 2 (5  March 1750/51 to 21 Sep. 1759). Below, single quotes or indents are used to quote McAdory's notes as published on pages 122 and 183. Double quotes are McAdory's quotations of the minutes.The second mention on page 183 consists of further notes of the same trial under the subtitle "Ordinaries or Houses of Entertainment." These items was discovered by researcher Gwen Hardin of Kosse Texas.

1753 LODGING HOUSE ROBBERY Court Record, McAdory Page 122:

May 30, 1753

Samuel Hardin "Labourer" was charged by Henry Webb with having robbed him of "Five pistoles & a Half weighing five pounds Eighteen Shill's. & three pence Cur't. Money of Virg'a.", and he was committed to the County "Goal". On examination before the County Court the Deft. was held for confinement in the "Goal" of Edgecombe Co., to be tried for this offense "at the next Court of Assize & General Goal delivery" for Edgecombe, Northampton, Granville & Orange Counties.

[McAdory continues ]The record shows the name written as "Harding"; and also that the Deft. had two brothers Gabriel and William Harding. The latter was of Va., and it was from him that he claimed to have gotten certain money he had. The depositions show that Webb was Drinking, and that he went in this condition to the house (ordinary?) of William Chavers (colored). There he met Hardin, and also Chavers. The latter took part of the money Webb had, but the am't claimed as stolen he did not take. Webb in his deposition said "this Depon't. was somewhat in Drink," and in this condition it appeared to the Court that the Deft. found complainant and took his money, which he knew he had.

1753 LODGING HOUSE ROBBERY Court Record, McAdory Page 183:

May 30, 1753
In the record of the trial or examination of Rex vs Samuel Hardin some facts are stated going to show that William Chavers kept a lodging house or tavern in Granville Co. The Complainant Henry Webb says: "he went to the house of William Chavers," that he had some money with him in his purse, which he delivered "William Chavers, to be lock'd up in his Desk." In deposition of Elias Downs it is stated that "Chavers said to Webb, master you had better let me have your Money to put up for you." Downs also testified that the money left on Webbs person was stolen by Harding; and that on being asked to aid in searching him, Chavers said: "I am a Black man, & don't care to undertake such a thing." Hardin was committed to Goal. It appears clear that they were all at Chavers as a Lodging house; and that Chavers was black.

The testimony established that Samuel Hardin had two brothers, Gabriel and William. William was living in Virginia. In a will of 1732 written in Brunswick County, Virginia an older Samuel Hardin had left the family estate to a son William (effective after the widow's death). William was not among the older man's three elder sons because he was grouped in the will with an unborn sibling. An unborn sibling tells us Samuel had married a younger second wife, who was not the mother of the three eldest sons and possibly not of William. The birth of William could have been the cause of the first wife's death. The Gabriel mentioned in the testimony was an older brother, it appears from tracing his movements and land purchases. Samuel Hardin, junior, was one of the three older sons. The third eldest son was probably Thomas Hardin who stayed in Granville County. The three elder sons inherited 640 acres in North Carolina. Thomas died in 1749, thus the presence of Gabriel and Samuel Jr. in Old Granville County was expected.

The Court of Assize, Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol delivery was, by a 1746 law, held twice a year, once on the fourth Tuesday of October and again on the fourth Tuesday of April in Edgecombe County. After the hearing described above, Samuel Hardin was jailed in June in Granville County to await trial on October 23, 1753 in Edgecombe County. Photo of the text

Timeline of Samuel Harding, Jr. and curious notes

1741 Dec 2. Samuel Harding bought 100 acres adjoining his mother's life estate on Fountain Creek.

1743 Aug 3. Samuel Harding to William Powell 150 acres

One year between 1746 and 1748 the partial Granville County Ross Tax List included Samuel Hardin and Thos Hardin.

The GRANVILLE COUNTY, NC Ross Tax List was contributed by Eric Hartsfield, who deduces from other tax lists those who were taxed 1746-1748. Hartsfield's notes: Both of these lists are undated but I believe, after comparing names, that they predate the 1749 Lemuel Lanier list...

