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Tennessee Hardins

Tennessee Introduction

On this page I will place records of I1-M253 "Norse" Hardins in Tennessee, especially those without a page of their own or shared with their father. Miscellaneous Tennessee information -- odds and ends not otherwise placed -- can also be found here.


This page includes speculation for discussion among reseasrchers of this family. It is not finished genealogy tied up in a ribbon for harvesting. Corrections and better explanations are requested by the author, Travis Hardin at ke3y at comcast dot

The ancestor of this family appears to be Samuel Hardin of Brunswick County, Virginia (will 1732). He had five sons, in  general order of senority Gabriel (bef. 1715), Samuel, Jr. (1715), Thomas (abt. 1716), William (abt. 1725), and John (1733). Thomas died in 1747 in Granville County. Samuel died 1753 in Granville or Edgecombe County. Gabriel, William, and John migrated beyond Granvllle and lived their lives in central North Carolina.

Some Hardins remained in Granville County who are offspring of the deceased brothers.

Many of our Hardins migrated from the Carolinas to Tennessee and Alabama starting around 1800. Yet  many have not been traced back to their families in the Carolinas.

There are many candidate parents: From John Hardin who was in Montgomery County, North Carolina in 1790 -- perhaps the same man some have called John R. Hardin (I have no evidence for the "R") -- came Moses Hardin and his wife Sonia to Lincoln County. His sister Temperance Hardin married Bolin and lived her life in Grundy County, Tennessee. Family lore passed on by others in the former Hardin Family Association, and in 1930s genealogies, claim for John Hardin four other sons by two wives.

Gabriel Hardin (1714) had nine heirs when he died in Randolph County, NC. Half a dozen have been named. What happened to the others? Of the half dozen named, I do not know of most of their children

Gabriel Hardin, the believed nephew of the above, arrived in Pendleton District, SC in 1787 with  seven boys and one girl. Two boys Griffin and Aaron are identified and the youngest seems to be Hiram. The rest may be in Tennessee or Alabama, unidentified. Let me emphasize: Four of Gabriel Hardin's sons are unknown, and they likely setted in or near Tennessee.

William (b. about 1725), the younger brother of the oldest Gabriel, I believe lived near him in Moore County, NC. We can guess that William Hardin who went to Washington County, Tennessee in the northeast corner of the state, was William Hardin Jr. from Moore County. The rest of William Hardin's children are a mystery to me.

Isaac, an older son of Gabriel (1714) had chidren who scattered over the South from McMinnville County, Tennessee. Many I have not worked very hard to identify.

In summary, I believe there are many of our family of I-M253 Hardins who settled in Tennessee, Alabama, and vicinity, who have not been matched by existing evidence with their parents back in the Carolinas.

Letters waiting in the post office and other early Tennessee notes

Wm. B. Hardin, George Harding. April 1 1820, letters remaining at Fayetville post office. Nashville Whig 10 May 1820, at

Moses Hardin. 29 Sep 1821, letters remaining in the Fayetville post office. Unrecorded Tennessee newspaper at

Moses Hardin. In "a list of letters remaining in the post office in Fayetteville, Tennessee on the first of July 1825. Unrecorded Tennessee newspaper at

1815 delinquents [North Carolina statewide], Chatham County: "John Manter, 776 acres ...some on Hardin's Creek..."  Weekly Raleigh Register 11 Apr 1817, at

Hardin Marriage Licenses and Bonds, Carter County, Tennessee to 1889

Taken from the handwritten originals. All issued at Elizabethton.


2 Apr 1859 Eli Harden m. Josiphen Poore
Bond by Eli Harden (mark) and David J. Elliott (sig)

18 Jan 1887 Eli Harden m. Eliza M. Akles. Marriage 20 Jan.

27 June 1925 Elie Harden m. Wlie Grindstaff

17 Mar 1916 Elya Harden m. Hassie Carver

9 Oct 1858 Elyah D. Harden m. Caroline Potter

2 Jan 1852 Elyah D. Hardin m. Lydia Forbes

11 Feb 1857 Elya D. Harden m. Antoinetta Stover

21 Feb 1869 E. D. Harden m. Clary Healon.
Security E. D. Harden and Edgecomb Meritt(?)

8 Mar 1879 George W. Harden m. Eliza Delsach

9 Jul 1831 Henry Harden m. Elizabeth Bowers
(increase gamma to see bride’s name under tape)

4 Aug 1883 Joseph Harden m. Martha Duger
form: He: age 20, b. Carter Co., lived at time of marriage Carter Co., 9th district, occupation farmer.
She: age 20, b. Carter Co.
H.H. Dorless, Watauga, Tenn
A.J. Bowers, Watauga
J.L. Bowers, Jr., Watauga
official: Justice of Peace Van Huss