1747 Oct 1. SAMUEL HARDIN & MARY his wife of Brunswick County, St. Andrews Parish sold an estimated 100 acres to Adam Sims of same, ?40, on North side of Maherrin, it being part of a Patent obtained by John Jackson February 22, 1724 for 200a.

transcribed by Bradley, Stephen E., Brunswic County, Virginia Deed Books Vol 1-2:

Page 349. Oct 1, 1747 from Samuel Hardin & Mary, his wifeof B and St. Andrew's Parish, to Adam Sims of same, for 40  £ one certain tract of about 100 acres of land in B & St Andrew's Parish on the north side of Meherrin River, bounded on the north side of the wed Path, Adams Sims, John Jackson's patent line, Rockey Run. The land is part of a patent obtained by John Jackson on Feb 22, 1724 for 200 acres. Signed - Samuel (his mark) Hardin, Mary Hardin. Wit - John Douglas, Linton Hales, Rebecca (her mark) Jackson. Recorded Oct 1, 1747.

Bradley, P 562. May 1, 1749 from TYhomas Powell Sr of B, planter, to William Powell of B, planter, for divers good causes and for 5 £, one certain tract of land of 100 acres on the northside of Fountaians Cr in B, and bounded by the mouth of "a bottom as formerly appointed", said Thomas Powell's back line, Samuel Hardin. Signed - Thomas (T. his mark) Powell. Wit - John Wall Jr, Dionysius Wright. Recorded Jun 1, 1749.

Bradley, p563. Dec 18, 1748 from John Linch of Granville County, North Carolina, to William Hardin of same, for diverse good causes and for 50 £, one certain tract of 130 acres of land on the north side of Fountain Cr in B, and bounded as by the respective patent. Signed - John (Wiliiam) (note 8 ) <x his mark) Linch. Wit - John Carrill, Edward Crews, George (his mark) Person. Recorded Jun 1, 1749. (Note 8: The 1st signature says William Linch, but the 2nd signature and all other references to the grantor are to John Linch.)

Bradley, p. 562. May 1, 1749 from Thomas Powell Sr of B, planter, to William Powell of B. planter, for diverse good causes and for 5 £, one cergain tract of land of 100 acres on the north side of Fountain Creek in B, and bounded by the mouth of "a bottom as formerly appointed", said Thomas Powel's back line, Samuel Hardin. Signed - Thomas (T his amrk) Powell. Wit - John Wall Jr., Dionysius Wright. Recorded Jun 1, 1749

1753 May 30.  Samuel Hardin Jailed in Granville County after a robbery in Granville County followed by a hearing. He was sent in October to trial in Edgecombe County, NC. I don't know the outcome of it. It is possible that Samuel Hardin, Jr. was executed, given the harsh nature of British law and the suit of his estate in December 1754 detailed above. If he had an estate, it means he was deceased. The timeline of his trial and death would be 

1753 - jailed  in Granville County.
1753 May 30 - Hearing in Granville County.
Oct 23, 1753 - Seheduled date of the Court of Oyer and Terminer in Edgecombe County.
Samuel Hardin died or was put to death between Oct. 23, 1753 and December 1754.

Dec 1754 - Deceased and his estate's property was ordered sold to pay debt due William Eaton.

The notes below are supplied for further research, but I am inclined to believe our relative perished and the notes refer to others.

1760. A Thomas Horton, associated with Samuel Horton, was a taxpayer in Bute County.

1766. A Samuel Horton and a Thomas Horton are taxpayers in Bute County. (See tax lists on Samuel Hardin, Sr. page)

1771.  A Samuel Horton is a taxpayer in Bute County.

Future research: The trial of Samuel in Edgecombe County County would have been October 23, 1753 according to the schedule, before the Court of Oyer and Terminer. I find no court records. The minutes of The Court off Assize and General Goal Delivery for Edgecombe, Northampton, Granville, and Orange Counties, Book 1, 1744 - 1762 of the records, exist. Vol 23 contains 1749 and 1715. However I saw no records of 1753. These exist in the NCSA (North Carolina State Archives) but I've not seen them: Granville County Minutes, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1754-70; Edgecombe County Court Minutes, 1757-72. (For more court records extant see "Notes to Page 81" on p. 333 in "Slavery in North Carolina, 1748-1775") by Kay and Cary, pub. Nov 9, 2000, UNC Press.)

*Some 1790 census results come from The State Recods of North Carolina, Vol XXVI, Census 1790, page 89 et seq.; 1790 Tax Lists for Chatham Dist. p. 1294, Tax records substitutes p. 1261 for Granville 1788 and Orange 1790.