24 Jul 1874 James C.Harden m. Cathie Whitaker
Security James C. Hardin, John Gnademan(?)

29 Nov 1878 John N. Harden m. Sally Hinkle

12 Aug 1886 John N. Harden to Sarahfina Wilson

14 Sep 1853 William Harden m. Ann Jane Nave

25 Feb 1867 Alvin P. Hardin m. Eveline Peters

24 Dec 1840 David W. Hardin m. Elizabeth Johnson

6 Oct 1866 Eli Hardin m. Elizabeth Peters

9 Jul 1831 Henry Hardin m. Elizabeth L. Brooks(?)
Bond Henry Hardin, John N. Hardin, Henry Nave, John C.(or N.) Maillem
frame 2845 of 3317

26 Jul 1835 Henry H. Hardin m. Catherine Nave.
Bond Henry H. Hardin, Lenord Nave.

10 Oct 1866 John Hardin m Ellen Bowers

2 Jan 1827 John Hardin m. Mary Fletcher.
Bond by John Hardin, David Ward (signatures of both)

10 Oct 1870 John H. Hardin m. Mary E. Grindstaff
Security Alfred J. Berry

4 Dec 1861. Bond 24 Nov 1861. Jordin C. Hardin m. Julia C. Williams.

24 Feb 1874 James C. Hardin m. Caroline Whiteacre

9 Sep 1842 Isaac L. Hardin to Sarey (Sarah) Oliver   

2 Oct 1819 James Hardin m. Lodica Snyder
Frame 2880 of 3317

Source:, “Tennessee, Marriage Records, 1780-2002" Carter>1756-1950: Marriage License Bonds (Ge-Ha)

2 Oct 1819 James Hardin m. Lodica Snyder
Frame 2880 of 3317

2 Jan 1827 John Hardin m. Mary Fletcher.
Bond by John Hardin, David Ward (signatures of both)

9 Jul 1831 Henry Harden m. Elizabeth Bowers
(increase gamma to see bride’s name under tape)

9 Jul 1831 Henry Hardin m. Elizabeth L. Brooks(?)
Bond Henry Hardin, John N. Hardin, Henry Nave, John C.(or N.) Maillem
frame 2845 of 3317

26 Jul 1835 Henry H. Hardin m. Catherine Nave.
Bond Henry H. Hardin, Lenord Nave.

24 Dec 1840 David W. Hardin m. Elizabeth Johnson

9 Sep 1842 Isaac L. Hardin to Sarey (Sarah) Oliver 

2 Jan 1852 Elyah D. Hardin m. Lydia Forbes

14 Sep 1853 William Harden m. Ann Jane Nave

11 Feb 1857 Elya D. Harden m. Antoinetta Stover

9 Oct 1858 Elyah D. Harden m. Caroline Potter

2 Apr 1859 Eli Harden m. Josiphen Poore
Bond by Eli Harden (mark) and David J. Elliott (sig)

4 Dec 1861. Bond 24 Nov 1861. Jordin C. Hardin m. Julia C. Williams.

6 Oct 1866 Eli Hardin m. Elizabeth Peters
10 Oct 1866 John Hardin m Ellen Bowers

25 Feb 1867 Alvin P. Hardin m. Eveline Peters

21 Feb 1869 E. D. Harden m. Clary Healon.
Security E. D. Harden and Edgecomb Meritt(?)

10 Oct 1870 John H. Hardin m. Mary E. Grindstaff
Security Alfred J. Berry

24 Feb 1874 James C. Hardin m. Caroline Whiteacre

24 Jul 1874 James C.Harden m. Cathie Whitaker
Security James C. Hardin, John Gnademan(?)

29 Nov 1878 John N. Harden m. Sally Hinkle

8 Mar 1879 George W. Harden m. Eliza Delsach

4 Aug 1883 Joseph Harden m. Martha Duger
form: He: age 20, b. Carter Co., lived at time of marriage Carter Co., 9th district, occupation farmer.
She: age 20, b. Carter Co.
H.H. Dorless, Watauga, Tenn
A.J. Bowers, Watauga
J.L. Bowers, Jr., Watauga
official: Justice of Peace Van Huss

12 Aug 1886 John N. Harden to Sarahfina Wilson

18 Jan 1887 Eli Harden m. Eliza M. Akles. Marriage 20 Jan.

17 Mar 1916 Elya Harden m. Hassie Carver

27 June 1925 Elie Harden m. Wlie Grindstaff